Johnson unveils plan to avert partial government shutdown

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Although new foreign aid for Ukraine remains uncertain, there's a new offer on the table from House Speaker Mike Johnson to prevent a partial government shutdown. CBS News congressional correspondent Scott MacFarlane has more.

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" It's time to work for America"
" It's time to work for American people"


Most extensive game of kick the can in history.


"Good work, Komrad Johnson. I am very pleased with you." --- Vladimir Putin.


Modern Moses is decoding the oder from higher authority. He has to do tripple encryption to avoid going to same jail as the leader!


Stalling stalling stalling…. They are doing something behind closed doors somewhere …


I want them to fund the affordable connectivity program so my phone bill doesn't go up by $40 next month.


BALANCE THE DAMN BUDGET and PAY OFF THE DEBT. SHUT DOWN THE BORDER. Shut down the useless agencies like dept of education.


Moscow Mike continues to hold an entire nation hostage 🤬


Close the border or close the government as it would be worthless if no borders.


What a kind offer! Mike Johnson's generosity to the American people is boundless! What a guy!
Can't wait til he's gone forever.


Johnson is obviously stalling to help Putin. Johnson received money from Russian nationals in his 2018 campaign in Louisiana. - Newsweek


If they're trying to avoid a partial shutdown, if passed, we still have a partial shutdown. It takes at least two partials to equal a whole one. LOL


Who the heck voted for Repubs?? Sick😅😅


So? They know it’s the republicans fault it always is.


Shut the government down...stop paying these crooks


Kick the can and government in secret - Mike Johnson "at work."


No extension...delay delay, fire Johnson


No matter what they propose, the debt is increasing in every section of our country. Cant keep paying out money and borrowing money to do so....until it all collapses


The United States was founded by real Bible-based Christian conservatives for Bible-based Christian conservatives as a homeland for Bible-based Christians.

The Founding Father, George Washington, and the other founding fathers were all members of the Christian churches of England, but wanted Bible-based freedom of religion to be Bible-based Christian conservatives that lead them to found the Bible-based United States of America.

There was only one political party of Bible-based Christian conservatives. Later, a second political party was added, but having two opposing political parties divided the United States negatively, threatens government shutdowns, causes political party wars, resulting in members placing a higher priority on their political party than their sworn sacred Bible-based oath of public office and the fundamentals of their belief in the Holy Bible as the foundation of forming a more perfect union of one nation under God.

It has caused the United States to be the divided States of America.

The democratic political party was originally Bible-based Christian conservatives, but has divided into atheists, liberals, independents, rebels, immorals, illegals, foreigners who don't believe in the Holy Bible and others that do not respect or believe in the Bible and certainly not their Bible-based oath of office that all must swear a holy Bible-based sacred oath of public office in order to be commissioned into public office and public service unto God and the people of the United States of America.

Those who have rejected God, His Word, the Holy Bible, God has rejected and will curse or destroy them if they don't repent and make atonement for their sin against Him.

If they have rejected God and His Word and God has rejected them, then God's children and people should reject them from public office as they don't qualify to be commissioned by a sworn sacred Bible-based oath of public office unto God and the people of God.

Demoncratics or liberal Democrats are the biggest threat to the future of the United States of America, not only government shutdowns, financial incompetence, and moral bankruptcy.

Obedience to the will (lights and perfections) of One and only, true and Holy God in heaven, our Creator, is the Path_to_Life. Disobedience to the will our Creator is the path to death (darkness). Choose Life.

The atheists or liberal democrats are the incompetent or dishonest political party that can't or refuse to work to get a valid argument based on the whole truth and nothing but the truth with the preponderance of the evidence available to base their vote, decisions and leadership in the legislative and executive branches of government and sometimes the judicial branch when they place political party above their duty and sworn sacred Bible-based oath of public office and public service.

Time and time again, the Democrats in the United States House of Representatives voted 100% the wrong vote and had a 50% chance of getting it right when more than 90% of the Republican Party got their vote right (except for a few liberals or atheists).

