Make Your Guitar Solos Sound AMAZING Chord Tones Resolution KILLER!

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Make Your Guitar Solos Sound AMAZING Chord Tones Resolution KILLER!

My JAM TRACK VAULT - A practical and fun way to use jam tracks to get your playing to the next level instead of just noodling around. Each of the 73 jam tracks comes with its own detailed, unique written lesson. You'll not only learn how to jam and solo more effectively, but you'll be given a specific lesson for each jam track, which means you'll practice more efficiently and rapidly progress your chops like never before. The jam tracks come in a variety of tempos and styles like rock, blues, jazzy, atmospheric and some inspired by some of our favorite players like Eric Clapton, Slash, ZZ Top, Jimmy Page, Gary Moore, Joe Satriani, and B.B.King. Check out the vault here:

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Рекомендации по теме

Beautiful melody David. Thanks for sharing. Cheers from Indonesia.


Very informative teaching. As technical as it is, you make it look simple. I gotta memorize notes in chords better though.


Tabs on screen always makes it better...
