Steel appeal: Martin Shepherd from Reynolds on Why Steel is Real

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Why does steel appeal still these days?
In this really interesting talk, Martin Shepherd from Reynolds Technologies explains the fascinating characteristics of steel in bike frames.
Discover why this classic material continues to hold a special place in the hearts of cyclists and frame builders alike.

In this captivating talk, you'll learn:

The unique properties of steel that make it an ideal choice for bike frames
How steel’s durability and resilience compare to other materials like aluminum, carbon fiber, and titanium
The myth of weight: Why a few extra grams might be worth the trade-off
Insights into the manufacturing process of steel bike frames
Real-world performance: How steel frames fare in various riding conditions
Personal stories and testimonials from expert frame builders and passionate riders.

Watch now to uncover these super interesting facts about steel and bike frames!
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I had a great chat with Martin at the Made show a couple of days ago. Nice bloke, very knowledgeable.


The Reynolds tubing on my Moulton space frame is a marvel of engineering


10:55 the only bike I currently have is a Raleigh with Reynolds 520... The last bike I had was Reynolds 631.


I like the feel from the bottom backet connection!!


Great effort. Learning a lot about bike packing


Interesting, thanks for uploading...
But did he actually just admit that until an intern turned up 2 weeks ago, Reynolds had never done any FEA analysis?!
And that the only reason 953 has been retired is because of cost?!

So a company known the world over cant afford FEA or bulk buying of raw materials for its flagship tubeset?

I cant imagine a German, Japanese or Chinese company admitting to that in a public forum!

The UK desperately needs a (long term) Industrial Strategy! Utter nonsense that a company with a name like Reynolds cant realise their potential...why dont they have access to a whole team of advisers and engineers who could assist? Why isnt there a UK development bank that could provide long term soft loans to enable them to bulk buy raw materials? - the (negligible in the big picture) investment would pay for itself and then some in the long run....Thatchers policies have a lot too answer for!


I have a few bikes with Reynolds tubing, 531 & 753 from the 70s & 80s.


The current MADE shoe over in the US has many steel builders doing amazing stuff.


All my bike have been made with Reynolds tubing. I now own a stainless steal Reynolds frame.


We have a Peugeot Perthus Pro Reynolds 753r, Peugeot 531c Reynolds x 3 Road Bikes and Holdsworth Reynolds 531cs Tubing. all with down tube shifters, rim brakes, Reynolds For The Win. 🤙🤙


As a massive fan of Reynolds and steel frames in general, it's a crying shame that 953 was put on hold.
Secondly, if Reynolds had the sort of marketing shove that some US companies have I really believe they could use the environmental factors to their advantage resulting in more sales, more holdings, the reintroduction of 953 and who knows where from there.


ive worked on several vintage 531 chassis jags including 3 different d-types (one owned by Nicholas cage!). the welds on those cars are absolutely terrible. not as bad as what ive seen on vintage lamborghinis though. the frame on a countach looks like what i did with a stick welder when i was a kid.


Steel clad with aluminium reinforced with carbon is one way to go 😮


I thought the last steel bike to win the tour was a Pinarello badged Dario Peggareti, built with Columbus.


Not Tom Simpson. That's our boy, Greg LeMond who is very much alive.


... and modern steels are actually lighter than aluminium, and even some titaniums, but you have to keep them painted properly.


Steel frames with lugs are superior and stronger than butter steel frames .. A lugged steel frame is a proper steel frame ...


Why is there such a huge concentration on CO2 "pollution?" It's not actually pollution, it's literally necessary for plants to survive.... I'm not sure if you've noticed this, but plants are necessary for US to survive, and all other animals for that matter...


🤔If i might be so bold, to question the value in this . Since it is not a particular objective point of view...


I've owned and ridden steel, Aluminum, TI and carbon bikes. But my favorite bikes are my steel bikes. They're the ones I've kept long term. But the only Reynolds steel bike I have is a handmade fillet brazed OX Platinum hardtail (Paul Taylor).
