The world is on FIRE and young men are looksmaxxing

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Is the self-improvement space selfish? Lost? Here's why men aren't growing up and our society is collapsing part 2

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Bread and circuses are the reason we haven't hit the fan yet. If you take away social media, corn, video games, dope, movies/videos everyone would be forced to see the darkness that's looming behind and above us.


im 40. i completly understand this generation and i honestly think that we passed the point of no return. were doomed. now lets play GTA.


I always laugh when people say they "own" their home. No one "owns" anything if it can be taken away if you don't pay taxes.


I work 40-50 hour weeks, pay 40% of my wages in taxes and society is like, "you don't get to have a family, but you can buy material things and watch Netflix!" If society won't provide me with what would fulfill me, why should I participate in society?


I'm 70 and it's sad to see that the notion of responsible manhood has been so attacked and despised that it's dissapearing and if I was à young man today I would have the same ”fuck it all” mentality. I was a construction worker and married at 22, saved money for two years and easily bought a very nice full bricks fourplex in a major city 3 months before marriage. I never paid rent in my whole life. I feel bad for young guys.


Men looksmaxing = mice preening in Calhoun’s mouse utopia experiment.


Why bother trying to save a society that hates you?


I'm looksmaxxing, playing video games, AND tapping out.


All I'm gonna say is, stick around kids. Don't let existential despair make you exit stage left, or just as bad, languish in despondence and resentment. Get fit, acquire skills, learn how to shoot and fight. Make money if you can, if not, surviving is good enough at this point, and if that's all you can manage in this rotten economic system, that's no cause for shame. We're in for a wild ride, but we might yet see a better world before we die. I'm 36, and I don't plan on giving up or losing hope anytime soon. You shouldn't either.


That's what a debt based fiat currency and extremely usury will do to a society. Everything has been devalued


To make matters worse, we even have countless grifters on Youtube who speak about these issues as if they truly cared, when in reality they're just interested in generating as much clicks and views as possible, so they can supplement their monthly income.


The young man that is not accepted by the village will burn it down to feel its warmth. God help us all


I am 40. I was gentrified out of cities and suburbs. Thank God for plandemic because I saved up all my survival stimulus to buy unrestricted land to start a poor man’s homesteading life. I would rather live in my tent 🏕️ on land I own and can farm and save up 90% of my money working to hand build a tiny home than be homeless in the city and deal with all the evil chaos happening in the streets. There is no empathy being homeless in the city.


Selfishness is the most selfless thing we as men can do today. Starve the system and let it collapse, no more being a slave. Just look out for yourself and do bare minimum to get by. F society


"Men aren't doing this, men aren't doing that."

I respectfully pass the torch to women and the government to finally try fixing some problems.


I can’t blame the younger generations. In a society ran by superficiality, inflated egos, corruption and greed it is better to let that world burn (just like emperor Nero did) and just enjoy your own life 🤷🏻‍♂️


Society is on fire? Oh, well. I don’t care.


Beer saved my life and made me feel like a real man. I had never had a serious job in my life and had even graduated with a BA. I was often broke and so I learned how to make beer, wine and spirits. I became the president of my local homebrewing club then became an amateur champion homebrewer of my state. I then started an apprenticeship in cask conditioned Ales which qualified me for brewing school. I graduated as a deplomaed Brewmaster and got sent around the country and then around the world to run and build breweries. I was well liked by the federal inspectors and was asked to apply to work for the BATF which is now the TTB. I was transferred to the business tax department of the IRS in the US Department of Treasury where I worked 17 years and earned a federal pension and health full benefits. It all started with my love of beer, so don't give up on your dreams! I now own and run my own winery and micro distillery and am inspired to make fantastic world class beverages to share with the world.


35 years ago I dated girls my age who were from divorced households—products of the great divorce wave of the 70s. They’d been raised on alimony, child support, and government benefits. They didn’t have a father in their lives, some never did. They didn’t think a father was necessary. Some of them had a life plan: look for a dream husband until 25, and failing that, just get knocked up by a rando and raise the kid themselves. And many of them did just that. In the decades since, I’ve seen the fallout. It’s brought us to the point where a good number of boys want to be girls. The remainder generally act like they were raised in a brothel.


“The world is on fire and young men are looksmaxxing, and playing video games”
So it’s bad for men to care about how they look and play games/ enjoy time and hobbies? Why is it always a problem for men to do anything but grind and work?
