Lightsaber Colors and Their Different Meanings

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Blue is the most common colour amongst the jedi, and was the original colour within the star wars films. Blue blades are wielded by Anakin Skywalker, Obi Wan Kenobi, Kanan Jarrus, Master Sol, and many more.
The reason why most jedi appear to have a blue lightsaber is because it represents loyalty, honesty, justice, and bravery. This is very similar to what the jedi generally stand for so this makes perfect sense. In Legends, the blue lightsabers were wielded by Jedi Guardians who focused mostly on combat, protection and security.

The second most common lightsaber colour that we see is green. Green Crystals were used by Yoda, Qui Gon Jinn, and Luke Skywalker. Green lightsabers were said to symbolise safety, harmony, growth, spirituality, and empathy. This is why we generally saw green lightsabers being wielded by wiser and more senior members of the Jedi.
In legends, green lightsabers were wielded by Jedi Consulars. Similar to canon, a jedi consular is a jedi who has devoted themselves to the mental aspects of the force rather than the physical aspects. These jedi were deep thinkers and devoted students who would study the meaning and inner workings of how the force worked.

Yellow lightsabers were certainly a bit more rare amongst the jedi. These were wielded by Jedi such as Rey, Jedi Temple Guards, Bastila Shan, and Yord Fandar. Yellow Lighstabers were said to symbolise kindness, goodness, and selflessness.
In legends, they were associated with the third and final class of the jedi, who were the jedi sentinel. Jedi Sentinels were a mix of both schools of teaching, however also broadened their skill and knowledge base through the study of computers, security, repair, medicine and demolition.

Purple lightsabers are wielded by Mace Windu and Darth Revan. The purple lightsaber was said to symbolise those that had a strong connection to both the light and dark sides of the force. The purple lightsaber was said to represent protection, nobility and balance. Interestingly, when you mix blue and red, it becomes purple.

Red Lightsabers are used primarily by the sith and other dark side users of the force. Red lightsaber wielders have included Darth Vader, Count Dooku, Sideous, Darth Maul, Kylo Ren, and pretty much every other bad guy or girl who has appeared in the universe, the list goes on.
Red lightsabers represent anger, hatred, aggression, and power. In canon, the Sith will generally take the lightsaber from a fallen jedi opponent, and channel their anger, fear and hatred into it turning itred. This process is called bleeding.
In Star Wars legends, the Sith actually use synthetic crystals as the red crystals do not naturally exist. The synthetic crystals were said to be more powerful than the naturally occurring ones that the jedi use.

White lightsabers are another incredibly rare crystal seen within the Star Wars universe. The most notable wielder of white lightsabers was Ahsoka Tano, after the clone wars.
The white lightsaber was said to represent rebirth, redemption, purity and victory over the dark side. White crystals were also not known to occur naturally, and could be obtained by taking a red crystal that had been bled by a dark side user, and purifying it through the light side of the force. Essentially the reverse of the bleeding process.

A relatively new addition to the star wars universe is the orange lightsaber. The most notable wielders in the canon universe are fallen Jedi mercenaries Balon Skoll and Shin Hati in the Ahsoka series.
Potentially, these lightsaber crystals appeared orange for similar reasons to Mace Windu’s appearing purple. They represented users of both the light and dark side of the force, but with a preference for the dark side. It is important to note that Baylon Skoll and Shin Hati are not sith, but are in fact mercenaries motivated by money, knowledge and power.
In legends, Orange lightsabers were used by jedi who were unconventional and would often operate outside of direction from the Jedi Order.

Perhaps the rarest of all lightsaber colours was black. There was only one known black lightsaber and that was the darksaber. This weapon was created by the first Mandalorian Jedi Tarre Vizla, and was built over a millennium before the clone wars and galactic civil war took place.
After Tarre Vizsla’s death, members of House Vizsla stole the Darksaber from the Jedi Temple during the fall of the old republic. The Dark saber was passed down generation to generation by his ancestors, until Pre Vizsla was killed by Maul who then technically became the leader of Mandalore and head of the Death Watch.
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Green all the way. It was the first lightsaber I saw in theaters when ROTJ came out. I was a 5 yo kid. Still my favorite blade color.


