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Are you getting an error message on your iPhone that says No SIM Card Installed? If that's what you are experiencing, don't worry, you're not alone! We've got an easy solution for you.
The below Fix for the NO Sim error message works on any iPhone, it doesnt matter wether you have an iPhone 5, 6, 7 or iPhone 8, X, XS, or even the newer iPhone 11, it will apply as well.
First, we are going to discard anything related to a software issue, so before going into the fix, please do make sure you have tried to toggle the Flight mode on and Off, and you've at least rebooted the iPhone.
Second, please double check there is a SIM installed, and that the SIM holder is all the way inserted in the proper position.
Now, if the aforementioned steps have been checked and you're still experiencing the same error, then please try these two easy fix:
Frist, we'd like to see if the error is coming up due to a bad contact between the SIM and the iPhone due to dust or mug that is present in the surface of the SIM itself. For this, using the sim card ejector tool, push out the SIM and inspect the card. If you notice anything on the surface that could intervene with the contact, you can try clean that up, either with your finger or using a some paper (look at the metalic, golden part of the SIM that is actually the part making contact with the phone), try inserting the SIM back and see if it's fixed.
The second solution is related to a bent Holder. Sometimes when we accidenlty drop the iPhone, it can bend the holder then preventing the iPhone to make proper contact with the SIM. Take the the holder/sim and carefully inspect whether the holder is in good shape, aligned and straight. The SiM should be able to be placed Flat. If it's not straight, try fixing it with your fingers. Insert the SiM back in and Try. If you have an additional sim or sim holder to swap and test with, it would also be great
The below Fix for the NO Sim error message works on any iPhone, it doesnt matter wether you have an iPhone 5, 6, 7 or iPhone 8, X, XS, or even the newer iPhone 11, it will apply as well.
First, we are going to discard anything related to a software issue, so before going into the fix, please do make sure you have tried to toggle the Flight mode on and Off, and you've at least rebooted the iPhone.
Second, please double check there is a SIM installed, and that the SIM holder is all the way inserted in the proper position.
Now, if the aforementioned steps have been checked and you're still experiencing the same error, then please try these two easy fix:
Frist, we'd like to see if the error is coming up due to a bad contact between the SIM and the iPhone due to dust or mug that is present in the surface of the SIM itself. For this, using the sim card ejector tool, push out the SIM and inspect the card. If you notice anything on the surface that could intervene with the contact, you can try clean that up, either with your finger or using a some paper (look at the metalic, golden part of the SIM that is actually the part making contact with the phone), try inserting the SIM back and see if it's fixed.
The second solution is related to a bent Holder. Sometimes when we accidenlty drop the iPhone, it can bend the holder then preventing the iPhone to make proper contact with the SIM. Take the the holder/sim and carefully inspect whether the holder is in good shape, aligned and straight. The SiM should be able to be placed Flat. If it's not straight, try fixing it with your fingers. Insert the SiM back in and Try. If you have an additional sim or sim holder to swap and test with, it would also be great