Multiplication Tricks | Shortcut Tricks | Multiply any number with 5, 15 and 25 in just 5 seconds |

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Multiplication Tricks | Shortcut Trick for Multiplication | Multiply any number with 5, 15 and 25 in just 5 seconds |

In this video we showcased how to do multiplication of any number with 5, 15 or 25 in just 5 seconds.

so in this video you will learn Maths Short trick of multiplication and calculation which will help you in your exams.

We will give you more Short Tricks of Maths in the series of Multiplication tricks and Division Tricks .

Once you start watching the video you are surely going to get glued to your screen till end of the video.
In fact the video is very fascinating and informative for any age group be it school students or you are preparing for any entrance or any competitive exams.

This mathematics tricks will help fast the calculation in fraction of seconds.

This multiplication tricks are for faster calculation in exam.

Please share this with all your friends

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#multiplicationtrick #fastcalculationtricks #calculationtricks
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Nice work buddy make video kore and more


Thankyou sir for your this much information


Osm trick kaise huha odd number be bathoo


16*25= 16 half 8*5 add one zero 400 issay v easy trick h sir


Even numbers ka toh ayega ab odd numbers ka kon karega


But sir half naa ho toh Jaise ki 265 × 25
879× 15 kaise kare fir🤔


Bhai jaruri to nahi 4 se exact divide ho jaye.
