Harvard Medical: A look at the admissions process

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Many years ago I was at Harvard Law. I was friends with a girl who worked at Harvard Med admissions. One day I went to her office to meet her. She had to work late so I sat there and glanced at some of the applications. I was blown away by how accomplished they were. Not only brilliant but amazing research, awards, talents and abilities. Truly outstanding. Quite frankly it made most of my law school colleagues ( or at least me) pale by comparison. Many decades later one of my daughters attended Harvard Dental but their first two years they do the Med School curriculum plus some extra dental classes. She roomed with and is still friends with two of the Med School students both of whom were extraordinary.


My cousin and I got in. Couldn't be more pleased.


I was feeling bad when I visited this hospital and was quite impressed with the level of care given to me during my stay. I recommend them to the local community and thank them for their personal touch.


My dad went to Mt. Sinai Medical School and taught at Harvard Medical School, safe to say its a great medical school. Brigham is a great hospital one of the best in the world.


Got accepted to Harvard Medical School on a full ride. Graduated years ago in the top!


I’m just 16and my biggest wish is receiving the acceptance of here, it's kind of impossible for me but I would do anything for it.✨


I went in for an interview and they asked what qualifies me to be a student at Harvard med and I told them I had the idea for viagra waaaay before it was ever made.


I am a 40+ year old and already in the middle of my career. Thinking about applying. Graduated (undergrad) in late 90's.


I’ll congratulate anyone who got accepted to an Ivy League school but why does learning have to be so competitive?


A lot of people are saying this is pretentious? This is just an interview with Harvard medical school admissions. They aren't claiming you have to go to Harvard to be a great doctor, or that other medical schools won't land you a great career.


I do very much love this school. I’m in the 8th grade and right now I just really want to try my hardest to get in and if I don’t I won’t give up on my dreams on becoming a good doctor.


since i was in 2nd grade, i've wanted to be a doctor. until 5th i didn't know what kind. but now, going into 6th i want to be a cardiac electrophysiologist. i know it's a long shot, but i deeply want to be it. of all my years in school, i've been in exemplary student. until 5th. i tried to be the cool one, acted out in class, and ended up barley passing math and science. but now that i'm entering middle school, i want to learn as much as i can. i want to excel to the best of my ability. when i enter 8th grade, i'm hoping to get into this medical school near me. in those four years there, i will be taught to prepare myself to go to college. i really hope that i can get accepted into Harvard medical school. it's been my dream since forever. but i know i can't just wish for it. i have to work my butt off to achieve this wild dream of mine. so starting school i will be the best student i can, get outstanding grades, and excel in all my classes. 😁


I’ve got my md degree, but what’s so wonderful about it. As md’s, it’s now a struggle for money, turf wars, and bitter thoughts of having given up your life


I want to go here so badly, i may only be a seventh grader that wants to become a trauma surgeon, but I really deeply want to go to Harvard


This video is pretentious. You can go to Alaska osteopathic medical school of nowhere and still graduate making doctor money, doctor job security, and doctor prestige. Medicine is the one field where your pedigree rarely matters; your skill as a doctor does.


If you’re sole focus is on Harvard medical school, you need to re-evaluate your reasons for becoming a doctor. It’s a no brainer people do it for the paycheck. Medical school is medical school. Some are harder to get into because more people apply there.


How the fk is how you react during the interview reflect on how you will interact with patients in the future. Obviously the interview is a lot more stressful.


I got accepted too but my family donates A LOT OF MONEY TO HARVARD even I have a 4.0 still money talks


@ the 01:30 mark: "...if everyone in the orchestra played the cello, we wouldn't have an orchestra, " --Thank you!


Take an important general lesson kids, it’s not just med school that looks for these interests. It’s all faculties and universities around the country. They love “passion diversity” one may be a painter in the class one may be a singer. Etc. So go learn a skill !
