I Tried TMS Therapy for 60 Days to Reduce Depression and Anxiety. TMS Therapy Review.

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Looking for a TMS therapy review for depression/anxiety from someone who actually went through the entire two months of treatment? In this NON-sponsored Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation review, I will discuss what the treatment is like and whether or not it helped me with anxiety and depression. I received treatment using the "Deep" version of TMS Therapy which can also help someone with OCD.

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TMS saved my life. I was a complete wreck and now (about 2 years later) I have a met a wonderful woman and have an awesome relationship and we have our own home. The TMS does definitely wear off tho. I have noticed some symptoms coming back, especially the energy, so I am looking at doing a new treatment. I'm honestly getting stoked just thinking about it. The energy and outlook change that I got from TMS allowed me to lose 25 lbs and start a side business. My results, as I understand it, are tilted towards the extreme, but I would suggest anyone with recurrent depression give it a shot. It could change EVERYTHING. Keep hope, much love.


Update#2 1/25/22 I've still got no anxiety nor do I feel depressed. I am not weepy & am processing feelings appropriately, meaning I'm still feeling sad or angry or happy or excited at an appropriate level. I do not feel like a zombie with zero emotion. I also feel like things that would have caused overwhelming feelings are now fleeting meaning I'm able to feel sad, but it doesn't consume my whole day & I am able to think it through & move on.

Update #1 I've been completely done with treatment for over a week now. I'm feeling great every day. I would recommend this treatment to anyone who has been on depression or anxiety meds for a long time with no real success. Yes, I had times where I was feeling good throughout the years, but nothing like this. I'm getting up happy every day, doing crafts again, making daily plans, living life!!


just started it a week ago and holy cow i feel so much better. blown away.


My insurance covered it at 100% as preventive care. 13 years of psychiatric intervention 8 failed ssri’s 4 failed anxiety meds, and 3 years of psycho therapy. And a genetic test that eventually showed I couldn’t metabolize ssri’s at all so they weren’t effective. They didn’t have much room to argue with me! Try it people, your insurance might just agree with you


Had my first TMS treatment at the start of April 2023 (now it's 7/6/2023), after a lifetime of mental health problems, which became disabling with symptoms of depression, anxiety, chronic insomnia, and panic episodes since about 2021. Having tried an endless list of anti-depressents, anti-psychotics, ADHD meds, plus who knows what, I had zero improvement. None of the meds had any positive effects (except Avenza really helped with sleep), while many had bad side effects like massive weight gain (Avenza again), loss of libido, lost focus and memory, nightmares, even psychotic episodes, etc. Basically, I've been given evolving diagnoses [Depression, Anxiety, ADHD (disproven), CPTSD] and treatments with virtually nil improvement. Essentially, I had lost all hope for improvement from medical treatment.

Then, whilst in hospital I was offered ECT but opted for TMS as a first, less intrusive, option. So, I was treated with 30 sessions of left-sided TMS and had no side-effects other than some occassional sleepiness, and really no improvement initially. However, a couple of weeks later I suddenly just 'felt better'. The depression was less intrusive, anxiety noticable reduced, and panic virtually eliminated (it used to be daily). Instead I am finding myself motivated to eat right, excercise, and study towards a better future and an eventual return to real life, having been in an isolation bubble for a couple of years now.

I will never truly know if it was the TMS, but it most certainly was worth having a go. And I'll definetly head back for TMS if symptoms worsen in the future. And to be totally clear, I am not 'cured'. I still have depressive episodes, periods of anxiety and intrusive negative thoughts incl. anger and borderline panic, plus the recurring insomnia that affects everything else. But on balance, the TMS did offer noticable (i.e. signifcant and whorthwhile) improvements and I suggest TMS is worth considering for anyone suffering from treatment resistant mental health disorders.

Hope my experience helps some people looking for options. Best wishes to all.


I was feeling hesitant about going through with rTMS after years of depression and anti depressants with no improvements and after covid upgraded to Major Depressive disorder out of nowhere ... after watching this video I am more encouraged to try it out.... I am happy it helped you alot I hope it does the same if not more to me as I am on my final ropes with this painful battle 🙏🏾✊🏾


I appreciate the review and honesty! I've been struggling with depression for years but started only in 2020 with antidepressants. None of them worked or helped ever and I've gone through so many I started to lose hope. My doctor recently recommended we move on to try TMS Therapy so I decided to do research. It's not certain I'll be able to do it I haven't checked with my insurance but I hope it's possible. Been having a rough 2022 so seeing people's honest reviews give me hope.


