Amazing architecture: world’s first upside down skyscraper would hang from asteroid - TomoNews

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NEW YORK — Imagine a daily commute that involves parachuting down to earth. A New York City-based architectural firm has plans that would allow you to do exactly that, with a skyscraper suspended from an orbiting asteroid.

Clouds Architecture Office has previously came up with incredible plans for a Mars house and a cloud city. Their newest design, introduced in February, is called Analemma Tower.

Analemma would be powered by space-based solar panels, with fresh water provided by condensation from clouds and rain. The water would be filtered and recycled in a semi-closed loop system.

Suspended from the asteroid by strong cables, the tower would follow a geosynchronous orbit, tracing a figure-eight pattern over the northern and southern hemispheres once per day. This eccentric orbit would allow it to move slowest as it passes over New York City. Residents would parachute down to work as the orbit slows.

The tower would be divided into a business area at the bottom, residential in the middle, and worship towards the top. At the apex would be space for burials, while surface transfer points would lie at the bottom.

According to Clouds Architecture Office, construction would take place in Dubai, which has proven record in the construction of tall buildings, at one fifth the cost of New York City.


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"Residents would parachute to work as part of their daily commute"

Ok 3 problems:
1: What happens if you land way off course? Like say due to strong winds?
2: How do you get back up if it orbits a pattern around the Earth?
3: How would you deal with customs and border patrol on a building like that?


Who ever thought of this didn't really think it through. The building would create drag as it is pulled through the atmosphere, slowing down the astroid causing everything to plummet to the earth. The fuel required to keep it aloft would be immense.


Someone got REALLY high when they thought of this.


how are they going to build a skyscraper then tape it to a fucking rock in space?


how the fuck are you suppose to get back on it


So what happens when you get hit by a hurricane?


they need to get a physics degree... quick.... there's no way the upside down skyscraper would work and it would be dangerous in more ways then one


Wouldn't​ it be called a "Groundscraper"?


Seems like a very reasonable & economical idea. Who doesn't parachute to work everyday?


This asteroid attached idea is crazy. First there are no large asteroids orbiting earth! Second if there were, increasing the weight and drag would cause the asteroid to come zipping down. Last, if it hypothetically worked, the supposed building would slap along (at an angel caused by air drag) hitting everything it touched with no way to control it. If you parachute in to work, how do you get back home :). Why not just work on this mythical building. Its all a crazy gag.


At this point its just a middle school science project.


So much innovation... how would an upside down floating skyscraper even work?


Wait waht !! It's cool but won't it be moving across the sky and crash in to airships ?


When tomonews needs money so they just post the most idiotic things they find.


Let's see if this really happens, don't get me wrong it's an awesome idea for retirees and billionaires. What if another astroid comes by and demolishes the astroid that this supposedly apartment building would be attached to 🤔🤔then all these billionaires would have to parachute all at once😂👍🏻👍🏻


I imagine an upside down skyscraper would be carried long distances by the asteroid and the building would fly over into a city where it would smash into another tall building, while flying and upside down


What's next? Building a skyscraper from Manhattan to Mars? Got to be stretchy then, build of rubber... with an very very fast elevator, so we could get there in a day or two...


I don't think adding things to the planets atmosphere or gravitational pull, especially a percentage of said planet, is a very good idea. Especially just so people can parachute down. I'm impressed that technology annually gets better but it's sad that humanity keeps getting worse.


Good for imagination. But impossible task


Boom, it hits something, and how the fuck would you get back up after jumping out