The conservative right-wing Republican political party of God is divided by the liberal left-wing Democratic political party of Satan in American politics and government. Too often, it is concerning important decisions about their Bible-based sacred oath of public office and public service.

For instance, the Presidents of the United States of America all swore a Bible-based sacred oath of public office to preserve, protect, and defend the United States of America, but the democrats violate and/or desecrate their Bible-based sacred oath of public office.

The leader of the democratic party, Biden, desecrated his presidential Bible-based oath of public office with his open invitation border policy to the presidents of lawless nations (Mexico, Central America, etc.), illegal immigrants from dangerous atheists and lawless nations without an immigration process for three years causing 300, 000 fentanyl deaths and murders, inviting 18 million illegal immigrants, criminals, drug and human traffickers, liars, thieves, gangs, mercenaries, assassins, terrorists and other illegals to invade the United States homeland and home invasion every 20 seconds causing enormous short-term and long-term damage assessments in both millions of American lives and billions of dollars and substantially increasing the wrong numbers that must be decreased.

God commands purge the evil from among the people. This is an important fundamental command of God to preserve, protect, and defend the innocent and punish the guilty.

There is a valid argument to only have one political party in the United States of America in politics and government again as it was founded with only one political party for unification to be the United States of America.

There is an even greater valid argument that it must be a Bible-based Christian conservative political party.

Based on the voting record history of the Republican Party and the Democratic Party, the Republican Party is Ring-Wing conservative, and the Democratic party is left-wing liberal.

As America's Founders, George Washington and the other founders were and established it to be to form a more perfect union, it must be the conservative Republican Party as a Bible-based Christian conservative political party again to preserve, protect, and defend the United States of America as our Bible-based Christian conservative founders founded it to be.

Then, and only then, will the United States be united to form a more perfect union as the founders wrote in the Preamble of the United States constitution.

Until then, it will continue to be the divided States of America, and the liberals will continue to be the biggest threat to the future of America.

Until then, the atheists or liberal democrats will continue to believe they must be liberals and/or atheists without any Bible-based or valid argument to base their votes, decisions, and democratic divided liberal party cult leadership of the liberal left-wing of Satan against a more perfect union and their Bible-based sacred Oath of public Office and public service.

The democratic political party must be voted out by the United States Congress of America to preserve, protect, and defend the future of the United States and to form a more perfect union.

The atheists and liberal democrats must retire or resign from violating their sacred Bible-based Oath of public Office to remove their curse upon themselves and the people of America.

There must only be one political party again.

Politicians have changed their political party affliation before. Others have changed their political party affiliation several times, from Independent to Democrat to Republican or vice-versa. Political parties are less important and subject to change. Being united as one with one religion with one political party under one God as one nation under God is better to form a more perfect union to become and continue to be the best possible.

It must be a Bible-based Christian conservative political party.

Whether it is called the Conservative party, Republican Party, or something else, what's in a name?

We the people of one nation under God do hereby propose and pass to the United States Congress to pass into law that there be only one political party in America and that it be a Bible-based Christian conservative party called the Conservative Party or the Christian Party or the Republican Party in order to really be the "United States" of America and to form a more perfect union.

And, only Bible-based conservative believers be eligible to be sworn into public office to preserve, protect, and defend the United States of America in order to form a more perfect union and prevent the curse.

One God. One religion. One nation. One people. One political party. One Path_of Life. United as one to form a more perfect Union as one nation under God, our Creator.

This is the vision the United States of America needs again.

It is written that God’s people perish for lack of vision, but God, the Father, sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to give sight to the blind, hearing to the deaf, healing to the mentally and physically ill for them to repent of sin and seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness for Him to add what the people who listen to and obey God really need.

May God bless America.

And may America listen to and obey God the Father, Son, Holy Spirit (The Trinity), and the Holy Bible as the true leaders of the United States of America.


What other country taxes the hell out of its people and sends the money to others countries
