Who Saved Who?

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Meet Roscoe and learn about his journey from rescue to rehabilitation to finding his forever home. Within minutes, this 14-week old pup stole his new family’s hearts and changed their lives forever. Roscoe’s story makes our heart full, and he is just one of thousands of animals that have come into our care who desperately need a second chance at life, and love.

For all the animals like Roscoe, please consider making a donation to Alaqua today. It will truly be a gift of life, and one that is so critical to our everyday work…especially during these challenging times when our resources are stretched and our funding is down.

#Alaqua #AlaquaAnimalRefuge #ShelterSafetySecondChances #AdoptVolunteerDonate #AdoptDontShop #RescueMe #ForTheLoveOfAnimals #WhoSavedWho
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