How to Remove and Replace an AC Compressor - High Detail

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How replace an ac a/c compressor, how to add pag oil, how to add refrigerant oil, how to fix an a/c system, how to find and fix problems with your ac compressor, ac compressor replacement procedure, pag 46, pag 100, pag 150, how to find an ac leak, how to replace an ac compressor clutch and bearing, how a/c systems work, how to replace an ac receiver drier, how to diagnose problems with your cars ac system.

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Рекомендации по теме

Man, you're the only one who explained the checking/adding oil on a an a/c compressor on youtube.


This is the best AC compressor video I've found so far. I just did the compressor and condenser on my Mazda 6. Everything went just as the video described. Thanks


I'm replacing my entire AC. There was a leak, according to last owner, and the clutch seized....and the condenser was, looks like an entire system replace. Advance Auto has all parts, even flush and freon and condensor/compressor on sale for $387 for everything, and then gives you a $50 gift card rebate so it ends up being about $350 to replace the system. Can't pass that up! This has been very helpful. Thank you!


Best video on YouTube on this subject, very clear and concise, still will have someone else do mine but your video made it less daunting and gave me some good information about O-Rings, I would not have asked my mechanic to do that if I didn't run across your video, I'm now subscribed to this channel.


A fluid ounce (abbreviated as fl. oz.) is used to measure fluids while an ounce (abbreviated as oz.) is for dry measurements. This gives us the idea that a fluid ounce is a measurement of volume while the other is a measurement of weight. There is a slight difference with Compressor Oil.


Great video!! Thanks for doing it in 1080p! Only neg thing is like Jason said... volume is the amount of space the oil occupies,
weight is the force exerted on an object due to gravity. The sticker on the car was in CC's for a reason... because its a common unit of volume... Think about it like this- If I take 120cc or mL of liquid mercury which can be converted to 4 fluid oz and measure it in a 1/2 cup container then do the same for water and place them individually on a scale do you think they'll both weigh 0.25 lb? Answer: No of course not because Mercury has a much heavier molar mass than does water therefore it will weigh more.


This is good work and a great teaching tool... One thing though...I
think that "ounces" refers to FLUID ounces, not ounces of weight. I'm


Thank you so much for the very detailed video and especially for covering how to determine the amount of Pag Oil to put in and where!


All the info that's needed in a short video series. Sweet !


Very helpful O'Reilly sold it to me and couldn't tell me been searching web for hours very appreciated


I needed these videos!! I’m literally binging on most of them related to the compressor and belts.


Great info! I'll be changing my compressor and condenser on my 2006 scion TC soon. I'll be going almost completely off of this to get the job done. I'll be measuring my refrigerant oil differently though. Thanks for the help!


Without this video I would not be able to do it.


Amazed at what you can learn to do on YouTube!


The specific gravity of water is 1 making fluid ounces and dry ounces equal. The specific gravity of pag oil is .985 (almost 1) so the technical headache of the difference between dry ounces(weight) and fluid ounces(volume) is didactic in this instance. It is only an auto not going to the moon.


Love the detailed explanation on how to replace a ac compressor
I’ll be changing the ac compressor on my 05 Acura MDX tomorrow
Thank you so much saving me $$$ 😁


VERY helpful. Lots of little things I would have missed. Thank you!


I have 02 elantra also and this has helped me so much thanks!


Really good explanations... the only thing I could think of that was missing was how to know how much tension to leave on the belt?


Good series! I have a feeling most guys who try to do their own will skip steps that set them up for more problems later. I believe one of the things the makers of new compressors look for is evidence the system was flushed of debris before recharging the system again. It's easy to see how debris in the system could damage a new compressor. Too bad such specialized equipment is needed to follow those kind of warranty guidelines.
