20 Giant Creatures Caught On Dashcam

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Have you ever thought about the scary things that could happen while driving in your car? Nowadays, many cars have installed Dashcams that can capture all sorts of unexpected events. But what about people who have seen certain creatures while sitting in their cars? Today, we will show you 20 gigantic creatures that have been captured with the Dashcam.

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Have you ever seen a creature while driving in a car?


Also the Godzilla video, Omg! Lol you can clearly tell that is cgi, especially when the rocks fall in front of him 😂


Not a cryptid, however, on the first night of winter, at exactly 03:00, I had something on video from my home's security camera. About two minutes before 03:00, the snow, started coming down very hard. It was coming down so hard that my home's flood lights grew dim. Right at the very turn of 03:00, my passenger's side door opened. I was parked on the driveway incline. The door opened against the incline, up hill. The camera also caught the glove compartment opening and the center storage opening up as well. Things fell out of the glove compartment and the center storage. The snow then started to fall thinner. The wind stopped and the light on my house was able to get through as bright as usual. What prompted me to check the video was that it door was frozen open when I went outside the next day. The glove compartment was open and so was the center storage box. The contents were on tje floorboard. The glove compartment and the center storage box were frozen open, also. The my tractor and my other vehicle did not have the doors frozen at all. The driver's side door of the effected vehicle was not frozen either and still locked. The cointray was still closed and opened smoothly. There was no snow in the vehicle at all, yet it snowed about 9 centimeters that night. There were no footprints. I also live in an extremely rural area. My nearest neighbour lives 3 kilometers from me. I do not even know her. I kept the video and reviewed it many times. It came to the time that I was going to put the video on portable media, either a flashdrive, or a CD. I went to the security recorder and found no trace the video had ever been on the hard drive. The drive recover utility found nothing for that night at all but recovered some things I deleted the night before that and the night after. The doors on my vehicle are not like a modern vehcie's doors. You have to push in the handle tab and pull. The vehicle has no door springs so it swings freely and can not hold itself if opened against an incline. Yet, it was frozen open. I have no idea what happened. A very faint outline could be seen entering the open door. It sort of looked like a shadow of a bulbous shape with human type arms. But I can dismiss that as traces of ice on the lens of the camera. The camera is a 4k system. The driving snow made it where it did not matter. Watching the video after those six minutes, the snow then just falls steadily, without wind, and very calmly. It was only at right before 03:00 that the snow started coming down hard and the wind started. It ended when it looked like the outline left the vehicle and then the driving snow cleared up and became tranquil. When it did, the shadowy bulbous figure disappeared along with the heavy snow. The door stayed opened and did not move. It only moved right as the clock changed to 03:00. When the figure came out, it looked like it was staring at the camera, perfectly still, as the driving snow began to fade. It slowly disappeared with the heavy snow, and never came back. It is strange that the video is gone because I placed a hold lock on it. I can not even recover it. I know it was really. I must have watched it about 12 times before I decided to try to make it portable. But, I have no proof. This is the only time I have made mention of it. For the record, I have never drank alcohol, done drugs, smoked, nor even hallucinated.


I once saw a cow standing in the middle of the road. It was terrifying.


Hi i love your vids and keep up the good work!!


I love these videos and the narrator sounds like the bargain bin store brand Jack Duncan


One time we were on a trip and I saw a Blank black figure run across the other road near. 😢


i can give a quick summary of the video : digital animation


yep, I often see strange creatures whistling at me while driving...they always force me to stop my car & show my papers, then they give me a ridiculous paper & send me back on the road....bloody creatures !!!


The slender man videos always have me questioning them because the guy came forward who created the slender man so knowing that it’s actually fake makes me a lot of times laugh at those videos lol but if you believe in something so much and so many people believe in it and put so much energy into it then it can create something that we think we’re seeing even though it is most likely our brain just playing tricks lol very good video though!


I spotted one time in my car a tentacle creature it was like cthulhu and it was while I was driving to the beach I spotted it when I was parking the car


A number of these vids look like computer animation to me.


YO-zuh-mite? Good to know. I've been pronouncing it Yo-SIM-i-tee all this time.


Night crawlers = Zigs. They are an insectoid race that look after flora and fauna. A gentle species.


A 12 gauge shotgun will identify the skin walker....


Mrs Richards: "I paid for a room with a view !"
Basil: (pointing to the lovely view) "That is Torquay, Madam ."
Mrs Richards: "It's not good enough!"
Basil: "May I ask what you were expecting to see out of a Torquay hotel bedroom window ? Sydney Opera House, perhaps? the Hanging Gardens of Babylon? Herds of wildebeest sweeping majestically past?..."
Mrs Richards: "Don't be silly! I expect to be able to see the sea!"
Basil: "You can see the sea, it's over there between the land and the sky."
Mrs Richards: "I'm not satisfied. But I shall stay. But I expect a reduction."
Basil: "Why?! Because Krakatoa's not erupting at the moment ?"


I haven’t seen siren head, but I have seen light head


Have seen stranger creatures at the local Jack in the Box! Want fries with that ?


The strange creature looks like a Ankylosarus lol


I find the people in the stock videos you use scarier! 😂
