Clavicle Fractures - Everything You Need To Know - Dr. Nabil Ebraheim
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Dr. Ebraheim’s educational video describes describing the most important points in clavicle fractures. This is a very nice lecture , I WAS EXPERMINTING WITH power point but the content of the lecture is very good. it is like a rare stamp with errors which will get better with time, thank you
Examination of the patient
•Check for deformities and tenting of the skin. •May be impending open fracture. •Watch for distracted clavicle. •Check for possible neurovascular deficit (check for brachial plexus injury). •Be aware that the neurovascular bundle is very close to the clavicle (subclavian vessels are about 1 cm from the clavicle).
X-rays: get x-rays of both shoulders. In the x-rays, you are going to look for shortening, comminution and the z-type fracture.
Risk factors for nonunion, fracture displacement and comminution. shortening more than 2 cm .
Absolute indications for surgery: open fracture, vascular injury and fragment is tenting the skin.
Conservative treatment: most clavicle fractures can be treated without surgery. Patient with undisplaced clavicle fractures usually heals well. It is difficult to reduce and maintain reduction in clavicle fractures. Healing will occur in 85% of patients despite the degree of displacement. if the fracture is significantly displaced, then there is a higher incidence of nonunion and this displaced fracture can cause significant, persistent weakness and disability even if the fracture heals. sling is Used for minimally or nondisplaced fractures of the clavicle. The fracture will probably heel with a small bump (callus of healing). Movement of the shoulder and the arm is not a risk factor for nonunion.
Surgical treatment:
•Comminuted fracture (use buttress plate)•Segmented fracture •z-type fracture •fracture shortening more than 2 cm •fracture displacement more than 100%
nonoperative treatment in these cases will lead to decreased endurance and strength, but the range of motion will remain the same in operative or nonoperative cases.
What type of hardware or surgical implant should be used in fixation of clavicle fractures?
Reduction: 1- superior plate fixation, 2- anteroinferior plate fixation,surgery is usually not easy. Surgery begins by defining the location of the AC joint. Also surgery is dependant on getting good x-rays in the operating room.
Superior plate fixation: no dissection of the deltoid muscle from the clavicle. The superior plate has a mechanical advantage being on the tension surface of the clavicle.
Anteroinferior plate fixation: has the advantage of using longer screws with a safe screw trajectory and less hardware prominence. Has disadvantage of deltoid dissection from the clavicle. The anteroinferior plate may be better tolerated by the patient, especially those who carry loads on their shoulders such as backpacks.
It is better to use a contoured plate. About 30% of the clavicle fixation plates are removed after the fracture has completely healed.
Complications of clavicle fractures: nonunion, malunion.
Complications of clavicle fractures due to fixation
1-Symptomatic hardware (most common complication, will need reoperation)
2-Infraclavicular numbness: complication due to injury of the supraclavicular nerve. There are three supraclavicular branches span out to cover the entire clavicle subcutaneous surface, lateral ,medial & intermediate. Injury to these branches may cause chest wall numbness below the incision. Injury to those branches may occur due to the incision or from traction during surgery. treatment of nonunion of the clavicle is plate and bone graft
Examination of the patient
•Check for deformities and tenting of the skin. •May be impending open fracture. •Watch for distracted clavicle. •Check for possible neurovascular deficit (check for brachial plexus injury). •Be aware that the neurovascular bundle is very close to the clavicle (subclavian vessels are about 1 cm from the clavicle).
X-rays: get x-rays of both shoulders. In the x-rays, you are going to look for shortening, comminution and the z-type fracture.
Risk factors for nonunion, fracture displacement and comminution. shortening more than 2 cm .
Absolute indications for surgery: open fracture, vascular injury and fragment is tenting the skin.
Conservative treatment: most clavicle fractures can be treated without surgery. Patient with undisplaced clavicle fractures usually heals well. It is difficult to reduce and maintain reduction in clavicle fractures. Healing will occur in 85% of patients despite the degree of displacement. if the fracture is significantly displaced, then there is a higher incidence of nonunion and this displaced fracture can cause significant, persistent weakness and disability even if the fracture heals. sling is Used for minimally or nondisplaced fractures of the clavicle. The fracture will probably heel with a small bump (callus of healing). Movement of the shoulder and the arm is not a risk factor for nonunion.
Surgical treatment:
•Comminuted fracture (use buttress plate)•Segmented fracture •z-type fracture •fracture shortening more than 2 cm •fracture displacement more than 100%
nonoperative treatment in these cases will lead to decreased endurance and strength, but the range of motion will remain the same in operative or nonoperative cases.
What type of hardware or surgical implant should be used in fixation of clavicle fractures?
Reduction: 1- superior plate fixation, 2- anteroinferior plate fixation,surgery is usually not easy. Surgery begins by defining the location of the AC joint. Also surgery is dependant on getting good x-rays in the operating room.
Superior plate fixation: no dissection of the deltoid muscle from the clavicle. The superior plate has a mechanical advantage being on the tension surface of the clavicle.
Anteroinferior plate fixation: has the advantage of using longer screws with a safe screw trajectory and less hardware prominence. Has disadvantage of deltoid dissection from the clavicle. The anteroinferior plate may be better tolerated by the patient, especially those who carry loads on their shoulders such as backpacks.
It is better to use a contoured plate. About 30% of the clavicle fixation plates are removed after the fracture has completely healed.
Complications of clavicle fractures: nonunion, malunion.
Complications of clavicle fractures due to fixation
1-Symptomatic hardware (most common complication, will need reoperation)
2-Infraclavicular numbness: complication due to injury of the supraclavicular nerve. There are three supraclavicular branches span out to cover the entire clavicle subcutaneous surface, lateral ,medial & intermediate. Injury to these branches may cause chest wall numbness below the incision. Injury to those branches may occur due to the incision or from traction during surgery. treatment of nonunion of the clavicle is plate and bone graft