This mind-blowing experiment proves that our brains all have multiple personalities. #consciousness

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The experiments and scientific papers from this research are undeniably weird. It's too bad (from a research perspective) that there aren't a lot of split brained people to do research on anymore since we stopped this particular treatment for epilepsy.

#hubermanlab #neuroscience #shorts
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This definitely explains why why my thoughts can be so chaotic and random with them seemingly to have different opinions and seemingly occasionally partial free will


A good start for the thoughts on the nature of consciousness.


I very much feel this firsthand, when i speak Dutch to my family i not just have to change my language but also personality. It can get annoying. When i come back to the US i then have to switch mindsets and language again to make sense


It’s basically true that our brains have different parts and they contribute in different ways. Love the content 👍


John malcovichs photo in muliptle at the end is everything. 😂


This is one of my favorite thought expanders. It recontextualizes how we can look at the notion of "self."

Is a car a car? Or is it the sum of its many parts?

Is a body a body? Or is it the combined efforts of many individual cells?

Are we ourselves? Or are we the many ways that we process our many experiences?


Interesting. I’m not a student but I do like to dive into psychology and philosophy and spirituality and all that jazz and I have come across this idea a few times. I never really form the idea like these scientists but I often tell my friends that I believe we have multiple selves with in our selves. It’s a hard concept to understand or even attempt to explain when you don’t have the formal knowledge :/


... could u please clarify what u mean, when u say, 'split brain', with maybe with an example ... & thank u !!! ... ❤


This is called confabulation. Living with memory loss (eg Alzheimer's) can be confusing when struggling to recall a memory and someone will often invent a story to make sense of the word around them.


The language associated side of the brain - the left hemisphere- couldn’t admit to the different experiences of the two sides. It’s not that it decided not to. By definition the split brain experiment is conducted on people with two sides disconnected. The corpus callosum is the bridge between the two sides, which is cut in those with a split brain, as a way to reduce severe epilepsy. Interestingly however in normal functioning you’ll also see the two sides suppress the functioning and activation of the other side. So we can lie to ourselves by suppressing feelings and thoughts. Fascinating


That was so interesting, really helpful thank you❤


I am curious about the process of how they question the patient. Meaning what is the process that communicated left from right?


This clearly explains why Buddhism does not believe in the concept of soul although it believes in the concept of consciousness.


I love this study and the point you’re making! Have you read Iain McGilChrist’s “The Master and his Emissary”? What is said here in relation to the experiment is fairly true. The left hemisphere’s capacity for invention and optimism is somewhat unnerving.
I wouldn’t necessarily say there is not an integrated self. Yes that’s basically true, I mean in a sense the self as a separate entity is an illusion - much as a branch of a tree is not separate from a tree. In another sense it’s possible that - following Jung’s argument of “individuation” - we can reintegrate our selves. Not to say that our “selves” aren’t somewhat illusory in that they are not what they appear to be, and are made up of various elements. In normal functioning, it’s more likely that a process of balancing takes place. The left and right sides work together, contributing to a functioning whole. For example in a “flow state”, no sense of separation of self from our activity, it’s likely the whole brain is actively involved. Additionally, the default mode network - the nodal network of parts of the brain which contribute to our sense of ourselves in time and space - is “shut down” in flow states, during the use of certain psychotropic substances, and in deep meditation. I would argue it’s a bit reductionist and mechanistic if we conclude the brain is simply a collection of separate components which we describe as unitary. Since we can see plenty of evidence of neuroplasticity in studies of learning and recovery from functional damage, and also anecdotally from reports from long term meditators etc, it’s likely our left and right hemisphere relationships can change over time. Still I love the point you’re bringing up with this fascinating experiment.


We are born into a deceptively manipulated society, filled with traumatized humans. Balance those brain hemispheres and decalcify those pineals! Be well.


Im literally telling a speech on this today!


this really put my condition of DID into perspective. multiplicity is the implicit default.


Anybody who's gotten really high off psychedelics can attest to this


Have you heard of IFS-therapy? It’s centered on this idea that we do indeed have many selves


Yes it is an integrated thing, with different structures of the brain doing their particular jobs, even confabulation. This is like saying the digestive system isn't an integrated thing. Sheesh.
