COT x Music #1: Introduction by Dr. Tomas Veloz

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COT x Music seminar #1:
Introduction by Dr. Tomas Veloz
12 February 2021
The "Origins of Goal-directedness" is a large research project of the Center Leo Apostel, supported by the John Templeton foundation. The project uses the formalism of Chemical Organization Theory (COT) to model self-organization and the emergence of autopoietic systems. Dr. Tomas Veloz is the co-leader of the project, together with prof. dr. Francis Heylighen. He is also organizing a new research group to investigate how the reaction networks of COT could be used to generate music.
In this first public seminar Tomas will introduce the basics of Chemical Organization Theory (COT) in a non-technical manner. Examples will be analyzed to illustrate how these notions can be applied to represent the emergence of non-trivial behavior in musical systems.
Dr. Tomas Veloz has a PhD in Interdisciplinary Studies and an MSc in computer science, with majors in mathematics and physics. He is one of the few experts worldwide in COT, who has proven mathematical results such as the decomposition theorem and the existence of quantum-like organizational structures. Over the last years, he has developed novel algorithmic methods to make the analysis of organizations computationally tractable.
This event is a part of a new online seminar series: COT x Music which discusses interdisciplinary research between the Chemical Organization Theory and Music/Arts. Organized by the Templeton & ArtScience research groups, Center Leo Apostel, VUB.
Introduction by Dr. Tomas Veloz
12 February 2021
The "Origins of Goal-directedness" is a large research project of the Center Leo Apostel, supported by the John Templeton foundation. The project uses the formalism of Chemical Organization Theory (COT) to model self-organization and the emergence of autopoietic systems. Dr. Tomas Veloz is the co-leader of the project, together with prof. dr. Francis Heylighen. He is also organizing a new research group to investigate how the reaction networks of COT could be used to generate music.
In this first public seminar Tomas will introduce the basics of Chemical Organization Theory (COT) in a non-technical manner. Examples will be analyzed to illustrate how these notions can be applied to represent the emergence of non-trivial behavior in musical systems.
Dr. Tomas Veloz has a PhD in Interdisciplinary Studies and an MSc in computer science, with majors in mathematics and physics. He is one of the few experts worldwide in COT, who has proven mathematical results such as the decomposition theorem and the existence of quantum-like organizational structures. Over the last years, he has developed novel algorithmic methods to make the analysis of organizations computationally tractable.
This event is a part of a new online seminar series: COT x Music which discusses interdisciplinary research between the Chemical Organization Theory and Music/Arts. Organized by the Templeton & ArtScience research groups, Center Leo Apostel, VUB.