Toward a Christian Worldview: Romans 7:1-13

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Can you say that you view yourself and the world around you the way Jesus does?
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Reason why i like to listen Mike, is because he does not go with a feeling or with motivation speeches, but instead he trains christians to study


My daughter and I are young believers working through the Roman's bible study you have provided, it has given both of us so much understanding and the study has truly "laid out" the gospel for us. Balanced and deep theology teaching, teaching truth, is hard to find in these days.
Thank you for your work, it's changing lives. God is good, I look forward to thanking you in person in the life after.


If I go too long without watching one of your vids I don’t feel right. Your videos really lift me up a lot and the fact that you do them without asking for a single thing in return makes it seem even more valuable. Thanks for your work. God bless u and your family! 🙏🏻


The grass withers, the flowers fade but the Word of God will abide forever. Thanks for preaching and teaching the Word so humbly and effectively. 👍


As a mature Christian (as well as person), a grandmother & mother, I want you to know that these teachings are SO NEEDED; Having led Bible Study home groups and seen many who have difficulty w/these concepts, mentoring individuals where people struggle because they’ve never been taught these basics, especially today, when many churches by-pass/gloss over the concept of sin. I will be referring others to your teachings, for sure. God BLESS you!


Mike, Everything you teach, is always OUTSTANDING!
You, and Dr. Michael Heiser are the most interesting, genuine, and brilliant teachers of The Scriptures.

You’re my favorite Pastor and a TRUE LIGHT in this fallen world!💕🌿🕊


You are awesome! Or shall I say... "God is awesome". Because I can really see God in you, I can tell for sure you have the Holy Spirit in you. I see more Christ in you than I see you. You are a true teatcher, like Jesus said in John 7:18: "Those who speak their own thoughts are looking for their own glory. But the man who wants to bring glory to the one who sent him is a true teacher and doesn’t have dishonest motives."
(John 7:18 GW). God bless you and may He give you more revelations!


I really like your simple humour, and your love for Jesus, great wisdom explained in a simple way, for someone like me, i hope God blesses you for many many years of teaching!!


This has really made me consider the things that keep me from really following God out of love and out of a want to and not out of obligation, knowing that it is right to do. Love Mike's teaching, he goes as thoroughly through things as I do. A 40 minute video for 13 verses is just like me lol.


Thank you, Mike!
Not boring at all - very informative.


I’ve seen the biblical teaching on marriage he is talking about. It is amazing!


The analogy of the magnifying glass is so good! I love your videos, Mike! I feel so biblically intelligent and confident after every single one!!


Your whole talk was very good. And the very last comment really hit home with me, explained my life basically, and I am so glad that you elaborated on that. Thank you!


Thank you. I just sent this link to a bunch of people. We are studying Romans this year and some of us are finding things a little confusing. Especially when we got to chapter 7. Thank you so much for your clear teaching and practical application. I really appreciate it, and thank God for "showing" me this resource.


I had been told long ago that The Holy Bible is THE GREATEST love story ever written.


So, so,
ready to teach new believers, and make converts . pray for me.


40:00 as Geralt of Rivia says, "The degree is arbitary. The definition’s blurred. If I’m to choose between one evil and another… I’d rather not choose at all".


Pristine message, worth several relistens.

A good half the time I'll skip the last few minutes after the closing prayer, but this time there was an easter egg at the end there starting at 43:26.
Could make a whole message out of that.
Could write a whole book from that one part. Great work Mike, genuine masterstroke.


I really like Mike's last point at 39:32 about how all sin is bad, so don't rationalize your sin.

I think that is one surprising thing about witnessing to others, is one of the main things I have ran across is people view themselves as basically good because they aren't criminals, they are a hard working American, and they view their sin as like "it's not that bad, I am a law abiding citizen. You can't work your way to heaven like Mike says at 24:29 (Romans 3:23 says, "for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God."

He also has a good analogy at 24:00 about how you break one of God's laws how that has already doomed you.

Good stuff!


Let us strive for Holiness and keep the Sabbath Holy.
