How Do You Get Into Heaven? | Randy Alcorn

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In this video, Randy Alcorn sits down with Costi Hinn to answer the most important question: How does someone get into heaven?

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Amen. It all starts with repentance which the Holy Spirit brings by convicting which allows for belief from the heart in the word and confession flows from that. And we know it’s written all who call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. One wouldn’t confess or call if they didn’t have faith that he wouldn’t save them! Praise God he made it simple, let us keep it that way!


Is it one small video or is there a full video or is this it


ALONE, having his close friend betray Him, his Disciples offended and abandon Him, Peter denying Him, The priests and religious leaders who were supposed to represent Him, the people of his own hometown tried to kill Him, and the only single person that fought for his release was a pagan gentile leader who hated Jews, and yet ALONE he submitted Himself, never spoke up for His own Innocence, only spoke truths that furthered his guilt in the eyes of his tormentors, and died and offered His righteousness as a gift to any of us that would simply believe. Oh how unworthy we are.


Yep that’s how I got saved, I’m a “Whosoever” kind’ve sinner. God does not grade us on the curve. It all boils down do 🙋‍♂️🫵 accept God’s restitution for our condition be willing to repent and allow God to convict us of what and who we are! Unredeemed sinner who needs God’s free gift can’t be earned can’t be good enough read it Romans 6:23 ask for the free gift, all Whosoever’s are candidates. God will be there he will forgive then go tell somebody your confession S👀🫵 on the other side in HEAVEN
