Indonesian Street Food Yogyakarta: Telor Gulung & Wedang Ronde 🇮🇩

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I went to a Night Market (Pasar Malam Alun Alun Kidul) for having an Indonesian Streetfood Tour. I eat Telor Gulung in Yogyakarta and furthermore I eat Churros, Extra Joss, Hot Ice Cream Waffle and Takoyaki.




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- Yogyakarta (Java, Indonesia) 🇮🇩
- Pasar Malam Alun-Alun Kidul (Indonesian Street Food Market Yogyakarta)

00:00 Trailer
01:34 First time eating Telor Gulung in Yogyakarta
09:23 Churros
13:30 Meeting nice old Yogyakarta People
17:40 Yogyakarta Ice Cream Waffle
21:08 Ronde Susu (Wendang Ronde)
23:52 Takoyaki (Japanese Street Food in Indonesia)
28:23 Trying Extra Joss Susu
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Dibanding bule2 yutuber yg lain2 memang Carlos lebih suka berbagi makanan2 biarpun cuma murah2


My husband love to watch your show and I said to him that you better than others because you like to mingle to the local and you go to the places that most bule don't like and you not scared to try street food that's the best of you
Keep it up and try more places around Indonesia that not many foreigners go there 😉


Biar sedekahnya kecil2 tapi orang indonesia sangat senang, namanya gratis, pasti orang sukala, mudah2 channel food sukses


Popular indonesian food:

1. Soto, everywhere
2. Lotek, java (yogya, central java, jakarta)
3. Gado-gado, java (yogya, central java, jakarta) 4. Tengkleng, this menu available some on warung sate.
5. Kupat tahu, mostly you can find it on south central java beach, or jakarta.
6. Sate, everywhere
7. Gudeg, purworejo-yogyakarta central java
8. Angkringan food, Yogyakarta 9. Bakso, everywhere
10. Rendang
11. Nasi goreng, everywhere
12. Bandeng presto juwana, semarang central java
13. Sambal ijo, sambal terasi, etc – everywhere 14. Petai & jengkol, everywhere
15. Rica-rica enthok/bebek/ayam
16. Kolak, mostly available when month ramadhan arrive
17. Tongseng, this menu available some on warung sate.
18. Gule, this menu available some on warung sate.
19. Mie ayam, everywhere
20. Sambal tempe, home made mix sambal + tempe Etc..

Popular indonesian Fruit

1. Rambutan, java & sumatera
2. Salak, java & sumatera
3. Duku, java & sumatera
4. Cempedak, java & sumatera
5. Durian, java & sumatera
6. Nangka, java & sumatera
7. Sawo, java & sumatera
8. Waluh, everywhere, java & sumatera
9. Bengkoang, kebumen central java, etc
10. Sirkaya, , java & sumatera
11. Kelengkeng, java & sumatera
12. Manggis, java & sumatera
13. Buah naga, everywhere, especially on java & sumatera
14. Nanas, everywhere, especially on java & sumatera
15. Kedondong, everywhere, especially on java & sumatera
16. Jambu bangkok, jambu biji merah, etc, everywhere, especially on java & sumatera
17. Sirsat, everywhere, especially on java & sumatera
18. Jeruk gulung, everywhere, especially on jav, bali & sumatera
19. Pepaya, everywhere
20. Kepel/kesemek, everywhere, especially on java & sumatera
21. Mangga kweni, mangga nanas, etc, everywhere, especially on java & sumatera
22. Pisang kepok, pisang ambon, pisang madu, pisang raja, etc, everywhere
23. Jambu air delima, etc, everywhere
24. Waluh, everywhere Etc..

