The peace wall connecting Belfast and Hiroshima

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There are more than 20 miles of peace walls in Northern Ireland.
In Belfast, they separate mainly unionist and nationalist areas.
A new app is creating a link between one of the Belfast peace walls and Japan.
People scan a code placed throughout the wall and virtual reality technology transforms the location to Hiroshima 75 years ago when the atomic bomb was dropped on the city.
Award-winning Belfast-based artist Deepa Mann-Kler is behind the project.
“Hiroshima suffered something cataclysmic 75 years ago and Northern Ireland has gone through years of violence and conflict," she said.
“I believe virtual and augmented reality can help tell the story of these contested spaces.”
AR Peace Wall is a free app and is supported through the Creative Industries Seed Fund, developed by the Arts Council of Northern Ireland and Future Screens NI.
Video journalist: Niall McCracken
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