30 Magical & Legendary Weapons From World Mythology

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The idea of magical and supernatural weapons has been always an important part of mythology. Almost every culture has a god or an epic hero who used a magical weapon to defeat their enemies. These weapons represented heavenly power and authority and were also seen as symbols of wisdom, knowledge, divinity and might . The goal of this video is to showcase the most famous magical and legendry weapons in world mythology (legendary and magical swords, magical spears and other mythical items). You will learn about 30 mythical weapons, the legend/myth behind them , and the ability/power of each of them. From the Trident of Poseidon to the Axe of Pangu!.


1 - Most mentioned mythologies are : Greek mythology, Hindu mythology Norse mythology and Irish mythology.
2- This video showcases legendary and mythical weapons that can be found in mythology and folklore around the world, Including mythical swords, spears bows and staffs.
3- Weapons on this video are listed randomly.
4- I only included the mythical weapons that were mentioned in mystic sources and folktales.
5- At the end of the video, I included a small chapter for some honorable mentions.

--------------------- Content ------------------------------------------

00:00 Intro
00:07 the Trident
00:34 Excalibur
01:04 Kaumodaki
01:23 Thunderbolt
01:42 Mjolnir
02:04 Ruyi Jingu Bang
02:32 Ame-no-Ohabari
02:45 Taming Sari
03:04 Narayanastra
03:33 The Golden Bow
03:58 Fragarach
04:22 Gungnir
04:45 Pashupatastra
05:07 Sword of Freyr
05:28 Gandiva
05:52 Vijaya
06:15 Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi
06:46 Vajra (Hindu)
06:58 Caladbolg
07:16 Brahmashirsha astra
07:30 Sharur
08:00 Thuận Thiên
08:14 Carnwennan
08:28 The twin spears of Diarmuid Ua Duibhne
08:47 The silver bow
09:00 Other mentions

Music: Bellissimo - Doug Maxwell

#mythology #MagicalWeapons
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You missed the opportunity to put in the coolest weapon in Vietnamese mythology: the automatic crossbow of An Dương Vương. This thing is said to be made from a claw of a giant turtle god and has the ability to fire thousands of arrows with each shot and can erase an army in seconds. Not too powerful compared to others, but super cool


Sword kladanets (sword treasurer) From Russian mythology. It could change its size, be controlled by the power of thought, provide invincibility, impose magic, had the powers of the dead world and so on. It was owned by the giant Svyatogor, Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitych and others.

In short, the cheater sword.


POV: Waiting for your country's weapon


Fun fact: you're waiting for some noble phantasm to see in this list


Technically the Sheath of Excalibur is what makes you nearly invincible, but they're a package deal so it's cool


Some of this weapons are in Fate Stay Night and Fate Grand Order. Love the anime and the mythos within it.


Speaking of Diarmuid's spears, he also possessed two swords gifted to him by his foster father Aengus Óg and were made by Manannan Mac Lir, called Moralltach and Beagalltach. There's numerous other Irish Weapons such as An Claiomh Solais, Luin Celtchair, Gae Bolg, Gae Assail, Lugh's Spear, and lots more I can't think of off the top of my head.


Excalibur: grants invincibility

No, the scabbard prevents you from losing blood no matter how greivous your wounds. It's not the sword, and it's not invincibility, as poison etc can still be a problem


I'm a consultant for history and archeology channels on Mesoamerica (Aztec, Maya, etc): since none came up, I figured I'd mention some weapons from Mesoamerican mythology (There's admittedly not a lot, so I'm not too bothered by their exclusion here). The first one is the White ball from the Maya underworld of Xibalba in the Popol Vuh: This is used in a ball game the Death gods and the Maya Hero twins play, but is secretly/contains/is made from (i'm a little unclear on the symbolism, the Popol vuh isn't my strong suit) a flint knife the gods intend to use to kill the twins. What's more interesting/that I can talk about more in depth, though, is XIuhcoatl, the fire/lighting serpent wielded by the Aztec war god Huitzilopochtli as a weapon:

In the myth of Huitzilopochtli's birth at Coatepec mountain, Coatlicue (a mother-earth diety, also with attributes of monstrous star goddess in Aztez mythology) is impregnated by a ball of feathers while sweeping, and conceives Huitzilopochtli. This angers her existing children, the goddess Coyolxauhqui and the gods known as the Centzon Huitznahuas ("Centzon" litterally meaning 400). Huitzilopochtli is born fully armed and armored (like Athena) and defends Coatlicue, killing them, using Xiuhcoatl in particular (at least in the translation I am looking at, others are vaguer here) to pierce/strike Coatlicue, and then he beheads her, her body falling down the mountain and breaking apart. The myth is usually interpreted as being an allegory for the sun (Huitzilopochtli)'s rise during the day over the moon (Coyolxauhqui) and stars (the Centzon Huitznahuas), though some researchers disagree with that connotation.

