Python Django CRM Course - Adding leads - Part 2

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In this course, I will teach you basic Django by building a CRM from scratch. I will begin by installing and setting up everything we need, and then build the project piece by piece.


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I liked your coding skills from down to up ☝️


On the leads_list.html, move the bg-gray-100 to the empty quotes to the right in the <p> cycle. The first quotes should now be empty quotes. This makes the even lines grayed. The odd lines will be white. You already have the header having a bg


I made the footer a sticky footer by adding 'fixed inset-x-0 bottom-0' to the footer class. I also made the footer narrower by preference by changing py-8 to py-4. Picky, I know but gives more screen space.


Thanks, the tutorial is well explained in a simple format, but I am having challenges updating the forms for lead and clients.


Stein, first let me start by thanking you for putting this together. This was perfect timing, as I was in need of making my own crm. Nothing I could find available was suitable for my business. I have been following along since part one and everything has been really smooth. I have ran into an issue at 19 :18 in this video. When you created the new lead on the front-end, I followed the steps, but I went back to the admin area and noticed the new lead didn't get committed to the database. I can create a new lead from the admin area with no issues. I was hoping you might be able to provide some insight. I look forward to working my way through the rest of this series. Thank you for sharing this project.


Learning to code is like learning to speak a new language. If you move to a foreign country that doesn't speak your language, and you have to be communicating with the locals on a daily basis, and you start practicing the basics of their language (Local greetings, names of commodities like sugar, butter), a few years down the line, you will find yourself speaking the local language fluently. It just takes time and commitment. You will make a lot of grammatical errors when start out, you will not understand some more complex sentence constructions at the beginning, but with time, it will all start making sense.


Hi Stein, thanks again for an informative and interesting tutorial. one question about the architecture of the project: you are using function-based-view not a class_based_ones - your habit or for educational purposes? Looking forward to your parts to come. Have a Nice Day!


Deleting the lead is dangerous. It is much better to mark a book field as a deleted field or inactive. This ensures history is kept. Reports complete and ensures a recovery path for any accidental removals. A dB command can be used at a later date if the record should be removed but this is done by admins or backend staff which would be rare. They records could be moved to another table for historical data. Prevents recalling cold calling lead again. Of course, you would just filter the view to not show anything marked as deleted.


This video was great o should I say "Nice"?


i m having problems in

(NEW, 'New'),
(CONTACTED, 'Contacted'),
(WON, 'Won'),
(LOST, 'Lost'),
funtion is not defined pylance....plz Help
