How Do I Love God More Than My Entertainment?

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Ask Pastor John
Episode: 1116
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I just put off reading my bible to go on YouTube and this is what I see... guess I'll go read my bible now.


The more you get into the word the more it will draw you in.


please, anyone who reads this, pray for me, just say Lord help this guy, I'm so miserable because I know that life is so short, and when I have time I waste it, I prefer entertainment over time with the Lord, please just make a short prayer for me.


This is something I have definitely been struggling with, too. I find cell phones and YouTube most distracting. Ironically, I am using such a platform to watch these videos. Technology, when used right, can be such a blessing. But at the same time, such a distraction. Hard to find a balance.


1 Corinthians 10:31

“Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.”


I've struggled too with this. But I've also noticed, as I get older, that when I get too involved in entertainment I end up missing the Lord, as one would miss a friend. Thus, entertainment losses some of its luster, more and more as time goes by.

Also, I look back in my twenties and thirties, the times where I prayed less or read the Bible less, seem darker and lonely than they could've otherwise been.


Thank you so much. This is my greatest struggle and I need prayer for this. I used to be so addicted to video games and the urge is still there everyday. In a period of time where I have so much free time I need to be guided with my time better and continually seek God in my free time.


From my experience God's love is always winning over any entertainment in this world. Seek and we will find. I had surgery 5 days ago. I'm weak but he is strong. I'm finally ready to loose my chains and meet my pastor at the community pool at almost 62 years old I'm feeling in need to get Baptised. Glory to God. I'm free indeed. Prayers for all the world and its leaders 🙏 ❤️ 💙


Man, sometimes I just get reminded that God has his hand on my video recommendations. I needed this.



1. Ask the Lord to direct you to an unbeliever/young believer/ fallen believer so you can share with them what it is about God that should draw them back.

2. Think through what type of downtime you need and what forms of downtime would be pure and not a contradiction of your holiness.

3. Find somebody- author (dead/alive) who speaks or writes about God as one who had really tasted and seen that God is glorious and beautiful and satisfying and writes about it in such a way that when you read it, you taste it.


I haven’t played video games in four months and I thank God for His mercy on my life.


*"[...] we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ".*

2 Corinthians 10:5


I used to never ever think that my faith or religion would Trump or take priority over my affinity for high quality films and shows.

But slowly, I have found the balance shifting.

The best I can say to anyone, as someone who has transformed from "barely a Christian" to someone who is on a walk of to just start.

Once you start with any consistency to make time for the word. For any video, for any service, for any time reading or hearing the word...once you open that door and continue to make any time for it...slowly the balance will shift.

I find I am becoming more interesting in reading my Bible beginning to end. Hearing more of the word from Pastor. Having more questions answered and more advice explored through the lord. I find it easier and easier to save my time and money and cut huge chunks of entertainment and shows out of my life.

I feel there is time for entertainment and relaxation...but I do find that the balance of "time dedicated to Christ and faith" and "time for entertainment" is shifting more and more. The more time I give to faith and Christ and my Bible, the more I find I WANT to do so.

Please believe me, as someone who NEVER thought my faith would triumph over my passion for film...I can absolutely say that it can. If you allow the opening of the door faith can and will come crashing through.

The power of it is shaking me and rocking me. It is overwhelming sometimes but also awe inspiring and encouraging.


"where your treasure is, there will your heart be also". I play soccer, watch sports, do art....but it does not consume my time and life. I dont bet on games, i dont get all grumpy if my team loses, i dont watch horror/sexualized movies....I agree nothing good comes out of hollywood, because they program people to think like the world. But art/music/sports can be healthy if used properly. Its a conscience decision, what's wrong for you its not necessarely wrong for me. Depends where you are spiritually and i would not judge you.


I love Pastor John. He has a gift from God for explaining scripture. Unfortunately my church doesn't get into the deep things of the Lord. I get more out of a 4 minute video from pastor John than from 2 hours in church. I am not idolizing him or do I think that he he has the corner on truth. But he is a special and gifted teacher. Thank you Pastor John


If I have unresolved offense/hurt and unforgiveness, that will immediately cause me to not want to spend time with God and distract myself instead, with entertainment. Life’s a battle. Keep fighting the good fight brethren!


Yeah, social media has been a HUGE distraction in my life and every time I waste hours on the internet, I just feel hollow afterwards. Now I find these short, insightful APJ videos a huge satisfaction and now it's become my new entertainment. The truth is wholesome and good :)


And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him.
Colossians 3:17


Great topic! the entertainment culture can so easily become a false idol!


i also find it helpful to listen to these instead of watching a whole TV show that will rope me in for more when i need a break during the day.