What's not totally clear from the text is what sort of weapon Xiuhcoatl is. It's a serpent, but obviously a snake isn't a weapon. The line where it is mentioned then has Coyolxauhqui being injured and beheaded, the beheading suggesting a bladed weapon (and indeed, the Florentine Codex has a plate showing Huitzlipotchli wielding a blue Macuahuitl, the blue color is important but i'll get back to that), but even in the translation where it says Coyolxauhqui was struck by Xiuhcoatl, It doesn't say she was beheaded by it (though it may, sadly i'm not a linguistic expert on Nahuatl), and the Florentine Codex ALSO has another plate showing Huitzilopochtli with a snake in his hand, separate from the Macuahuitl (it is worth noting that the text says XIuhcoatl is lit on fire by somebody named Tochancalqui, I wonder if "lighting it" is a metaphor for turning it into a weapon or a macuahuitl, as fire is at times associated with warfare, but that's my speculation), where it most resembles a ceremonial staff, many variations of which different gods hold. Most sources, however, seem to interpret Xiuhcoatl as an Atlatl, a projectile weapon which is essentially a stick shaped cradle for a short spear or large dart, which then launches the projectile with extra power when tossed: While Atlatl were replaced by bows in Eurasia, in the Americas people continued to use both, with the Atlatl actually being seen as the more refined weapon by the Aztec. The text of the Florentine Codex even mentions Huitzlipotchli with a blue Atlatl, named Xinatlatl/Xiuhahtlatl, and some sources seem to think it and Xiuhcoatl are one in the same.

The "Xiuh" in both of their names most often means Turquoise, both the color and especially the stone, which was highly revered (moreso then gold) and associated with fire (the Aztec fire god was known as Xiuhtecuhtli, and is also sometimes seen wielding Xiuhcoatl), and indeed, as I noted, in the text of the myth, Xiuhcoatl is lit on fire. Fire Serpents/Xiuhcoatls are also sometimes depicted alongside solar disks in art, such as on the famous Aztec Sun Stone. This also ties into an association some interpret between Xiuhcoatl and the passage of time (as the Sun stone features calendrical motifs, time also ties into solar cycles, and fire drills and ritual hearths, such as in the New Fire Ceremony), with the shape of Xiuhcoatl's tail (often a sort of pointed rattlesnake rattle) also resembling some Aztec symbols for year/time.

Some have often likened the shape of the tail to the suns's rays (something XIuhcoatl itself or the "darts" it fires as an atlatl is also likened to), I believe based on the pointed arrows seen on solar disks. The connection to time and cosmology also extends into that Xiuhcoatl is often adorned with star/stellar iconography, and Karl Taube argues that then "Xiuh", beyond meaning turquoise and fire, means meteor, with the darts Xiuhcoatl fires as an atlatl being meteors or comets. Alternatively, some sources liken Xiuhcoatl's darts to lightning bolts: Xiuhcoatl is associated with the dry winter season, where bush fires can occur via lightning strikes. Taube also notes "Xiuh" can mean herb, and the pointed rattle on the end of it's tail resembles Aztec depictions of flowers or grasses/reeds, too. There's even some iconographic links tying Xiuhcoatl to butterflies (which like hummingbirds, were associated with soldiers and warfare) and especially caterpillars, with some arguing it was one as much as/alternatively to a snake!

I list a lot of "sources say" and "I think" here, because I don't like to speak aurhoratively unless I am 100% sure of a given fact or interpretation, and when it comes to iconography and symbolism, there's rarely one 100% for sure answer, since our sources on Mesoamerican culture, religion, and philsophy are scarce. Xiuhcoatl and it's symbolism is also a topic I am actively looking into.

There's probably some other weapons listed in Mesoamerican myths, but the White Knife/Ball and Xiuhcoatl-Xiuhahtlatl are the "named" ones I know of off the top of my head... All that said, If you ever want to include more Mesoamerican content in your videos, let me know, and I could maybe help out!


When You realise that your world works like an RPG with Legendary weapons ready to be found on an epic quest


Staff of the Monkey King has to be my favorite! When I saw this video I checked the time stamps to make sure it was in here, one of my favorite weapons. If you do another of these (please do I love it!) you could cover Nezha’s flame-tipped spear also from JTTW


Also sun wukong himself defeated over 1, 000 gods by himself and the staff is the only weapon capable of killing a god in chinese mythology while The Jade Emperor is the only person in chinese mythology who can actually kill a god without a weapon.


This is more like an item, but it can work as a weapon: the *Flute of Akuanduba, * of the Arara indigenous (Brazil).

In the myths, this is an instrument capable of calming down anyone and anything (anywhere and at any given time), responsible for keeping the world in a perfect harmony, and capable of destroying the whole human race if it gets too ... chaotic out of hand and start creating havoc, lol.


Gae Bulg, A spear that if thrown under certain conditions can pierce through a man and open up barbs inside the body making it the only way to remove it is cutting away the flesh that it's attached to. Diarmuid also had two other swords that was equally if not more powerful than his other two spears


The Narayanastra (Sanskrit: नारायणास्त्र, romanized: nārāyaṇāstra) in Indian mythology is the personal weapon of Lord Vishnu in his Narayana form. This astra ("weapon" in Sanskrit) fires a volley of millions of deadly missiles simultaneously, the intensity of which rises in proportion to the resistance of the target.[1] The only way to defend against the Narayanastra is therefore to show total submission before the missiles hit, which would cause them to stop and spare the target. It is one of the six 'Mantramukta' weapons that could not be resisted.[2] It was also said that it could be used only once in a war; if one tried to use it twice, it would devour the user's own army.[3]


One issue i noticed was that ryu jingu bang (the monkey kings staff) doesn't get heavier it is the same weight no matter the size

Wukong keeping it behind his ear was basically the myths way of showing how crazy strong he was


Anyone else recognized some of these weapons from Fate/stay night and FGO?


So everybody's just going to ignore the fact that this list literally had a UFO On it


This makes me wanna go on a Adventure and gather these weapons.


Regarding the excalibur bit there's another sword called caliburn which is the sword in the stone while excalibur was given by the lady of the lake
