Vascular Disease and Social Security Disability

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My experience has been that Social Security disability cases involving vascular diseases are likely to be approved by Social Security judges. Vascular diseases include conditions that involve the circulatory system, such as:

-DVT (deep vein thrombosis)
-Chronic venous insufficiency
-certain kidney diseases
-blood clots

It is not difficult to understand why diseases of the circulatory system will create significant work limitations. Patients often must avoid staying the same position for more than 30 to 60 minutes which necessitates excessive breaks from work. Other patients must keep their legs raised to avoid pooling of blood and clot development, which requires positioning not compatible with most employment settings.

Almost every vascular client I have represented also has difficulty with attention and concentration, due to fatigue, depression or as a direct consequence of their condition (i.e., a stroke). These cognitive issues also interfere with work capacity.

In this video I discuss my favorable experience with vascular conditions along with the need for supportive medical evidence. If you have applied or are thinking about applying for disability because of one of these conditions, please feel free to contact me with any questions.

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============== FREE CASE EVALUATION =============
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=================== CONTACT ME =================
Jonathan Ginsberg
Social Security Disability Attorney
Telephone: 800-890-2262
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My husband have chronic venous insufficiency, may I aske sir how Long it takes for a process so he can have money for his medication.he is now 59 no work for almost 5, years


Then why, may I ask, do these conditions get denied at the initial level, and the RECON appeal; and they have to appeal before an ALJ?


My Dad was told by the doctors that he could not work for six months.


sir I have 2 questions for you, are you allowed to have a attorney outside the state, I'm in Beeville tx, and if so can I give you my medical record number through email so you can check them out, I'm the one with avascular necrosis, had it since the age of 13. my body is just broken. this disease doesn't stop and its just gotten worse ever since,   I literally meet musculoskeletal system , cardiovascular system , and hematological disorder, even social securitys personal CE told them to consider MRIs  and full CBC but of course they didn't do it . and the determination letter they sent me it literally said that some jobs are impossible and that I do have limitations, that's a good thing, I got the hard part out the way by myself,  but now I just have to prove to them that every job for me is impossible, they didn't even use my past medical records that shows all my MRI and X rays and over like 4 years of check ups,   but this is why I'm asking u sir if I can shoot you a email with my info so you can take a look


ive had avascular necrosis since the age of 13 I'm 25 now,   I had to take chempotherapy cause of my leukemia I had, then I got this bone disease, alot of my bones and joints have already collapsed and I do have paper work for that proving this. I got denied my first case. I guess my question is, what is your experience with these cases?  avascular necrosis is a lack of blood supply . that's a pretty serious problem and I feel it every second of the day . as you stated yourself sir, vascular problems are pretty serious


Hey. I have some questions for you about my problems. I had an extensive DVT and large saddle Pulmonary Embolism in 2011. I suffer from some shortness of breath, anxiety, and other mental issues surrounding being on blood thinners for life and always worrying if the clots will come back and kill me. But these aren't what disable me and keep me from working. The pain from the DVT has never resolved. I do not have any swelling, or leg ulcers. I have some varicose veins (you can tell that my leg is messed up) but the pain from standing for more than 30 minutes, or from walking or doing any type of house work is very disabling. I literally spend all day with my legs elevated at the waist level in order to alleviate pain. Maybe that is why my legs do not swell. I have pain so bad in my right leg that I can't even tolerate wearing a compression sock.

I might be able to work if they let me sit in a lazy boy all day with a phone and a computer next to me. But it is the total events of the regular day that would make me limp and unable to do this day after day. Just going to the pain management doctor for 1 hour, then to the pharmacy, and back home again can leave me with rebound pain for up to three days at a time. Any activity I do, I know I will at for it the next day, many times the same day. If I double up on my pain meds, I can be like superman one day and work for an hour or two, but the next day I am completely done. Even tripling my pain meds on day two will not allow me to function more than maybe 20-30 minutes. I haven't driven a car in 4 years and I used to drive 100k miles a year as a truck driver. My main problem is being so young. They denied me stating that my condition is severe, but not severe enough because I do not have open wounds on my leg. I just have severe pain.

My pain management doctor believes that my condition is caused by a vascular disorder, as I have some residual blood clots in my veins. He also has flat out told me that there is nothing he can do for me. He can't even give me injections because I am a high risk to clot. or to bleed out. He can only continue to give me Norco and Methadone for the pain. He will not fill out an RFC for me though. Neither will the vascular doctor who sent me to pain management for life because there is nothing he can do for me. My Hematologist admits that I will likely be in pain for the rest of my life, but she will not fill out any paperwork for me. She said she will not lie for me. Well, she is the one who said I would be in chronic pain for life, but refuses to help me with my disability case. I stopped bothering her because I don't want to lose her as a doctor. My PCP says my leg hurts because I am fat and to lose weight. I' not sure he will support a disability claim. But to me this completely disables me to the point of living like a 90 year old.

I had an easy job. I used to pick up parts in San Diego (had my own company) and delivered them to Michigan. I loved driving. It was so enjoyable for me that I never even considered it to be work. It was my dream job. I also used to pay very low income tax because of all of the write offs that were available to me. So, to the judge I looked like a slacker, because my last 5 years of work leading up to the clots showed an income of 4k a year after write offs. I made 30-50k a year, but he thinks I was a slacker and looked down on me. He kept asking over and over again why my earnings were so low. Any how, I lost my credits because I waited too long to file, so after I was denied and did not appeal because I was so dejected with the decision. I will not have to go onto SSI. I really wish they would take me more seriously.

I have moderate sleep apnea, fatty liver disease, type 2 diabetes now, depression, anxiety, post thrombotic syndrome, mild COPD, and some possible lung damage from the clots. My DLCO is 46. My Psychiatrist is the only doctor who will fill out a mental RFC, and the doctor they sent me to for an evaluation also said that I could not work. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


I have a question my case is at the determination center right now as we speak how long do they have from the time it gets to the determination center to let you know whether you gonna get it or not
