Are There Really No Others? - Satsang, Non-Duality

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What a beautiful explanation. Thank you . A few years late in seeing this video. This topic has been such a huge stumbling block here. such a relief. How odd that I've only just come across this message, but struggled with this for so long! Many many thanks. And love to you.


You answered my question GP! Thank you!


This makes me feel lonely and apathetic


Namaste GP! 🙏 Thanks for the video.

I've always had a question: Why do we love the people we love? What would you say about the concept of Soulmate or Twin Flame? Many spiritual masters continue to have personal relationships, so what makes them stay with that particular person when they have realised their True Self & recognised the impersonal love that they are?

Would appreciate your views on this. Thanks 🙏


Ahh thank you so much. This question was driving me nuts. So there are other selves as in other perspectives of the same one God as i am 1 fraction of the same 1 God and once you realise your reality as the one u are all of them and they you. See now my mind plays tricks on me and wonders about parallel realities and infinite unrealised positbilities of thd various different faces of God and wonders if we project the version of others we match and that there are numerous versions of each person too in parallel realities aka states of conciousness. Isnt that futher diversification? Gosh this topic is really really frustrating my mind. Excuse me for thinking out loud.
