How to grow chickpea indoors hydroponically. Documenting Golden Dragon garbanzo bean. day 1
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We are documenting the golden dragon garbanzo bean (chickpea) and teaching you guys how to grow chickpeas indoors hydroponically. Chickpeas are typically known as a long day plant and I will list two studies below, where they go in the eight cultivars, discussing the best NPK light schedule and temperature to give chickpeas for the optimal yield witch we cover in the video. One of the studies they tested 2 cultivars to see if they can get them to flower below 12 hours which worked if they gave them a longer growing season. This is what we’re gonna try and do to these chickpeas since we’ve seen that occur with some of our long day plants like gourmet lettuce. Which should not flower in a short day, but is a couple months old and we keep them for a year or two or five, depending on how long they live, which is very different than outdoors, the extended growing season indoors with no change in environment gives us some different results.
Below are the 2 research papers I reference in the video
The First one:
Asian Journal of Plant Sciences
Year: 2004 | Volume: 3 | Issue: 6 | Page No.: 705-708
Response of Chickpea to Photoperiod as a Qualitative Long-day Plant
The second one:
Identification of operative dose of NPK on yield enhancement of desi and kabuli chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) in diverse milieu
We’re planning on having the hoodies and shirts drop October 1st 12pm Pacific. The link will be an all my longform video descriptions and we will make a entire long from video discussing the brand and Merch in detail until then thank you for watching. Have a great day : D
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Mars hydro discount codes for some products I affiliate for them as well and earn commission on products listed below
TS LED Grow Light, Tent, Ventilation- COUPON-518 Discount 3%
FC&FC-E&SP LED Grow Lights; Grow Tent Kits- COUPON-321 Discount 5%
Below are the 2 research papers I reference in the video
The First one:
Asian Journal of Plant Sciences
Year: 2004 | Volume: 3 | Issue: 6 | Page No.: 705-708
Response of Chickpea to Photoperiod as a Qualitative Long-day Plant
The second one:
Identification of operative dose of NPK on yield enhancement of desi and kabuli chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) in diverse milieu
We’re planning on having the hoodies and shirts drop October 1st 12pm Pacific. The link will be an all my longform video descriptions and we will make a entire long from video discussing the brand and Merch in detail until then thank you for watching. Have a great day : D
Here’s the list all my gear I use and affiliate for on Amazon as an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases :D
Mars hydro discount codes for some products I affiliate for them as well and earn commission on products listed below
TS LED Grow Light, Tent, Ventilation- COUPON-518 Discount 3%
FC&FC-E&SP LED Grow Lights; Grow Tent Kits- COUPON-321 Discount 5%