TMS treatments are not just an annoying "woodpecker tapping on your head."
And no, the level of discomfort does *not* diminish with every session.
I'm just about halfway through my sessions.
I'm not feeling any less discomfort on my head since my first session.
My TMS machine is a Neuro Star machine, which I believe is what most TMS machines are.
Whether I take tylenol or ibuprophen before each session, the level of discomfort is the same.
When I say "discomfort", I do mean some level of actual pain.
My treatments are for 45 minutes, not 20 minutes, so please be aware that this might be the same for you.
Even 20 minute sessions, are in fact, painful.
I have a high level of pain tolerance, and it is...painful....not just "annoying discomfort."
What helps me is talking to the person who is giving me treatments throughout the session, and he is patient with that.
Talking about different subjects *other* than how much this session is hard to get through, is what works for me.
I am committed to finishing every session, and have seen some improvement in my depression and anxiety.
I noticed a very slight difference even after 2 weeks.
Please be aware that your treatment may likely be like mine, and tolerating the pain is part of it.


I've done deep TMS (Brainsway) for mild depression/imsomnia (mild insomnia) and it works, my sleep went from somewhat crappy sleep all my life to getting a minimal baseline of deep enough sleep, its not super deep, but I wake up pretty refreshed. I noticed the difference within 2 sessions, basically needed no caffeine after that in the morning, I didn't track sleep because you don't need to track anything, b/c the difference is significant. I know it's not cheap but it started working within a few sessions, I did the 36 or so treatment sessions, I came in monthly for maintenance, once or twice a month. Caveat, I didn't see any changes after the first few sessions but idk if there were more longer lasting effects from doing 36 sessions which is about how many sessions are prescribed by most clinicians currently. Interesting fact: I stopped the maintenance sessions for two months and my insomnia is back and now I went back did 2 sessions and got my sleep back. Yes, I paid for it out of pocket to avoid having to take meds so that I can eventually get my insurance to cover it (most insurances don't cover TMS right away, you have to go through a few prescription meds before they will eventually cover TMS). Good luck out there.


I’ve tried everything under the sun to get better from depression. On many antidepressants which helped a little but then completely stopped working while I had short term memory loss, weight gain and zero sex drive. You can’t get off antidepressants the withdrawals are horrendous and most doctors don’t listen to there patients they listen to the drug companies who lie through their teeth. I’ll say it again people antidepressants are almost impossible to get off of, they don’t tell you that when u first start them. I’m trying tms on tues, I’ll leave honest reviews when I’m finished treatment


Thank you so much for sharing! We'll be happy if you keep updating 🙏🏼


I’m starting TMS soon for my bipolar depression & anxiety, this is really encouraging to hear! Glad it worked for you!


Ive been diagnosed with depression for over 15 years, on and off meds. Just finishing a complete series of TMS this week and has done nothing for me. No negative side effects other than the loss of time and money (2k for me after insurance).


Unfortunately in my country (Indonesia), the hospital had a few this tools. But Mental Health case still rise by year 😔


Thank you so much for your review. I'm starting in January and I've having second thoughts because noise really bothers me.


Excellent review. Tomorrow's my first session.


Have you ever heard of it working immediately on someone? I had my first session today and I feel so amazing 👏🏼 😌 anxiety and depression gone after one session and I've been dealing with depression for many years.


Very informative. I enjoyed it. Now I am searching for a nice sponcer.


I have had chronic depression and suicidality for 34 years since age 9. I’ve gone through 9 antidepressants without any success, and I’m seeing a therapist & a psychiatrist.

It’s gotten to where severe depression is affecting my work in a significant way, and I feel so guilty for having this illness and making my coworkers suffer because of me. I’m so utterly exhausted from constantly fighting the gravitational pull towards the void for 34 years straight; I just want to let go and disappear.

I went to a TMS clinic for a consultation, and luckily my insurance will cover the treatment so I just have to pay the copay amount ($15) per session, so my out of pocket amount would be $540 which I can handle.

I’m going to try dTMS. With my long history of having chronic depression and my resistance to so many medications, I don’t know how much effect TMS will have on me. But if it has _any_ positive effect, I’ll call it a win.