The TRUE Way To Rotate In The Downswing!

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In this video, Adam goes over rotation in the downswing. Many golfers do not rotate enough in the downswing and instead end up sliding toward the target, leaving them with chunked or blocked shots. He also goes over how with a good lower body rotation, the hands and body needs to speed up as well to obtain the photo finish that results in compressed and straighter golf shots


The greatest coach there is - if ya'll get a chance to get out to San Diego, a visit to Adam is a must. The youtube videos are great, but he does wonders in person


Lead shoulder down to the ground is gold. I've had the opposite (Lead shoulder up with the stall and flip) which has had my club path excessively from the inside. Leads to blocks, hooks, and the even shanks! Lead shoulder down fixed it!. Thank you Adam. Your golf instruction content is gold. And for those that haven't taken the plunge and bought the Porzak masterclass.... go do it right now! It literally becomes the blueprint for your entire swing. Something I've watched 30+ times and get something out of it each time.


Kevin's backswing is my backswing. I've also been working to keep the club out in front of me. You and Mike are the best. I just won my flight in a Golf Week tournament a few weeks back and I give all the glory to the Lord for sending me to your website for swing help. Thanks guys and keep up the good work.


Another excellent lesson on how to come through the golf ball! You really are an outstanding golf instructor! Thank you! 😍👏👏👏


One for the best lessons with no nonsense and confusion for the viewers!! Awesome work bud!


Porzak golf always seems to have a fix for my swing ailments- which aren't actually ailments...but they're me gradually wandering away from foundational swing elements. I noticed I lost about 10-15 yards on my wedges/irons this year...and suspected it had to do with lack of compression. I learned from this video my swing had become more linear along with too much forward slide and lack of I'm back on track! Thanks Adam, this isn't the first time your videos have helped me. Time for your Masterclass and sticking to just one YouTube instructor!


This is the most fair I can be… I’m sure each person learns different and different teachers click with people in different ways. I have watched (no joke) over 1000 videos and when I came across just one of porzaks, I got about 2 min into the video and deleted every person that teaches from my sub. I only watch porzak. It’s been about 2 weeks and I’ve already dropped my score and increased my distance on all my clubs including driver. I have not had the privilege to work with them directly yet but when I do I imagine great things. This guy explains things like no one else and I see immediate results !


"Left Shoulder goes down" That's the feeling that I need....thank you! Keep these videos coming. I love the way you talk about what to feel so much.


I love it Adam! Please post the driver lesson with the amateur golfer as well. Can’t seem to figure out how to hit up on the golf ball with my driver.


Thank you, Adam,
This move has been so hard for me to execute, but now I am starting to understand the process and the timing involved to execute it properly. Really appreciate you!


Hello I'm from Toronto Canada, started playing years ago left handed from all the hockey. Had great power but ball went everywhere. Teacher had me change to right hand. Big mistake. First game was at Glen Abby and never got ball in air. Anyway screwed up my back from all lateral hip move and over the top. Had to give up golf but now back into it playing left. Was watching ton YouTube videos until the light bulb came one watching your downswing videos!! U are the best teacher. Love your energy and simple explanations. Especially the hip move on downswing. Have so many of your videos to watch. Sorry for long message. Thanks for sharing your wisdom. I'm lucky being in Toronto I can get your info.


Finally a video straight to the point and to the fix. I’ve been having trouble with locking my right leg in the backswing which would kill my rotation in the downswing leading to over draws. But making sure my butt stays back and my left cheek rotates around fixed everything. Fantastic video


Great video, Adam! Thanks! My biggest problem, being tall, is standing up and coming out of posture. Rotation and left shoulder down in the downswing seems to be the key!


Great analogy and I'm excited to try it! Transition is my challenge bc I had back physical therapy/sciatica* getting to the "feels" Ty 😊❣️


I just keep watching and learning AND taking lessons!


Outstanding instruction. You and Mike are the absolute best.


When you work with average and mid handicappers, we all relate so much more. My biggest miss is when I early extension. When I moved my left pocket back and left, my game got so much better.


That "lead shoulder down into the ground" is such a good visual/feel! Gonna add that one into my regiment 🔥


Truly awesome stuff you’re sharing! Thanks so much!
I’ve been a slider forever and thought the hip bump would cure it but turns out I need the full treatment! Cheers Rob K


Tricky dialling this all in for the individual.
Each will have personal challenges in the sequence. I found it good to bump the elbow on side of ribs at same movement as I bump forward. This seems to set me up to "turn" more smoothly but still need to focus to keep club in front otherwise pushes to the right. Tuff to get it working....
Great instruction I keep learning each and every time with each individuals lesson.
