Starting Viola & Pansy Seeds In The SUMMER??? 😎😎😎 || Growing Violas & Pansies || Winter Garden

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I LOVE violas and pansies in my late fall, winter, and early spring garden. This year, I am starting viola and pansy seeds in the summer, so they will be ready for my winter garden. Growing violas and pansies from seed is simple and inexpensive.

#growingviolas #violaseeds #growingpansies
#shesamadgardener #zone8 #zone8a #texasgarden #texasgardening #cutflowergarden #cutflowerfarm

Music Credit: Epidemic Sounds

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Planting Zone 8a Wylie, Texas

She's a Mad Gardener is a YouTube channel exploring projects in the home including but not limited to home gardening, DIY decorating, holiday decor, easy recipes, and so much more.

"As always, She's A Mad Gardener and a decorator and anything she wants to be."
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Learned a lot about violas and pansies and they are my go to flowers for the winter months. Right now, I'm just trying to deal with this hot, molten lava like heat wave we're experiencing in TX and am just focused on keeping our grass and trees alive. Most everything is fried but have taken note of the flowers that are still alive. The best survivors so far are the vinca, purslane, salvia, crown daises, zinnias and lantana. I'll be filling my flower beds with those next year as these crazy, hot summers seem to be the new summer for us in TX. Your gardens still look beautiful. Stay cool.


I am definitely going to try this! I actually had some pansies that I grew from seed in March make it through last week. Watering in this heat is not fun.

I like the idea of having them from Fall to next Spring better.


Violas and pansies bloom early and late here in SC zone 8a too. Fortunately we are not as hot as TX. Stay safe in the brutal heat!


I love violas and pansies I always hate seeing them die back when it gets hot... but such beauty for a very nice long season. I haven't tried any by seeds..Would like to try some new varieties. Some of the ones I had last year actually self sowed and I had alot of them in different places which was such fun! Have a beautiful blessed day 🙏 ❤


I listened to The Flower Podcast recently with Brenna Estrada who shared a lot of interesting information about pansies!


Those ones I planted 10 days ago have not germinated yet. I’ll move the ones I planted last weekend to a dark place to test out!


I prefer violas as well, they bloom through the coldest weather, far more blooms and fhe violas I started from seed are still blooming especially the black and yellow ones, the others are still blooming but struggling, I feel if they can hang on until fall they will be gorgeous. But, I’m starting more from seed now!


Thank you for inspiring me. The heat is brutal and I just wanna give up about this time of year. Nothing is beautiful. :-( Im in the Ca desert. I started a few trays and ordered the seed trays you recommend.


You inspired me to start some violas and pansies from seeds :) hopefully I’m not too late to get them out by mid November or so, still crazy hot here in zone 9b the Woodlands TX, was wondering if you’re using the clear plastic bins behind you in this video to store your seed packets, I’ve been looking for something to organize and store my seed packets and I really like how your containers look on your shelf :) do you mind to share where you got them from? Thank you so much in advance :)


I do not use warming pads or lights. What do you think of porch shade? Maybe morning light outside.


I’m totally paying attention to how you germinate these. Can’t start mine now (6b). And mine did STALL big time and after all of the hubbub I don’t know if it was worth all my fussing. We’ll see.


Whenever I’ve tried the black garbage bag or frapped with a towel method, my seedlings become stretched out, in search of light and look horrible, the only thing that seems to work is covering them with soil under my grownl light. I’m going to watch to see if you have success!


they do stall... however nothing to compare with bought pansies... mine are suppose to be mai to july... they last until october. partial shades in the summer... i move them over no problem :-) montreal canada


just watched a video stating they need light to germinate


I have been sowing seeds in my garden and I do get blooms


I can't remember which you tuber I was watching and they said they were having a hard time finding bells of Ireland seeds, was that you?


I'm also in zone 8A -Alabama. Do you ever get Violas seeds that are perennial? I have noticed seeds that stated perennial . I would like to grow them along a wooded edge of my yard & allow them to naturalize. Should it work? I'm using a mixture of Johnny Jump ups and King Henry from Botanical Gardens.


Just a fyi floret has bells of Ireland in stock


I started 50 seeds last night, and I did close the vent and did check them this morning. They’re still moist. The vent is closed. When do I open the vent when they have started sprouting and then put them in the light source. This is my first time starting things from seed, trying to save some money. Thanks in advance.
