Should the Medicine Cat Code Be Removed? Warrior Cats Analysis

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Wow! Two long videos two weeks in a row. Next week, the video will only be ten minutes though.
0:00 Intro
1:06 The Code
1:39 Rules 1+2
4:39 Rule 3
8:07 Rules 4+5
10:22 Statistics
13:14 Final Analysis
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Thumbnail editor: Photopea, Sketchbook
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YES! It makes no sense that merely having FEELINGS for another cat is breaking the healer code? 😭 like that's completely 100% unavoidable if it happens 😭🙏🙏


Remember in OotS when Firestar had the good idea to have every warrior learn basic medical skills and herb knowledge? This could've freed up medicine cats from having to treat the entire clan by themselves, but still be the primary healer. But apparently it was impossible for warriors to remember even the simplest use of herbs.
So many problems in this series seem to stem from the characters being dumb as bricks.


I feel like medicine cat's should have both a mate and kits. The rule should be kinda like how to have kits after the medicine cat has fully trained an apprentice. They can have a mate before hand. I feel like this could work, so while the one med cat caring for her kits in the nursery, the other can take on the medicine cat duties. I really do find it stupid that medicine cats can't gave nether a mate nor kits.


The case of medicine cats made no sense, even when I was just beginning to read the books. If the hypothetical scenario was you had to choose between your clan or kits, the medicine cat would choose kits. But siblings and other platonic relatives would still exist, and then the medicine cat would feel more entitled to them.
Also, spending sixteen minutes gathering herbs and sixteen minutes to nurse kits aren't that different, as it's not like the entire clan will die if your away doing something for an hour. Also, what if a male cat is medicine cat. They don't have to nurse kits?
Another point is, what if the cat just doesn't want kits, but still falls in love? Alderheart and Velvet was a thing, and it never resulted in kits. Twigbranch and Finleap are mates, but Twigbranch consciously decided never to have kits, so it is possible.
A much better medicine cat rule for kits would be, no to have kits unless you have a fully trained apprentice to do the work. It would be good practice for them, to see how they could keep the clan held together and how they manage helping a queen give birth.

Sorry if that was long, I just really needed to get my opinion out there


A medicine cat should be allowed to have a mate or kits. Bffr, loving someone isn’t going to suddenly cause a medicine cat to get SOOOO distracted that they don’t do their duties.

Just because a medicine cat-or anyone for that matter, has a partner, also doesn’t mean they’ll automatically have children.

Even if they did, clan cats are notorious for helping raise/babysit kits. Ex: Permanent queens like Ferncloud and Daisy. I’m sure taking a few moments to raise their kids for only 6 months won’t cause the clan to “crumble” from disease or injuries lmao.

On top of that, there’s been more than one medicine cat per clan. We even had freaking three. I’m sure everything will be okay when a medicine cat has to take 6 months off to focus on their family while another fully capable medicine cat takes over.

The family bias thing is stupid. Medicine cats have family members besides their offspring. Parents, uncles, aunts, siblings, they could have a personal bias with any one of their kin/close buddies.

And whoever dares to reply with “ Oh, but Mothflight-“ don’t bother. She couldn’t focus/pay attention on anything for the life of her. The authors made it apparent in her super edition. If she struggled to babysit Slate’s kits (which she wasn’t even a medicine cat at the time), then she sure as hell would obviously struggle with her own. On top of that, she was the only medicine cat in her clan anyway. Using Mothflight as an example to support the idea of medicine cats not having a mate or kits is a pretty weak argument.

None of the problems presented with Mothflight apply anymore regardless. Things changed.

On top of that, it’s just plain wrong. Imagine telling somebody they aren’t allowed to have basic feelings or a family, especially medicine cats, who go through a lot already. They constantly have to feel the pressure of a cat’s life being on their paws, even those they care about. They always have prophecies that are mostly about the doom of the clans.

No wonder they feel so isolated from their clan mates all the damn time. Please. Let them be happy.


I feel like they should definitely be able to have a mate, like, you can date someone without having kits??


I kinda wish that medicine cats code and what they do at meetings was a secret. I also feel medicine cats should be able to have kits! Most clans almost aways had 2 medicine cats and one could take over when the other is taking care of the kits!


i always thought the healer code was kinda dumb even as a little kid like what are they supposed to do just not fall in love? its not like you could stop that


I genuinely didn't know that medicine cats could retire because it literally never happens. Maybe the intended solution was to have medicine cats retire if they wanted to have kits but that just never happened?


YES, if the code must be there, make it so that a med cat can have kits as long their is another fully trained healer there, or almost fully trained, and the medicine cats have other close family members, do they not think a cat would stress over healing a parent or sibling, or want to heal them first before other cats? I dont see why they cant have kits


I want to see a boy med cat who had kits or a evil one


I personally think that medicine cats should be aloud to have mates and kits, as long as there's another healer


Just a small correction: Mudfur chose to be a medicine cat and is Leopardkits father, not Mudclaw.

I do agree with some of the medicine code but the kit/falling in love rule is. S T U P I D.

Hopefully Frostpaw kicks butt in the newest arc and lets Mothwing be a lesbian.


I’m a tad late, but yes, they need to either change the medicine cat code or toss it out entirely. It makes. No. Sense! If the medicine cat has an apprentice or more help and they want a mate and kits, that second medicine cat can take over while the first takes care of their kits. Not only that, it would limit a lot of the cousins thing people are worried about a lot.

I have an OC story where medicine cats are actually allowed to have kits and a mate, but only within the Clan, because cats are still foggy/uncertain about half-Clan relationships.


i'm making my own warriors inspired universe, my healer code looks like this at the moment:

1 - A healer must care for all lives equally

2 - Colony boundaries don't matter as long as it is to protect others

3 - A healer must not neglect a cat in need even if that means asking help from other colonies

4 - Healers must not deny help to other healers unless that action can potentially cause harm to their own colony

5 - The will of [[The Spirits of The Rising Moon]] (aka starclan) must be obeyed unless it causes any type of harm to any cat, including the healer in question

6 - Healers may have mates and kits as long as there is another fully trained healer to take their place during the period where the kits are born and until they're 8 moons old

7 - Healers are excused from their duties during the time where their kits are born until they're 8 moons old unless there's a serious emergency (this includes healers who can't have kits)

8 - Healers are the life-line of a colony, therefore they must be taken care of before anyone else

*Any healer can suggest new rules or ask to remove a rule at the full moon meeting, if more than half of them agree, the new rule is added or the old one is revoked and no longer considered, all the healers must state their votes during the council's meeting*


Warrior code: You may not be able to have kits/or a mate cus reasons

EVERY MED CAT IN EXISTENCE: what the hell does that mean? *continues to have like 1000 kits, 999 of them die*


Yes because how would them haveing a mate distract them? Sure there mate will visit them but that’s when they or their mate aren’t busy!

And if there are two medicine one should be able to have kits and if they are needed right away a queen can babysit for a while


The medicine cat code is just freaking bs


i hope they do somehing in series 9, or maybe they'll change it by the end of star idk


This is kinda unrelated, but I always thought that the reason medicine cats cannot have a mate or kits is to be similar to clergy (who have to stay celibate).

also mudfur becoming a medicine cat while he had kits was always stupid to me. I’m glad someone’s talking about it