Popular indonesian snack/light dishes, mostly traditional & could found on indonesia traditional market (Pasar)

1. Jadah ketan (gemblong), yogyakarta & south central java
2. Wajik ketan, yogyakarta & south central java
3. Jenang, south central java
4. Clorot, south central java
5. Cucur, south central java
6. Bakpia, java
7. Geblek, purworejo-yogya/south central java 8. Lanthing, south central java, purworejo central java
9. Krempyeng (small lanthing, there’s various version of krempyeng but the most delecious is krempyeng with bamboo rope stuff that available on purworejo central java), south central java, purworejo central java
10. Intip goreng, purworejo-yogya/central java 11. Empek-empek, padang sumatera or some several public warung.
12. Lumpia, semarang central java
13. Several gorengan: Tempe, tahu, bakwan, martabak telor, etc
14. Peyek kacang/teri, everywhere 15. Irut & ganyong, java island
15. Serabi, central java
16. Sengkulun, central java
17. Wingko babat, central java
18. Lemper & arem-arem
19. Gethuk lindri, gethuk ireng, gethuk magelang – Mostly available on traditional market: yogyakarta, purworejo, magelang, etc – South central java
20. Tiwul – Mostly available on traditional market: yogyakarta, purworejo, magelang, etc – South central java
21. Klepon – Mostly available on traditional market: yogyakarta, purworejo, magelang, etc – South central java
22. Onde-onde – Mostly available on traditional market: yogyakarta, purworejo, magelang, etc – South central java
23. Nagasari/nogosari – Mostly available on traditional market: yogyakarta, purworejo, magelang, etc – South central java
24. Kerak telor, south central java
25. Kue Dadar gulung, – Mostly available on traditional market: yogyakarta, purworejo, magelang, etc – South central java
26. Cenil – Mostly available on traditional market: yogyakarta, purworejo, magelang, etc – South central java
27. Rujak/lutis, everywhere Etc..

Indonesian vegetables:
1. Terong
2. Jipang
3. Pare (pare pahit, pare belut)
4. Gambas
5. Jantung gedang (bunga dari tanaman pisang) 6. Daun katu
7. Daun curing/suring
8. Daun so tanaman Melinjo
9. Kecipir/cipir
10. Daun kencur
11. Kangkung Etc..

List of Gunung Kidul Beach:
01. Pantai Indrayanti
02. Pantai Drini
03. Pantai Baron
04. Pantai Jogan Kumplit
05. Pantai Krakal
06. Pantai Kukup
07. Pantai Nguyahan
08. Pantai Sadranan
09. Pantai Pok Tunggal
10. Pantai Langkap
11. Pantai Kesirat
12. Pantai Kayu Arum
13. Pantai Krokoh
14. Pantai Sundak
15. Pantai Timang
16. Pantai Wedi Ombo
17. Pantai Sepanjang
18. Pantai Ngeden
19. Pantai Ngandong
20. Pantai Nglambor
21. Pantai Sarangan
22. Pantai Siung
23. Pantai Karang Telu
24. Pantai Watu Lawang
25. Pantai Ngetun
26. Pantai Ngobaran
27. Pantai Grigak
28. Pantai Slili
29. Pantai Jungwok
30. Pantai Watu Kodok
31. Pantai Pringjono
32. Pantai Sadeng
33. Pantai Parangracuk
34. Pantai Greweng
35. Pantai Busung
36. Pantai Banyutibo
37. Pantai Ngondo
38. Pantai Botorubuh
39. Pantai Butuh
40. Pantai Gesing
41. Pantai Lolang
42. Pantai Ngrenehan
43. Pantai Nguluran
44. Pantai Ngungap
45. Pantai Ngunggah
46. Pantai Pakundon
47. Pantai Seruni
48. Pantai Songlibeng
49. Pantai Torohudan
50. Pantai Nampu

——————— Foot Note ———————

Indonesia Traditional snack:

Traditional market snacks are increasingly threatened by modernization, because traditional market snacks are usually made by old generation older people. The younger generation is now less likely to make traditional snacks. Some Indonesian traditional market (local called it pasar) follow java calendar (kliwon, wage, legi, etc), mostly of them open twice a week or just once a week. Most of them open in the morning before 09.00am. Every pasar open differently, for example pasar just open every wage, kliwon, etc. But nowdays Indonesia traditional market also follow masehi calendar for example pasar open every sunday, every monday & saturday, etc. ——– Indonesian food has a different dominant taste, depending on the region of origin. Example, if dawet from the city of banjarnegara, purworejo city, kebumen city, the taste tends to be sweet dominant because it is given Java sugar / palm sugar water.

