70-Hour Work Week: Good Or Bad? #shorts

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Рекомендации по теме

70 hrs per week is pretty bad specifically for Indian implementation partners


Thanks for 900 subscribers 😌♥️ Keep supporting 👍🏻 Waiting for 1000


@Bhai founder has to work 24/7 to keep going the problem is these founder's want employee to contribute 70hrs. Y these founder's and giant enterprises are not changing policy and make it legal to allow employees to be their employee and allow them to work for them and allow them to have their own start-up and work for that as well..

Corporate will never allow that and our Indian mgmt will take another century to groom themselves


Founders tume ka hisap nahi rakhte hamlog. Aur employees to tume ke hisap se hi kam karega. It is founder's responsibility to use their employees efficiently


Big brother appp Kitne ghanta krte hai? 😂


Bhai ye sab t fir bhi 30-40 saal ke hain JEE-NEET walen bhi kai hote hain 10-10 ghante padhne walle


Ye aurat kon hai, aur ye bade logo ke upr gyan q de rahi hai 😂😂😂


Pagal ho kya tum log?? Founders to karenge na kaam.. Unki company hai....Normal employee get paid very less even he works 90 hrs a week.. Will he get paid for that.. The answer is "NO".... Why u compare VC and founders with normal employee? After this 70 hr controversy.. Ny respect for Narayan murthy is unfrr my foot... Bldy ashle...


Apan 84 hrs kam karte hai .. Per week.. 💪
