Jesus Had Something to Say About ALIENS?? Yes - in the Gospel of Luke

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Did Jesus have something to say about ALIENS?? Yes, he did in the Gospel of Luke in a passage that has been totally misunderstood. But when you understand it you see that Jesus literally mentioned "monsters" from heaven. Watch this Nelson Walters video for what might be the most surprising end-time passage of all.

This video was produced by Craig Campbell of our video team
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Ancient Aliens on History Channel is much more educational when you know the reality of them being fallen angels, Nephilim, and demons.


In Hobart, , , Oklahoma, , , summer of 87, , , I was sleeping w my window open which was facing North. I was in my boxers, , , because it was extremely hot, , , & I remember the curtains every now & then would flow up & down because of the occasional breeze coming into the room. I was sweating & needed to use the restroom, , , opening my eyes, , , there above, , , was this dark figure, , , looking down onto me. Immediately I became petrified & could not move a single muscle, , , much less utter a single word. This demon, , , was turning its head side to side, , , & the sheer evil & darkness from it felt so violating & dead. All I could do was pray the Our Father in my mind. Upon doing so, , , it shrieked & pulled out of sight. I had observed it's face, , , arms, , , hands & torso, , , but my peripheral observed only that. W it leaving the room, , , I was able to scream out for my Grandmother (I was raised by my Grandparents & Father), , , who came running, , , & I told her her what had happened. We prayed & that's when she said, , , that it was a demonic spirit & it was trying to possess me. We prayed again, , , & it ceased. For a moment. Until later, , , & here & there, , , I've had experiences. But greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world. Praise to Almighty God Yahuah thru His son Yahusha HaMaschiach.


And the monsters are starting to really show themselves… dogman, crawlers and other monsters people are encountering more frequently.


I am Greek and orthodox, i have studied the bible in both languages and i admit that English language is very weak vocabulary wise to fully unlock the holy bible meanings, even modern Greek lacks the foundation in comparison to ancient greek..
With that said i will give you another passage that warns us of the outcome you mentioned in your video.
"There's nothing new under the sun, what was shall be"(in the past) that is.
So do not be deceived, there are no ghosts or aliens, only the old fashioned demons and fallen angels of the past, and to conclude, humanity has short memory in terms of its origin and history..
There's nothing new under the sun and moon.
Stay vigilant and may jesus Chris our lord and saviour through the holy spirit enlighten all of you..
I pray for lords peace upon your hearts, many regards and love from Greece.


I’ve never seen someone take 15 minutes to say something that should’ve taken 30 seconds.


This has been my belief for like 3 years now. Aliens are definetly the fallen angels.


But i believe some of the Unidentified flying aircrafts are man made.


“They will mix with the seed of man “ is a big one


What I really appreciate about Nelson Walters is that he goes into Scripture a little further than most these days when covering certain topics. This video is no exception, thank you for the insights.


Pray like you have never prayed before. Come back to the Shepherd. Seek the Shepherd. God bless you ❤️


Ok so i am glad that we agree they are demons ...fallen angels! Very good vid!


Today is EXACTLY like it was before the flood. ALL GLORY GOES TO GOD!!!! GOD HAVE MERCY ON US.


The reason we can say with confidence that the battle is already won is because God is eternal and that means outside of time. This means that from the view of God all that is going to happen in our point of view, has already happened in his point of view. God won. We being in the river of time can't see the victory because from our point of view it is still before us. That's why we must put simple trust in God because it not that he knows what is going to happen, it's that it already has happened outside of time and it over from his point of view. It happened when Jesus had victory on the cross. Crazy thought on my part but it kind of makes perfect sense...Any thoughts?


I've been having these dreams repeatedly throught my entire life, for as long as I can remember, since my childhood. I am 48 years old now. My last dream was of a being that looked like a black panther, but human like of course. Really built. Like it hit the gym 24-7, with those serpent like cat eyes. They were armed to the teeth. It was nightmarish, and vivid. Prior to that dream was what took place in Florida, years before the Florida mall incident. I'm not a prophet nor do I claim to be like nostradums, I don't want that type of attention. I'm posting this because I feel it's time. This video gave me the cajones to say something. Also I've had repeated dreams of a portal in the middle of the ocean. I've seen a place under the sea, that I can only explain in an exhausting narrative. Anyways. Just thought it was time for me to come out and say something.


i have been saying this for years!
thank God others are catching on👍👍


CERN is trying to open portals to other dimensions this week. Sounds like they might just succeed.


there is no other way to The Father except through JESUS. Amen


Another well researched absolutely fascinating video.

I grew up in the 60's and 70's and was completely absorbed with the subject of UFO's. I also read the Late Great Planet Earth, and became equally absorbed (and excited) by the idea that Christ could return in my life time. I never thought the two would be remotely related.

I also remember reading about the giant Antichrist statute which would be able to speak. I thought to myself 'that definitely won't happen in my lifetime, as we don't have the technology'. Umm how wrong I was. as things are moving so very, very fast. 🙏 🙏 🙏


There are those that say when they invoke the mlname of Jesus Christ that the occurence ends! Let no man deceive you! Christ comes back like a thief in the night which means that you do not know the hour! God knows, but mankind can be deceived, but the truth is Christ!! When you have Christ you have truth! Let every knee bend to him only, Jesus is the Lord!


This is one of the most important videos of our time! I pray it will reach as many people as possible. As Jesus said there will be a "great falling away" with this mass deception...May everyone know the real TRUTH.
