How To Grow, fertilize, and Harvesting Figs Tree in a Pot | Easy Ways To Grow Fig - Gardening tips

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How to grow fig indoor? In fact growing fig in pots is easy. You can Growing figs from cutting or buy seedling online. Grow it from cuttings if you want grow faster.

Fertilize fig tree with an inch or two of compost, or you can feed it with manure tea or fish emulsion in early summer. Prune fig tree in the second year, cuts above a node to encourage lateral growth and fruit production.

Some varieties you can choose to grow fig in containers are : 'Brown Turkey', widely grown 'Celeste', or 'Chicago Hardy'. They are known for tolerating cold snaps well. #Gardening #fig #Tips
#fruits #plant #howto

Playlist :
How To Grow Any Fruits :

How To Make a Liquid Organic Fertilizer

How To Grow Vegetables :

Other Video :
- How To Grow Pomegranate In Your Home Garden :

- How to Grow Mango From Seed :

0.29 Fig Tree Varieties
0.48 Choose the pots for fig tree
1.04 Soil
1.21 Light
1.37 Watering
1.58 Fertilizer for fig
2.32 Pruning fig tree
2.58 Harvesting fig fruits.
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Exactly what I needed. Thank you. The music wasn't that bad either. 😂😂


8h of sun ?? in ireland ?? ha ha we are happy to get 8h a week


I am always fascinated on how you turned something into many kind of dishes. They are so mouth watering 🤤! And it's an honor to have you visit our channel, we can discuss more about our experiences in harvesting and building farms.


They grow as weeds where I live. Birds poop seeds in my garden and I get seedlings growing every year.


You probably should have mentioned that the milky latex oozing from the cut branch/fruit stem creates a very irritating substance when exposed to light. Otherwise, a very good, informative video. Thank you.


Keren banget bang, salam satu hoby dari Kotabaru kalsel, moga sukses selalu


I've had a fig tree in a container against a south west facing wall for 2 years and it's hardly produced an inch of growth let alone any figs 😢


Apa benar tanaman ini mempunyai 400 lebih jenis? Bisakah saya mendapatkan informasi tentang jenis jenis ini? Saya sungguh penasaran dan tidak menyangka jenisnya sangatlah banyak sekali, dimana ditempat saya tinggal bahkan tanaman ini masih sangat sangat asing dan kebanyakan orang disekitar rumah saya yang melihat tanaman tin tumbuh didepan rumah saya yang saya tanam 2 tahun lalu setinggi hanya 1 meter kurang karena saya selalu memotong tunas vertikalnya, banyak dari mereka yang lewat dan melihatnya mengatakan " pohon terongnya bagus" dan saya hanya bisa tersenyum kecil mendengar mereka mengatakan itu haha...padahal tanaman ini sungguh bisa hidup begitu subur dengan cuaca yang sangat panas sepanjang hari dinegara saya dan mungkin cuma saya yang menanam pohon tin ini didepan rumah dalam jangkauan luas 1 kota...saya ingin mencari yang jenis lain karena itu saya butuh informasi lebih tentang 400 jenis tanaman ini 🙏


Where could I buy brown turkey fig
In the Philippines?


Can’t some species give fruit from 2 years?


The written information at the end of your video was covered covered by other other video previews.


Your musical video with pictures and tiny words is completely useless to a person with an eyesight impairment, who actually needs to hear words and explanations of what is happening. Your video is of no use for me, or anyone like me with limited eyesight


C'mon man put the tree in the ground, a bit of compost sunshine gypsum and water, and Bob's your sister! 😃