There is one colour that you missed. Silver. In the book "I, Jedi", a story about Corran Horn who was a former Rogue Squadron pilot and learned the Force from Luke (story takes place 7 years after ROTJ). Corran had a silver bladed lightsaber. He was part of the Halcyon lineage and it was mostly his family that used Durindfire crystals to give the lightsaber its silver sheen. Horn's lightsaber was also Dual-phase and could extend to up to 3 meters in length.
I would probably have a purple (or Amethyst) lightsaber since I'm a balance of both light and dark and Amethyst is my birth stone.
Nice video, btw.


Blue - The Hero.
Green - The Guardian.
Yellow - The Sentinel.
Purple - The Anti-Hero.
Red - The Villain.
White - The Spirit Warrior
Orange - The Anti-Villain
Black - The Dark Leader


I like the red and blue. They Contrast nicely. If I had to pick one. Purple.


I would want to have two sabers, one yellow and one blue, with matching hilts


I have always pictured myself as a dark Jedi using two lightsabers. My main hand would be a 1.3 meter orange Lightsaber, in my off hand would be a .7 meter purple lightsaber. I would also carry a vibro blade as a backup weapon.


As long as it's Not blue I would go any color. I hate blue lightsabers with passion. Personally I would go with a yellow lightsaber because I feel a strong connection with it.


I use Cyan when I play Knights of the Old Republic 2. A couple of those make a great swoosh.


Personally I'd like an unstable purple or orange one. I can see the positives of both sides of the force so I'd assume that'd help me get one, but I find the look of an unstable crystal quite cool, especially as guards on the blade are useful.


I would choose the dark saber because people without the ability of forces are able to use it and it takes a lot of strength to be able to wield it physical and mental so not any person can pick it up and use it to their own will. Though if there is a yellow version of the dark saber, I would choose that.


Purple not only is it my favorite color I also like that it encompasses both sides of the force.


Anakin should have had a purple lightsaber, he definitely used his emotions to strengthen his abilities. I wonder if Mace had trained Anakin if he could have controlled his emotions.


I'd probably build a crossguard saber like Kylos then attempt to heal a Red crystal to get white


They call me agent orange. But green is my color. I bleed red, white, and blue. God bless you...


I have been a fan of yellow since seeing Yun's light saber in DF2 Jedi Knight. I am glad to see it coming up more in the current canon. That'd be my personal choice.

Purple is my other favorite. I have always liked how it looked. Mara Jade also used a purple saber in Legends.


I’ve been a fan of the yellow since I saw the Jedi Temple Sentinels in TCW. If I can get a yellow blade in a star wars game, it will be done. Also a big fan of white.


Guilty admission here...

I've occasionally imagined "Adventures" of a Force user making use of European style Epee' fencing with a curved hilt lightsaber. The "Blade" of this lightsaber is a narrow blue blade, but not the blue-white of Canon blue lightsaber blades, but a more subdued shade, almost to the point of azure.

For lightsaber-on-lightsaber fencing, he holds the hilt of his lightsaber near the bottom in a classic Old West style pistol grip so his hands are in a neutral position while the blade is perfectly in line with his forearm.


With a quick flick of his wrists, he can whip the tip of his lightsaber blade from one side of an opponents defense to the other, scoring a quick tap on the back of an opponent's hand; a mark of contact that causes enough injury to disable an opponent, ending the duel mercifully and won't run any risk of killing the opponent (and with medical treatments in the Star Wars universe, they can make a 100% recovery in no time)

When facing blaster fire (or Sith Lightning), he chokes up on the handle, much like Dooku did, and utilize classic Soresu as he uses Force telekinesis to disarm his attackers.

(Like I said, guilty admission here...)


If such a thing existed, it would probably be blue.🙂


Yellow with a curved hilt like Dooku’s.


Mine would be Teal/Aqua, used by Galen Marek and Tenel Ka’djo.
