Why Was Directed Verdict Denied in The Karen Read Trial?

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Why Was Directed Verdict Denied in The Karen Read Trial? We look at the request for directed verdict; the arguments made by the defendant and the prosecutor. We also compare the result of a directed verdict from another court, and the differences in how the judges made their decision.


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I live in Massachusetts and have followed this case to an obsessive level. There has been somewhat of a break with Karen Read and her attorneys going for an appeal in Boston. She will be going back again around Nov 17 in front of the full panel this time. With having some available time now, I have been able to rewatch some of the original footage related to the early “investigation” and court testimony.

Judge Cannone is a legal embarrassment in this state for her flippant approach to the law and dismissal of the defense team on any serious issue related to this case which only holds Karen Read’s life in the balance.

The verdict sheet was challenged and she found it irritating; she barely tolerated the exceptional argument about the state not meeting the evidence objectives because of lack of concrete evidence for a full acquittal which Read more than deserves as her case never would have gone to court in a reasonable system. Just how is it the Judge can sit at her big desk and overlook the expert testimony of multiple experts from medical assessment of dog bites, the medical examiner finding John’s injuries were not consistent with a car crash, nationally known experts in car crash reconstruction and technical forensics reporting Karen Read did not hit John OKeefe with her vehicle. Instead she listens to ADA Lally and replaces all the scientific evidence in exchange for lightweight circumstantial evidence from a barely trained but sincere police accident reconstruction, a broken glass and a woman justifiably screaming and crying out whether she had hit John when discovering his body barely breathing in the ice and snow on the lawn of his fellow Boston policeman’s house who never bothered to go out to John’s body.

We know Karen did not kill John OKeefe. We have seen hundreds of examples of no proper investigatory techniques by Canton and Mass State policemen paid well over $250.000 to do so but prefer drinking instead. we have seen zero compassion from all of the Alberts who knew John’s body was out in the cold. He had six skull fractures—SIX—one cut in the back of his head and his eyes were swollen to capacity and yet no other damage from the chest down. It wasn’t an SUV; it was a fight that did this to him by men who are trained street fighters and experts at destroying life. They are also experts at lying and covering for each other at all costs. This is a slimy, slimy, case in a town of politically incestuous people who believe that paying their legal people well justifies them getting away with anything they damn well want. They are truly a pathetic bunch because even their children are involved in the coverup.

The best thing our Governor could do would be to clear out the entire police force and legal structure of Norfolk County to start including the waning District Attorney and staff and then go through the state county by county because there has been and is rampant legal and police corruption throughout Massachusetts for years and years and years.


Lally’s strategy: waffle in a monotone enough to bore and put to sleep the jury so they don’t pick up on the inconsistencies and blatant lies


Thank you so much for this video, and providing an example of what an analysis of a request for directed verdict by a judge should look like in the best of cases. The judge in the second example clearly explains every point of the analysis. It really drives home well why most will intuitively feel that the judge in the Karen Read case does not appear impartial. Well done!


The US shown at its worst. Now think the Boston tea party was a serious attempt to brew tea.


I'd forgotten just how much I disliked Lally . These people have no shame


No wonder Lunchbox Lally got benched for Hank Brennan for round 2😂
He has No future after this debacle!


See the whole case shouldn’t have made it to a court. I mean there is a TON of reasonable doubt. Three Accident Reconstructive Experts testified that John O Keefe was NOT hit by a vehicle. See I thought it was about Justice . So I would recommend that Judge Bev get her head out of her ass if she wants to save her integrity. The Prosecutor, The Head DA, The Cops, Most Witnesses are dirty. I really don’t want to say that Judge Bev is Dirty, but she better do the right thing cause it seems she’s dirty as well. Trooper Paul needs to go back to School 😂 please what a Wet Hammer he is.


Great video! Thanks for posting. I loved seeing what a directed verdict looks like. ❤🎉


So the coroner statement to the court didn't mean a thing....🤬


Goes without saying that this case should never have made it to court. But as it did, there were many instances when this trial ought to have been stopped. A massive glaring violation for one instance, the inverted sally port

All that said, I think its done Karen Reed a favour in revealing all the curruption thats been going on (and is still going on).


Damn. Two words in and yet again I’m reminded that Bev is a total C U Next Tuesday. She’s like a really mean older sister, maybe 7 yrs old.


You cant expect a crooked judge to grant that judge bev mcalbert isnt running the show inher courtroom as shown by the punk brian albert in the courtroom the day of closing arguments


I think the Commonwealth chose the wrong prosecutor to try the case.


Easy answer, there was evidence to convict her! It was 9-3 for manslaughter, so the prosecution's theory got through to the jury, more so than the defense! Just like AJ said in his 20/20 interview, it usually comes down to the most simplest story, which would be in Karen's own words. Maybe I incapacitated him unwittingly, and in his drunkenness, he passed out! Not the nonsense Turtleboi and the defense want you to believe!
