Why Most People Will Never Be Able To Retire

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Most of you won't be able to retire and this is why.


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Most of you won't be able to retire and this is why.


It's always been your personal duty to take care of the future you. Being unable to retire has always been most people's fate.

In spite of what this video says, a majority of older workers, especially boomers - depicted here livin' large in the back yard - did not save or invest for their retirement either. (also the interest rates on that $30, 000 house were roughly between eight and ten percent at a time when the average salary was in the $15K to $20K range)

Their parents and grandparents were no better. The few Pensions and defined benefit plans that existed were historically minor and often went bust (or were cancelled) before workers could claim them. Social Security was created in the 1930s so that there wouldn't be old people dying in the streets. (this is not a joke)

The reality has always been that if you want to retire, you need to spent less than you earn, start saving/investing early, get the most use out of what you (sensibly) purchase and don't buy what you don't actually need.

Lastly, most people had side hustles or two income households to help accomplish this. This I know from experience.


I never see myself actually retiring. I’m a worker. Even if it’s not working for someone else. I will forever work for myself.


Its not about not working at all. Its about having the freedom to do whatever you want with your days. Whether you want to work on something or lying on the beach it doesn't matter. What matters is you have more time and freedom to do it your way. My own future ❤


Work forever is a fantasy, most people will be disabled far before death. My MIL is signed off on disability for 20+ year after getting laid off and was too old to get another job.


I won't call it retirement, I'm gonna continue to pursue my passions, hobbies, career, beyond the retirement age and working for myself


As an elder millennial, one of the few advantages is having lived through the Great Recession. My advice. Reduce unnecessary expenses, increase your savings by investing in financial markets and do not sell. One thing I know for sure is that diversifying your income can help insulate you from much of the craziness going on in the world.


My own future. I am retired and still saving and investing at my own leisure; because anything can happen and you have to be prepared.


Taking the first step is the hardest, but 7 house later living off passive income since June 6, 2016. You’ve got to start taking steps to achieve your goal.


Retiring is other thing and financial retirement is another thing, for me retirement means that I'll no longer work for earning for my survival, i can do whatever my hobby is and what i enjoy, rather than worrying for money 💰


My Own Future! I live in NZ and I'm very grateful to find my people esp my mentors who's helping me to get ahead. Listening to Alux almost everyday as well!

Thank you for this video! 🥰


My own future! Even with pensions (the few employers that still take part in this) and 401/457/IRA accounts, living in a post pandemic world is simply not feasible with the plans our ancestors had. This video brought that all into perspective.


Musicians don't retire. Music is life and will work till l move on🙏😄😄


I live in the Netherlands, and globally speaking, we have one of the best pension systems in the world. All the accrued pension remains yours, even if you are laid off six months before your retirement starts. And you also save automatically through the state for a state pension. Nice, isn't it?


Even if I retire poor, I'll definitely retire. Not work until I drop


Way to go ALUX! Today's #quickquitting generation needs this WAKE UP CALL! I have been a full time entrepreneur then serial entrepreneur since 1973! Also I have NO intention of RETIRING! My experience with my Dad's death only SIX MONTHS after retiring changed my mindset!


Millions of people retire every year with basically no savings. So....yes, you will be able to retire.


I'm 36 and already retired once at 30 but I wanted more than a minimalist lifestyle. So I started my own business and now plan to retire at 50-55, unless I decide to keep working because I enjoy it more than having free time to do other things. I already bought some land in another state and will be building a house and workshop there soon. That's my retirement, the second one at least. I took charge of my own future and made the future I wanted.


I really wish they would make social security optional. I’d love to opt out but unfortunately we can’t opt out of this government mandated Ponzi Scheme.


At around one minute you say something many people misunderstand. "The average life expectancy was 45." What pulled it down so low was infant mortality and childhood diseases. If someone got into their 20s they had a really good chance to live into their 70s, 80s, or even 90s. For example, one hundred years before, the signers of the US Declaration of Independence lived well documented lives. About half got into their 70s and of them, five got into their 90s.
