How to Can Ground Meat in a Pressure Canner

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Canned ground meat makes life so much easier!! Whether it's ground beef, chicken, turkey, venison, or any other kind of ground burger, being able to grab a jar of already cooked meat makes busy nights a piece of cake.
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I noticed you were quite careful filling the jars but I recommend ALWAYS wiping lids with paper towel with a little white vinegar before lidding and banding. Please consider the tremendous blessing you are giving to so many but safe responsibility is part as well. Teaching a DO THE SAME THING EVERY TIME YOU CAN will reduce risks of a food borne illness. I know this may be new and your happy love comes thru... keep up the good work. When others see us doing the right procedure every time they will also learn and begin with safer food practice. Retired Corp. Ex. Chef Gary. NOTE... I used to hold FDA Food manufacturing License.


I'm so excited to try this! We have yet to can meat! Thank you so much for sharing!! ♥️


Thank you for the video! I'm one of those who are afraid of the pressure canner lol but watching videos of others using them helps me, and I plan on getting one this summer so I can, can a lot more foods for my shelves!


Thank you so much sister aPRIL for showing us this! :-) I really want to learn how to can, also meat. I know these days, forgot to take something out of the freezer.... it is most days here!! :o) God bless you for sharing and teaching us. Love in Christ; Anne.
