Basic Electronic Components - Introduction to Electronics for Kids

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Hi Friends, If you are new to electronics or starting to build electronic circuits, then the important thing to do is to get familiar with the Basic Electronic Components.

Electronic components are the basic building blocks of an electronic circuit or electronic system or electronic device. They are the elements of circuit which helps in its functioning. In this video, you can get a brief overview of few of the most common basic electronic components.

These are the most common components:
Crystal Oscillator

The very first component that you should know about is the resistor. A resistor is an electrical component that limits or regulates the flow of electrical current in an electronic circuit. It is pretty easy to assume that a resistor, as the name suggests, will resist electricity that flows through it,
and you would be correct in that assumption too! Any situation that demands the flow of current to be controlled at the desired level will require a resistor. Resistors come in a variety of resistance values measured in unit called ohms.

A capacitor represents the amount of capacitance in a circuit. The capacitance is the ability of a component to store an electrical charge. A capacitor (also called condenser, which is the older term) is an electronic component that stores electric energy. It is similar to a battery, but can be smaller, lightweight and a capacitor charges or discharges much quicker.

Diodes allow an electric current to flow through them in only one direction. A diode has two terminals, called the anode and the cathode. Current will flow through the diode only when positive voltage is applied to the anode and negative voltage to the cathode. If these voltages are reversed, current will not flow. A light-emitting diode (or LED) is a special type of diode that emits light when current passes through it.

A transistor is a semiconductor device used to amplify or switch electronic signals and electrical power. It is composed of semiconductor material usually with at least three terminals for connection to an external circuit.

Crystal Oscillator
A crystal oscillator is an electronic oscillator that operate on the principle of inverse piezoelectric effect in which an alternating voltage applied across the crystal surfaces causes it to vibrate at its natural frequency. It is these vibrations which eventually get converted into oscillations.

Integrated Circuit (IC)
An Integrated Circuit or an IC is an integration or incorporation of several electronic components (mainly transistors) on a single device (or chip) made up of a semiconductor material (usually Silicon).

Almost all electronic devices like TVs, Mobile Phones, Laptops, Audio Players, Routers, etc., have all of these basic electronic components in them.
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