A Day in Life of US Air Force Pilots Operating US Largest Aircraft

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Welcome back to the Fluctus Channel. In this feature, we delve into the captivating world of the C-5 Galaxy, the U.S. Air Force's largest and most impressive airlifter. Viewers will be taken on an immersive journey, exploring the intricate details of the C-5's design, development, and the pivotal roles it plays in military operations.

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I've read many of the comments below here, and there are so many posts from men that served, and spent time working on this incredible aircraft in service to our nation.

I'm so impressed with all that you each had done in your daily working lives on these aircrafts. Greatest respect, and sincere thanks to all of you, and all that served and are serving.

God bless each of you everyday, in every way.



I worked for an airline - Horizon Air - for a few years in the 1980s at Kingsley Field in Klamath Falls, Oregon. Kingsley field is a mix of military, commercial and private operations but is primarily an ANG base. It has a colorful background as a military base and utility center and as such, many types of aircraft have passed through, stopping for fuel etc.

Kingsley Field also has one of the largest runways in the Northwest at over 10, 000 ft. long.

So in about summer 1985, maybe 1986 I don't remember for sure I was out on the ramp one day enjoying the sun and lo & behold in came a C5A Galaxy! After it was parked & shut down & crew disembarked, I cautiously approached and asked if I might be able to get a quick tour of the aircraft. The fellow whom I talked to was very nice and said "Sure thing, right after lunch!". So I went to my ticket counter and then about an hour or so later I got my little quick tour :). Was SO cool!. I got to walk through the whole length of the aircraft, got a quick peek into the cockpit, got to see engines up close, etc.

The guys were really enjoying their jobs and it showed. A few hours later, the C5A departed. I'll never forget that day.


I was a c141 crew chief a c5 landed at the base once got to check it out and fuel her up and launch it I was totally in awe at its immense size and the wicked sound it made.


While cam0ingxat the racetrack in Dover Delaware, we saw a C5 coming in for a landing. It was making a low slow final turn toward the runway and was only several hundred feet adove us. It was impressive and I'll never forget it.


Very impressive technological prowess, pilot dedication, training programs, and maintenance personnel. this makes one think that America's influence is still prevailing.great content 😎👍


My Dad worked on the original C5-A. I have a framed picture in my house of the first flight with the signatures of the test pilots and lead engineers. My Dad was extremely proud of this aircraft. He loved his job at Lockheed Georgia.


1969, Yokota AB Japan, it was so big, watching take-off roll, it can't possibly be going fast enough to it did


Thank you all for your attention to detail. It is impressive.


Thought I'd see real questions about Fred. Had a few beers on one once.


, , Sooner there will be a larger than that.👏👍😍


I flew on one a very smooth flight we did even know he landed they came up and told us we could get off now 😊


Glad it's just a day in the life of the pilots. Not the Engineers, Loadmasters, Nav, Crew


In the spirit of the AC-130, C-5 as a UAV (or manned aircraft) swarm "mother-ship". with a 41, 000ft. ceiling, quite the standoff behemoth.


I've got two. A pink one and a yellow one. Just a bugger when I get a flat tire.


Very cool but also very little on the life of the pilot....


1:25 The General looked a lot like Speaker Boehner.


Sadly most of the C fives are sitting out in Tucson Arizona.Sad


Timestamp 7:54: I worked on this tailnumber at Altus AFB, Okla, from 1975 to 1978. Then it retired to Davis-Monthan AFB, AZ.


Me : damn Airbus landing gear is unnecessarily complex …
C-5 : hold my beer …


Still waiting for “the day in a life of a pilot”…..
