Let's Ban Cars! (Seriously)

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It's not a bus, it's a public limousine.

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"you must be a city dweller who doesn't own a car"
neither of these things are true, please stop polluting my comments section with this argument


If we're banning cars, we need more mixed use spaces, too. I won't ever feel the need for a car if I could work, shop, and live in an area where all three are within walking distance of one another.


A frightening thing I noticed when going to New York was that the ambulance couldn't get around. There were too many cars. Imagine if we could have empty ambulance routes.


I dont mind biking long distances, I dont trust 1 thin line between me and a car going 40mph to keep me safe


1980: there will be flying cars in the future!
Future: no cars


You don't have to ban cars. It just needs to be possible to not be dependent on one.

1. Copy Japanese zoning laws which allow small shops, barbers, restaurants etc. to be build around residential areas within walking distance.
2. Build cycling infrastructure like they do in the Netherlands, especially in areas where public transport is cost-prohibitive.

That's it. As long as you can easily access daily necessities without a car, the majority of people stop using them on their own because they're so expensive.

Even more interestingly, car enthusiasts should actually want this because the small percentage of people who will still have or want to drive would experience less traffic and less road rage. Would also improve the economy because products get faster from A to B. Also allows ambulances and other protective services to move around more quickly. Everyone would win, well, except those who profit from the current horrible infrastructure.


For Americans, it's difficult to go carless (at the moment that is) because of the gross zoning and land use practices. You can't drive to the store without having to drive all the way there. You can't just walk down a block, pick up a few things that you need, and go back home. And that's why it's so hard to give up cars in the US then Europe; where a lot of older cities have mixed zoning and land use. To begin on limiting the use of cars (I think banning is extreme and takes away personal freedom of choice) Americans need to fix how the land is used and zoned. Only then will we be able to walk to the hardware store and nail a civil engineer to a cross.


you choose trains because you're an environmentalist, I choose trains because AUTISM. we are not the same


“We’re going to install a national belief that cycling is patriotic” as a Dutch person this made me laugh so hard! I never thought of it in that way!😂


Banning cars for cities seems like a good first step because I cant imagine banning cars for rural areas any time soon, its almost a necessity over there.


"buying a bus ticket twice a day" Well, here is one of your problems, a price model that actively discourages public transportation utilization.
Here in Budapest you can get a monthly ticket for a flat price with unlimited utilization (for about 60% price compared to 2 line tickets every work day). Also we have a bike rental service for about £11 _a year_ where the first 30 minutes of every journey is free. Yeah, everything is crumbling here, but at least the public transportation pricing scheme is figured out!


For people who say "I lived in the middle of nowhere and the nearest shop was 1 hour of driving". This video pretty much says to reduce car usage within urban areas and cities. Cars used in desert areas like this are not a problem at all, it's the huge largely populated suburban areas with thousands of cars and constant traffic that are the problem


I live in New York where cars essentially are second class citizens, and when I’m leaving work at around five there are hour long traffic jams to cross a 3000 foot bridge, meanwhile I zoom through it on the subway. So by that point I don’t really care about being on crowded train bc I get home almost half an hour faster then a coworker who lives near me


For me, the biggest downside to not having a car is that it limits how much it is to comfortably carry with you. Luggage, musical instruments, other kinds of equipment etc. Otherwise I'm pretty happy about living without a car.


I'd be down for this within city limits.

Rural communities still need cars though


Can't tell if this video is serious or not, it's so mentally deranged that it seems like a joke video, but at the same time it's missing the most important component of a joke video, the funny


We don't need to ban cars. Just minimize car dependency

Edit: seens like i accidently started a war. Yes you can live somewhere non car dependent, but let's face it, you STILL NEED a car for daily jobs like buying groceries or taking someone to the hospital on emergencies ( its a much more available option if you live in a country where you have to PAY for an ambulance)

So yea, car dependency is bad but we must be very careful about how we're supposed to fix it


Even as an automotive enthusiast, I find it hard to disagree. Cities and the environment are just better without cars.


I am a car guy, and I strongly support this.

For any car guys around.

1. There will be less drivers around. When we do drive were we can, it will be much more comfortable.

2. Those that will choose to drive, presumably will do so because they enjoy it. Hence, better drivers around.

3. Who actually enjoys driving in big congested cities? We can drive outside cities and on circuits.

4. We get all the benefits that non-car lovers get.


For what it's worth, when I went onsite to a customer in Germany, I actually loved the convenience of walking / tram / train compared to literally having to drive everywhere despite living in a significant American city. Way less stressful. Lost a bunch of weight without trying. And no one trying to run me over on a daily basis.
