Americans Try Kimchi for the First Time!!

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Yesterday we took a bunch of our friends out in Chicago to try one of the highest rated Chicken Shops in the States - a Korean Fried Chicken place called Crisp! And as a Korean restaurant - they gave us Kimchi with our Chicken, and so they gave it a try!

어제 저희가 시카고에서 친구들과 함께 미국에서 가장 높은 평을 받은 치킨집인 크리스프라는 한국 치킨집에 다녀왔는데요! 한국 식당인만큼 치킨이랑 김치를 같이 주시더라고요. 그래서 다같이 한 번 먹어봤답니다!

Written and Directed by Josh and Ollie
Producer/Editor: Grace Park
Producer/Editor/Translator: Hyemin Lim
Technical Director/Editor: Mike Kim
Editor/Translator: Sejun Lee
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Never understood why people act so weirded out when they hear the word 'fermented' .... ^_^. People have been fermenting things for millenia now, europeans included. Pickles, cabbage, peppers and the list goes on and on. How else would you expect people to eat during winter when they had no refrigerator :). Let alone every alcohol there is. Is it because people in western countries don't do it anymore? I know eastern Europe does it a lot even now


I'm an American, and the first time I tried kimchi I was like "wow... where have you been my whole life?" I love the stuff.


Their befuddled expressions when Josh said it was fermented cabbage. I mean... what do think pickles are? They're pretty much fermented cucumbers lol.


The first time I saw kimchi, I had the same reaction as flamingo guy. After I've had it, my mind was just blown at having something that was cold and spicy at the same time. Totally love the sweetness, the crunch, and heat and now I make kimchi fried rice at home.


난 근데 외국인들한테 김치먹이는거 보면 이런생각듬..
한국사람도 그냥 달랑 김치만 먹는사람도 드물고
밥에 김치만 먹는 사람도 드문데 왜 외국인들한테 쌩김치를 먹이는거지??
김치는 요리를 했을때 더 완벽해지는 음식인데 그게 좀 아쉬움


I've been watching so many Jolly videos that hearing the American accents was weird for me...and I'm AMERICAN


Thing is, kim chi isn’t really meant to be eaten just alone. It is a complementary bite to an entire Korean meal, and I think that’s a huge difference. I wouldn’t just pull out a bowl of kim chi and eat it, but having Korean food without kim chi is like having no ketchup or something


댓글에 김치만 주냐고 밥도 같이 줘야지 하는 의견이 많은데 걍 처음부터 김치만 들이밀면 좀 그럴것같긴한데 김치 먹어보기전에 치킨 먹은거 같고 김치도 그냥 한번 맛만 보라고 준거같아요 그냥 1~2점 맛보는 시식코너?같은 느낌의 영상인거같음


한국 사람들도 김치를 그냥 먹진 않는데..밥이랑 같이 먹는게 좋아요. 그냥 먹기엔 맛이 강하고 짜서 위에 부담이...


I’m Turkish and we have something similar like Kimchi which we call ‘Tursu’
When I tried Kimchi for the first time I swear you the taste was so similar to me, it really is similar to Tursu! I immediately loved it and I eat it every week now as side dish! 🇰🇷❤️


I love Kimchi - And I'd have to say Korean cuisine is up there with some of the best in the world - a truly underated, 'hidden' great food culture.
Koreans love their food as much as any European nation. Every region has its own specialies which also has an alcohilic accompaniment. (Koreans also love their alcohol! - in a big way!)
I had a lot of fun during the time I spent in Korea -many great food (and drink) memories!


It's my first time to eat Kimchi.
Got from the supermarket.
Was having high expectation.
It looks good on tv.
But upon opening, it got a strong smell and wierd taste.
I don't know if I just eat it wrong or the brand wasn't that good.


At first bite it's like "woah, thats weird." Second bite is "Hmmmm that's not horrible." Third bite is "That's actually not too bad." Fourth bite is "That's really interesting but not sure if I like it." Fifth bite is "I think I might actually kinda like this." Sixth bite is "I'm definitely liking this." seventh bite is "Damn, I love this stuff!"


As someone who is not korean, the 1st time i had kimchi it tasted really weird as it was an unknown taste like it was sweet, spicy and a little bit sour but strangely the second time you start to like it and now i've become addicted to it like i eat it with everything. it's really tasty.


And the thing is, there are so many different types of Kimchi. Spicy, non spicy, soup, cucumber, fresh, etc... So for one type a person might not like, there are others that they may love. We are 3 Korean American adoptees and did a taste test as well, one of us also ate it for the first time also! Love that you guys did captions though!


I love Kimchi. My friend is Korean and he introduced me to Korean food and I immediately fell in love with Korean food


I’ve always wanted to try it but I haven’t. I lived in a Korean neighborhood for a few years back in 2010. I loved the people, very nice, Family oriented and hard working. Great people. When I would walk by all the cafes during the summer you could smell the Kimchi from the street and it just had an overwhelming smell I did not like. So, it prevented me from trying it.


김치가 한국 대표 하는 음식은 맞지만 초 중 고등학교 시절을 돌아 보면 맛있어서 먹었다기 보단 어쩔수 없이 반찬으로 나와서 먹다보니 익숙해 진경우가 한국인이 더 많습니다. 초중고등학교 점심 시간을 돌아 보면 김치를 맛있어서 먹었다는 기억을 주변 친구들과 느낀 경험은 거의 전무한거 같고요. 거의 먹지 않은 친구들이 더 많았습니다.  한국인도 이정도 인데 당연히 외국인 경우 김치 자체를 처음 맛보면 긍정보단 부정이 많은것을 충분히 공감 하고요 ㅎㅎ 김치는 분명 한국 대표 음식 이지만  먼가 단독으론 외국인에겐 어필되긴 굉장히 호불호가 큰음식이죠~  좀 어느정도 길들여져야 맛을 알수 있는 참 묘한 음식이죠~ 한국사람들도 어느정도 나이 들어서 김치를 찾아먹는 사람들이 많습니다. 그전엔 잘 안먹다가요~ 물론 김치를 좋아 하는 사람도 많지만 한국인 이여도 김치를 안좋아하고 잘 안먹는 사람도 엄청 많습니다.


We have fermented cabbage here in America its just not spicy and its called sauerkraut. Depending on where you go in America it's fairly popular and even eaten on New years Day as a tradition brought over from German & Dutch ancestors.


Kimchi is something you need to get used to I agree, but it's so good! ❤️
I remember the first time I heard of kimchi it was in the song "Kimchi _ Norazo" 🤣 that was used in a documentary about South Korea haha and I was like "hum I need to try that!"
