EASY Gravity Block Duplicator! Infinite Items! Minecraft Bedrock Edition MCPE Xbox PC PS5

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SIMPLE AND EASY Gravity Block Duplicator! Works on dragon eggs, sand, concrete, anvils and more! This weird duplication glitch is great for many other things! Subscribe for more Minecraft Tutorials!

This Minecraft tutorial works on Minecraft Bedrock Edition, MCPE, PE, Xbox, Playstation, PS4, PS5, Switch etc:)

How to farm dripleaf:

-Latest video! WORKING OFFHAND Added To Minecraft Bedrock Edition! All Platforms!

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#Minecraft​ #mcpe #tutorial
PieIsTheBest in the comments If you made it this far down ;)
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Don't use this in multiplayer unless its ok on the server you play on!!
Generally only the dragon egg (cause its useless) and sand are things I'd consider to be mildly ok for duping, but what you use this for is up to you! lots of cool things you can do with this bug, but it also happens to be a dupe glitch lol <3


Impressive. Now build the anvil one in an ancient city and watch the warden slowly go insane.


I personally am going to use this for making tonnes upon tonnes of anvils for use as tram/railways on my smp (set in the 1920s), without digging into the supplies from my stacked iron farms, because they are way better used in tech stuff.


Just built this. Still works in 2024 bedrock


Your videos are so helpful there isn't many bedrock YouTubers keep it up!


Mud Blocks... you can put Dripleaf on a Mud block, with normal Hoppers below it. When you try and drop sand on Mud it will automatically break, but it can be "placed" directly on Mud, just not dropped on it. There will be some loss in this setup since you can't pull items that drop on top of the Levers; same issue would occur if you did the Hopper Minecart too. But since you only need enough Levers to power the Dripleaf, it's not a "terrible" loss.


When bedrock worlds start to slow down and crash after a gig in size, that’s why I duplicate sand. It’s quicker to shovel sand, but inevitably world ending.


As version 1.21.2 it still works thanks goat


Let's hope this doesn't get patched anytime soon. It looks a lot faster than the end gateway dupe glitch


Hey SilentWhisperer. Could you do a slime item launcher tutorial? and when would you update your massive auto sorter storage in your bartering farm?


It's very easy to fully automate this duping process, all you need to do is set up a redstone comparator clock on each side of the nether portal with a piston on a timer, setup your drip leaves with as many items as you wish to dupe, set up a hopper minecart system underneath of the grass blocks the drip leaf grow from and you can basically go through the portal every 15 to 20 seconds with the Piston Pusher timer and the Hopper minecarts pick up the loose items between every dimension change.


Was looking for a sand duper! I thought all hope was lost until i found this video. Works in Education Edition 2024! Thank you so MUCH!!! You definately earned a sub from me. Keep up the great work!


When Silent posted the "Are you ok with duplication glitches?" Poll, I was thinking, hopefully this is foreshadowing a video because I could really use thousands upon thousands of sand and glass for mining. Thanks Silent 😀


GUYS - BUILD 3 BLOCKS HIGH, dig 1 down, PUT MOSS or dirt in the hole, drip leaf for the bottom block

and on the ground to the side of the leaf, a lever, and on the leaf, put the duping item, then on the final block, on the same side as the other items, put a torch,

It double dupes so instead of getting 2 you get 3


Great stuff as usual, thanks for this and the short that taught me in the first place! My partner wanted more dragon eggs and we decided 20 is a good limit for that item, but this video raises great points about expanding the operation to sand and its variants


Maybe Mojang could make sand renewable by turning dirt into sand over time in desert biomes.. desertification is a thing, after all... not the first time they added something to the game like that...


Annnndd for those wanna ask, yes it's still works for 1.21


Thanks so much for publishing this! I've wanted to dupe the dragon egg for decoration for ages but never figured out how to do it.


Was doing this with boats to get plenty of sand in my skyblock world. Helped a ton


I'm also of the mind that mind that duplication for basic gravity blocks is the limit for allowable duplication; it's kinda annoying how limited red sand is.

Thanks for this mini-farm tutorial. Love all your content
