Fasting for health and longevity with Dr. Jason Fung, MD — Diet Doctor Podcast

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If fasting has been around since the beginning of time, why is it so controversial? Dr. Jason Fung has a different perspective. When done right, fasting should not be controversial at all. In fact, it should be one of our most powerful tools for treating insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, obesity and diabetes. He also believes insulin resistance has an even further-reaching impact on our health affecting our risk of cancer and our chance for longevity. As the foremost expert on fasting, Dr. Fung has a perspective we can all learn from.

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Dear Dr Jason. Thank you for all your advice. I have seen all your videos and learnt how to fast. I was 352lb and now after 1.5years I am 165lb. I reversed my Type 2 diabetic. Thank you for saving my life. God bless you. ❤️❤️


Dr. Fung, Your work is changing so many lives. There might be no interest in PCOS from academia or the drug companies, but there is a huge interest from all of the heart broken women out there struggling with infertility.

I was diagnosed with PCOS at 14 and told that the best treatment was birth control. If I wanted kids, it would probably be impossible, since I only got one menstrual cycle every year or two, but I could try fertility treatments when I was ready.

Fast forward to my mid 20s. I found your work and read “The PCOS Plan.” I started doing one meal a day and in 10 months, I lost 100lbs and started getting regular menstrual cycles for the first time. I’m currently 8 months pregnant with a little boy who I conceived naturally on the first try! Thank you for everything!


I tried fasting here and there for 2 months exactly. After years of several different doctor's trying to give me a hysterectomy, I went back for an ultrasound to check on cysts and growth and they were GONE!
I AM A BELIEVER! I will continue to share this information! THANK YOU!


I have listened to more Dr. Jason Fung presentations and podcast interviews than probably any other physician or researcher that occupies the low carb space. His clinical insight, and his uncanny way of distilling concepts down into common sense and humorous analogies, just makes him the perfect teacher. Thank you for having him on your podcast.


"Being a genius is to see something so obvious so simple no one else could see"
Dr.Jason Nobel Prize in my Book..


Dr. Jason Fung is my hero! I started a keto diet in February of this year (recommended by my doctor), and have since lost 50 pounds. I've been watching his videos for inspiration since the beginning, and started 16/8 intermittent fasting around April. It felt like a natural transition.

Last month, I finally read his book, "The Obesity Code, " and everything else fell into place. No more guilt about being a "lazy person" all my life, because now I know the factor that hormones played to get me where I was in February. Dr. Fung has given me the knowledge and tools to counter those hormones!

Now, if I have a stressful day and the though of a sweet treat pops into my head, I know it's not me that craves the treat; it's the cortisol talking. Then I simply tell cortisol to piss off. LOL! If I have a family event and eat off plan, I simply fast the next 24 hours to get back on track.

Thank you, Dr. Fung!


I can confirm. I completely cured my PCOS with fasting and I had PCOS for over 15 years. My doctor even surprised. She said it looks like I never had PCOS before. lol. Thanks to Dr Jason Fung for studying and sharing this knowledge to us who have been suffering due to some disease the doctors did not have intentions to cure us.


This host is the absolute best! He's knowledgeable, he KNOWS when and what to ask and he's not overbearing like most of the others who find it hard to allow Dr. Fung to speak in peace. A wonderful podcast with such amazing information. I learnt so much! Thank you gentlemen.


the biggest thing that the internet world isn't talking about during this fascinating discussion between 2 medically trained doctors as it pertains to diet, insulin resistance and intermittent fasting is that there wasn't 1 Youtube ad in it


I have lost 58 pounds in 74 days on keto and rotating from 18/6 to 48 hr fast to OMAD to 72 hr fast, etc. went from 320 to 262. Went from the last hole on my belt to the first hole. Eczema is gone. Headache issues are nearly gone. Life changing.


As a Pre-Diabetic with an aggressive Cancer well as a double Cancer Survivor...I tell everyone I know struggling with health issues (Obesity, Cancer, Diabetes) about Dr. Jason Fung. His book the Obesity Code has changed my life. My A1C and Blood Glucose is dropping as well as some additional weight. I sleep better and feel so much better. This is truly an Anti-Cancer protocol. Thank you Dr. Fung.


in 2017 I was diagnosed with diabetes. One of the people I listened (via Youtube) to was Dr Jason Fung. I changed my diet to around 80% vegetables, rainbow food (I do eat meat but within the 20%). I do intermittent fasting. Now, no medication, all health markers normal. So, thanks Dr Fung.


I started alternate daily fasting just this week in an attempt to improve my insulin sensitivity. I am insulin resistant, having PCOS since in my 20’s, skin tags, had gestational diabetes in all three of my pregnancies and am about 25 pounds overweight. My mom passed away at a young 63 due to complications from diabetes and my older sister is on insulin. The writing is on the wall for me so I’m doing what I can to improve my health. I do daily walks most of the time and my next move is to go to a low carbohydrate lifestyle. All things are possible for the one who believes. Thanks Dr. Fung for your critical work and thanks for all those channels that share the information.


Ok, I’ve read Obesity Code and now watched this. It’s official, unless it come out of Dr Fung’s mouth it isn’t true. He makes so much sense. I could listen to him talk for hours!


My father back in the 60s told us we should always go to bed a little bit hungry.
Just meals nothing in between. I was skinny until I left home and all his advice fell on deaf ears.
Now in my 60s I realise how right he was and he was not a medical person. Just believed in health and fitness.


Thank you. Just 2 days of intermittent fasting has dropped my sugar by 150 counts!
So I'll continue fasting.
Thank you Doctor Jason.


I’m very thankful for Dr. Fung, I have PCOS and have went through 2 miscarriages so far.. I’m 34 years old and suffer with insulin resistance and so far I’ve been eating once a day and gave up sugar completely. I’ve lost 30 pounds in 1 month and I’m now heading into my second month.. I have 100 pounds more to lose and I’m hoping once I get my weight down that just maybe I can have a child with my husband ❤


I and my husband two years back at 6.2 al1c prediabetic and we do 2MAD and OMAD .
Thank you so much
You deserve a crown .
You're the best 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻♥💯💯


Dr. Jason Fung saved my really thankful...


Dr Jason Fung,
Thank you, Sir, for providing us with all of this excellent health information for free. I and many others truly appreciate your help in overcoming our health issues. God bless you, in Jesus' name.☺️
