How to Rotate like a PRO (Its not how you think)

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Easy way to simplify rotations. I've seen that players outside of Grandchamp have some unhelpful thoughts on rotations so I thought I would make this guide

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After the coaching session I made a summary; here's what I jotted down for rotation. XD
- Focus on being ready for the next hit.
- If my team-mate is ready for the next hit, I'm ready for the one after that...


I agree with a lot of what was said. But one reason I do like back post rotation in a solo q setting is that it makes me confident I'm not going to go for a ball just for a teammate rotating under to take it off me. That's the worst things random teammates do, rotate back where the ball is heading. Have no idea if they are going to leave it or touch it, whereas if they had back post rotated my decision to go or not is so much easier.


The thing about back post is, is that it is the safest rotation. For players that aren’t the best at reading bounces, 50s, or lack amazing reaction time, rotating back post helps alleviate that problem in your play. Back post puts a bit more room between you and the ball and for people that lack confidence in their play, it makes the most sense for them.


The big problems are teammates sitting in goal too long after others have rotated back. And cutting off a teammate that is already making a play for the ball causing an over commit or leaving you out of position.


You make a lot of fair points in this video but I think it primarily applies to the highest level of gameplay. There’s not a single champ 1-2 that can just carry their teammates. If that were the case, they wouldn’t be in C1 or C2, they’d be GC. You’re assuming a lot out of these players but that’s ignoring the fact that these players aren’t capable of what you’re assuming, and that’s where your criticism of back post rotations break down. It’s something reliable that if all 3 players on a team are executing, then it’s gonna be really hard to score on that team. Your critique of the back post rotation champ clip is also unfair because the player isn’t executing it properly. They should be following the boost lane back to goal immediately after they committed, that way they get to goal a lot faster and can create a counter attack. But what you say about the dynamic nature of the game is very true, and you’re right in that a lot of players rotate to positions as opposed to rotating into a supportive role and that that is a problem. I think you should make a note about this video not really applying to lower levels of rocket league, because the game is slow enough at those low levels to where the typical rotation schemes you see on YouTube are appropriate.


I agree with everything you have said. I appreciate you refreshing me on this as to finally get me into grand champ in 3s. One thing tho. Around the 8-11 minute mark you discuss an example of bad back post rotation. I would have to disagree that back post rotating was the main problem. The problem was that they went for the corner boost on the opposite side of the field instead of heading for the mid field boost. That would allow more time to position himself accordingly.


I think the benefit back post rotation has over front post is that if you do it wide enough then you can watch the play happen the whole time and you know the position of every player on the pitch. Whereas if you go front post and have to do a 180 degree turn you are blindsided for that amount of time plus you cant make a play on the ball when turning around.


This is contrary to everything I have ever learned about rotation


Thank you for saying this. This type of rotation makes so much more sense to me than the 123 rotations and back post and stuff


Thank you Jake for the first clip, our team missing the ball completely hahahaha

Also whoever uses the camera setting at 11:22 needs to get in the bin

Love you :D
-Base, Triple Trouble


I'm Champ 3 for now maybe 3 months (2000 hours) and the thing is that half of the team I met in ranked don't even rotate or go one by one for the ball. They just don't focus on others, and the worst part into that is that my team and I, who often have a good rotate, loose a lot against this kind of playstyle.
This type of shit makes me want to quit rl.
(Sorry for bad english)


It's a good video and brings up some great points. I do want to provide some input though:

Since you do seem to be doing this videos live with the replay (the pausing and unpausing, heard from your keyboard), I think it would benefit the quality of the video if you used a screen-writing program. I use EpicPen, and it's free. The only problem I have with a program like this is you have to use windowed/borderless mode instead of fullscreen. It shouldn't really be that big of a problem for replay analysis type videos though.

I don't think backpost is overrated. Most players aren't able to read the play very well, and many of them have a habit of inching closer to the play when they shouldn't to try and before more ready. Many have a problem going back too often. Rotating backpost helps solve these issues because the backpost leaves them the most prepared for more possibilities. While it is great to understand why they're rotating backpost in the current situation, sometimes they need _some_ structure to help straighten out some of those issues. Over time, they can learn when to "break the rule" as one can say.

You do give a great point about the backpost not being necessary in many situations. But you must consider that rotating every other way requires being able to read the play and be ready for what's coming, since it would leave you ill-prepared for other options that arise.

I also don't agree with showing the final clip with a Champion I. I don't think the problem was him rotating the backpost at all. You even said it yourself that he goes wide. But I don't think he's going wide because he's accustomed to going to backpost. I think he's accustomed to going to backpost improperly. I think that's a big difference to distinguish. This can be argued in your point that they're rotating to backpost but not knowing why exactly, but even with people who know why I've seen errors like this as a fellow coach.


Hello ! Can you tell me which match the rotation examples came from? Have a good day !


I'd argue that sure at 9:10 or so that he might've been able to position better by going straight back, but the biggest mistake there was wasting a lot of time in his opponents corner grabbing their boost pad, that took a lot more time out of his rotation than the back post lol, but ya he might've been able to fix that going straight back toward net instead of wide, idk

I agree with your last point though, I find myself rotating "properly" and being cut off a lot some games (this is even in GC lol) where teammates will cut me and then make a bad touch because they didnt trust me or something. How to avoid that? I could just be quicker to the ball and boom it away but that would lead to more problems I feel, I just dont get how to adapt to those kinds of teammates that dont trust


I think it's very important to distinguish between back post rotations, and back CORNER rotations. In the clip you showed, the person was making a back corner rotation, instead of following the boost pad lines to the back post -- doing this left them out of position. Whereas if they had just followed the boost lane, they would have been there 5 seconds earlier and in position, ready to make a play on the ball


I think another thing that is important to rotations is making it obvious what you are doing. If you aren't going to try and challenge the ball from an awkward position, flip away from the ball showing you teammate that you aren't going to try and challenge. Also only go for the ball when you can do something productive. If you are in an awkward position in the opponents corner, it can often be better for you to leave the corner to let somebody else on your team challenge because they will have a better angle and more momentum than you.


I feel attacked😂
I'm for sure that guy that cares way to much about "perfect" positional rotating. Eyes opened👀


I deal with two sets of player in Plat 2. The ones that sit back in goal far too long, and the ones that ball chase to the point where you don’t know when it’s your turn to go. I feel like I’m better than Plat, but can’t seem to get out (I’m sure it’s partially my fault). Any tips?


So u watch this u start doing wut jake said but then ur other teamates have zero clue of what rotation is or anything about be ready wyd?


as a 1700 I've improved a lot off this, it works for any rank we've all been conditioned on the old basic 1st 2nd 3rd man rotation and this opened my eyes a lot and I'm pushing for top 100 right now
