This is why you NEED to visit Finland! (the perfect winter getaway)

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Welcome back to our final Finland Flying the Nest Expeditions vlog! Here, 40 travellers and strangers from around the world gathered for an epic, bucket list-filled adventure through the winter, the magical and super Christmasy Finnish Lapland. We went
→ Dog sledding
→ Reindeer sleigh rides
→ Had the most Christmassy visit ever at Santa's village
→ Dipped in an arctic lake
→ and so much more

#finland #lapland #wintertravel

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Flying the Nest:

0:00 Intro:



Hi, we are Stephen, Jess and little Hunter, a traveling family who spent 2020 self-converting a van before moving in full-time to drive around our home country of Australia. We have now completed our lap, said our goodbyes, and resumed full-time travel before we wait for our second baby to arrive.
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I love how Christmas is such a huge thing for u both and Hunter’s scared of Santa 😂😂


I shouldn't laugh but hunters fear of santa and that second photo of her were priceless - the way you guys did the in and out photo session was expert parenting 💀♥️ shes just adorable really. This trip was just... inspiring, amazing, the memories you guys have made in your life... Your lives are beautiful and full of joy.


I'm only halfway through the video so far and so many good moments!! Hunter playing with new friends... so precious when Hunter identified that she was crying...

i love how there were no reservations for the Salmon Cafe... you guys had to wait 45minutes. I can't imagine the hostess face when you walked up and said, "Hi can we have a table for 40?" hahaha

edit: ooops, Jess just said only half... either way... seating for 20 please? haha


I mean, this video is so fantastic. Finish Lapland is so magical and whimsical. I couldn't have any more fun unless I was actually there with you! Thank you for sharing your amazing adventures with us. I love you guys so much! 🥰🤗


Looks like a bunch of squid game characters swimming in a lake 😂


Omg what amazing memories! Thank you for creating an epic group trip. I will always have these memories 🖤 hopefully I’ll be able to join in on the next group trip!


Awesome video ❤ looks like a lot of fun 😊 it was so nice to meet you at the arctic circle. Thank you for taking some time for me even when you were there with the group. Much love and all the best for you!


There is nothing more beautiful than snowy forest and aurora's lighting the sky.


Hunter sure made 40 New friends on this trip ❤ what am awesome trip many many memories made
Fantastic video Stephen, Jess & Hunter 💕 thank you for taking us along on this one


Are you braking mate?! 😂 Thanks for the best trip guys! Truly some of my fave travel memories ever. I’ve wanted to ‘mush’ sled dogs since I was a little kid, absolutely magical!


Aw this is so sweet. Tip for the snowman, make the ball and then roll it in the snow and the snow will stick to it and make it bigger ^^ That's how we make the big snowmen.


Hunter is such a queen for falling asleep while dog sledding 🤣 not thrilling enough for her!


Your guys videos always brighten my day... Finland looks amazing... Much love from Niagara Falls NY


This looks like so much fun! Love the reindeer! Hint for future snowman building success: start with a small snowball, lay it on the ground and roll it around in the snow. Your snowball will turn into a huge ball.


That snowmobile ride looked stunning in the twilight ❤


Oh man an absolutely 💯 other favorite vlog of mine! Love all the laughs and goggles and that little hunter is so lovely and cute! She is such a character! Lol!


The Hunter/Santa photo attempt had me in stitches- I was the exact same way with Santas, Easter Bunnies/any mascot when I was her age. Such a trooper though!


Thanks for showing your family's travel.
Amazing. It has been fun to watch Hunter grow up and experience so much!


I am close to 60 now but when I was younger and living with my Father in British Columbia Canada at the ripe old age of 14 did 1 year or season of dogsled racing I had a 4 dog team and my Father had a 13-dog team it was magical and yes the dog's bread for this absolutely live for the moment to get out on the trail and run.. it is such an organic way of getting from one place to another and if your team is in shape you can run 80 to 100 kilometers per day and it seemed like dogs still had energy .. of course, my competition days I only went like 8 kilometers per race but it was soo much fun .. love your videos as always


We went to the same place in January and it was amazing! We stayed in a different place near to the Santa Village and did all the activities! Such a great experience. Great to see your journey. Amazing fun!