For example, if the dishes from Sumatra are more spicy, Central Java and Jogja are more dominant sweet, dishes from East Java are more dominant, salty, etc. ——– Jadah, a traditional southern Javanese traditional market snack, made from sticky rice and coconut, can be fried or burned to get a different taste. —— Geblek is not Cireng, and cireng is not geblek. Its different. Geblek comes from south central java and Cireng comes from west java.

Geblek is a traditional food made from tapioca flour with savory fried onion seasoning. Clean white round shape and processed by frying. This food is popular as a typical snack from the regions of Kulonprogo Regency, Purworejo Regency, and Wonosobo Regency. Each region has a unique flavor. Gebleg can be enjoyed by being eaten directly or with a mixture of peanut sauce.

Geblek is often equated with cireng because of the raw materials used, but both have different shapes and sizes. Geblek is white, looks like the number eight, and has a chewy texture when chewed.

Geblek is better served and eaten while still hot, because when it is cold geblek will taste harder and taste delicious.

Among the various types of lanting, “Krimpying/krempyeng” is the most delicious. Krimpying is a small lanting tied with bamboo ropes, these snacks come from the Purworejo area, Central Java.

Gethuk ireng (black gethuk) or the lokal called it “Ciwel”, mostly available on traditional market south java (morning before 9am). Like cendol dawet ireng, ciwel black color comes from rice husk charcoal.

Dawet ireng is a traditional drink from the south central java region, it contain santan + cendol. The black color of cendol is a natural color, the black color of cendol comes from rice husk charcoal.


His videos are always entertaining and I really like them, Keep up the good work Carlos💪💪💪


Aku selalu menunggu video selanjutnya pak Carlos keep spirit sir


Sehat terus carlos, dilancarkan rejeki nya karena mau berbagi kepada orang lain.


Thank you for such a great video about Indonesian streets 👍


Saya berdoa supaya channel anda cepat mencapai 1 juta subscribe sirr semoga sehat dan sukses selalu sirrr


Gua Suka Banget Nonton Vidio Bule Satu Ini Azli Setiap Upload Langsung Gw Nonton


🇩🇪 Wild CARLOS, I just bumped on your Channel and liked it. new subscriber.👍🇰🇪🇨🇦


I am very surprise that you managed to Yogyakarta sir, we are very welcome for you guys, i am now study at one of high school in Yogyakarta

Here you can visit many destinations for exapmle:Parangtritis beach, keratonYogyakarta, heha sky view, other.

Hope you enjoy the trip sir and have a nice day, God bless


🔹❓How much money do you usually spent at Night Market (Pasar Malam)? 😳
🔹❓Have you ever gotten sick from Pasar Malam? 🤢


I have subcribe... Di tunggu kuliner di Bogor Jawa barat Carlos.😍😍


Good night mr carlos waaaaw makin hebat bagi2 terus mudah2an betah and fans sucses


Hai carlos kapan ke jogja.. wah saya baru nonton video kamu..mantab..


Mantap bang teruskan
We, as Indonesians, are amazed at your behavior for us, the hosts, I support you, thank you


Correction for the description box of this video :
Yogyakarta is NOT in East Java.
Different provinces. Yogyakarta city is the capital of "Special Region of Yogyakarta".
Why is it special? Because they still have "royal family". The governor of this province is a sultan and it is hereditary, not elected. Next maybe you should visit the Keraton, the royal palace of Yogyakarta.


Hi Carlos! Thanks for trying Churros. Couple days ago, my dad told me "there's bule came to try churros and he records me, maybe for his YouTube channel or TikTok".

Amazingly, your video appear on my YouTube's home tonight, good luck Carlos and enjoy your holiday in Yogyakarta! 😊


Memang asik jalan2 di pasar malam ya slamett 😂👍