10 Secrets for a Clean and Organized Home

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Here are 10 secrets to a clean and organized home! These secrets helped my home go from messy and disorganized to clean and tidy for good.

1) Know your Organizing Style
2) Know your Cleaning Style
3) One Minute Rule
4) Complete the Cycle
5) Tidy Time
6) Zone your Home
7) Contain the Clutter
8) Labels are Magic
9) The Valuable Real Estate
10) Clean like a Professional Using the SORTED method

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This is so helpful! I am a speed cleaning ladybug. My mom always said, "Don't put it down; put it away. " I hated this growing up, but our home was never dirty. I had to adopt this when I had kids...😫


I call a ten-item tidy every once in a while. Every person has to find 10 items to tidy and/or put away. When the whole family does this, we can make a HUGE difference in just a few moments.


Rare beings seek out each other. You are so sweet and special. A definite sparkle to any day. Great tips!


I truly hope "it's better late than never", to get started. Recently health has started declining and I do not want to leave my mess to my family to deal with. I realize all my joy in crafting has almost depleted as I think storing rather than using has taken over my brain. I want to have that clean space in order to spend time with family and us work on projects together.


I've done all the different ways you can imagine how to clean and organize. Read every book about good housekeeping our library could offer. It took three and a half decades to get the one that fits our family. I still watch these videos to refresh my life.


1. Know your cleaning style!
Makes so much sense! My goodness!
2. Weekly cleaning routine
Different types: weekend cleaners, zone cleaners, daily speed cleaner
3. One minute rule
Putting things away after using them…
4. “Complete the cycle” Peter Walsh
5. Tidy time
Pick up after themselves
Tidy times *3
5 minutes
Everyone tidy up 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🤣🥳
6. Zone your home
Like things together
Keeping things where you’re using stuff
🎶 Zoning your home 🎵
7. Contain the clutter
Put your stuff in a basket/containers
8. Label 🏷
9. Valuable real estate
Things you use the most often
Accessing things, everyday
10. SORTED method
S supplies
O one room at a time
R returning all items to their home
T top to bottom (dust on the roooof to floor)
E encircle - ⭕️
D deep down
Vacuuming, scrubbing


I'm from India and we are strongly against throwing food in trash. For the same reason your grandma told.

Grandma's are same every place, all around the globe🙂 and they groom us with some very good habits


I also trained myself (I have since fallen out of this practice), to leave every room better than I found it. So even if it was just fluffing a pillow, or putting the remote in the bin, made a difference. It is amazing how it compounds quickly and how many times you leave a room, that it delays a need for blocked time to tidy!


My mom's style was to have a "cleaning closet" where all the supplies were in a plastic tool-box-like container with a handle. Then she'd go room to room and clean. This always gave me anxiety for some reason. When I got my Own home, I purchased Multiples of Everything, so every room has its own little cleaning station. This enables me to clean as I go and it's not as big a job as the "All in One Day"-way. Honestly? If I have One cleaning closet, I'm not going to go across the house to wipe the splashes off my bathroom mirror whereas when the cleaner is right there under the sink, it gets done immediately.
My mom criticized me for being extravagant and buying Sooo Many of each item but here's the thing: I'm using the Same amount as her way; it's just spread out.
I also have a commissary where I have extra-large pump dispensers with solutions I use all the time in them, so when a bottle gets low, I just take my little booty to the commissary for a refill.
This system makes my heart Sooo Happy.
Is it me? Or is it a Cricket-thing ? 🤔



Day 1. Today.

I am a lifelong messy person. I called myself a pre- hoarder b/c I had so much stuff. When I moved to what I thought would be my forever home, I had already started culling. After numerous garbage dump trips, donations and giveaways to my friends, I got rid of at least 50%.

I even culled more when I unpacked.

Since then, my daughter moved 3 hours away. Covid hit, I lost my job but I’m fortunately 66 so I was eligible to retire. So I decided to move to be close to my daughter.

It’s about to feel that way again because my new house for my retirement home is about 55 sqft smaller than the home I just sold.

Because all of my changes happened so fast, I didn’t cull much.

I couldn’t find a place to live so I’m in a 600 sqft rental, which surely helps to live “smaller.” Except, this place is a shambles. I pay no one visits, especially my daughter because she will be ashamed and disappointed in me.

This is where I was at when this video hit.

Maybe it’s because I’m ready? But these 20 steps AND cleaning in a circle feels like a new lease on life. It gives me what I never see: a beginning and end. I usually start by yelling at myself for being such a slob. Next, I mentally go over what needs to be done. And this list ALWAYS seems insurmountable. It’s so bad I don’t even realize I’m doing it to myself. I just know that I fail virtually every single time I try.

Today, I started with the kitchen. I had been doing 15 minutes on and 15 off. Believe me I always wanted that break.
Instead, today, I didn’t bother to set the clock. I got a lot done. Don’t know how long it took me either (and I don’t care).

Right now, 1/2 of my kitchen is clean. And I mean clean. Not just doing the dishes and piling clean dishes into the dry. Not just getting them done and leaving a dirty sink and counters.

I’ve cleaned underneath countertop appliances and I’ve moved what doesn’t belong to the end of the (tiny) kitchen. I’ve put away ALL of the things that DO belong. And, I’ve put things back into the sink that should have been washed as I cook each day. One counter is all the way clean. The next is started. And the stove is clear for the first time since I moved here.

I’m moving to my new house in 1.5 weeks and I’ve been dreading it because this place — again it’s only 500-600 sqft — is such a disorganized mess.

I could say more. But, I just wanted to thank you! My house was supposed to be a place grandsons could visit. Now, I think I’ve learned HOW I can accomplish that!



Even if squirrels don't eat the "food scraps bring all the squirrels to the yard"!!


I’ve followed you for ages but this video just had EVERYTHING I needed right now. I try to keep on top of things but my clutter is out of control. I’m in lockdown right now (Wales, UK) so you have just given me total motivation for the week I have ahead at home! Thank you x


My cleaning style is “I clean the whole house on Sunday afternoon, then finish on Monday morning what didn’t get done.” :) I also never ever leave a mess. If I walk into a room with a plate and cup, then I leave the room with the plate and cup, and put them in the dishwasher immediately. My family has been trained to do the same. When my boys were little, I would walk them back to the items they left in the room and make them put the items where they go. They automatically do it for my oldest, he moved out and does whatever he wants in his own home. 😂😂😂


I could watch your videos all day! I'm so inspired! I even got my husband to take the Clutterbug quiz and found out he is a Butterfly - just like me!!! That should make this a little easier for us. Thank you for such usable information. I appreciate you, Cas!!


Like the meme says, "My cleaning style is, 'There seems to have been a struggle.'" 😅


I've been watching you since the beginning (Malitose79), and your tips have helped me to stay organized, and I have found cleaning style and organizing style that has transformed how I take care of my home. Love ya Cass!!


Rearranging as our kids have rolled through different phases has kept us organised with clean surfaces. Making sure everything is stored where it's going to be used and can be taken out/tucked back away in moments. My daughter has 2 dresser drawers in the dining room to store her art and craft mountain (no longer a mountain now we had allocated drawers!) Oh yes, glitter, sequins, glues, buttons, eyeballs, pompoms, stickers and papers, yardstick and paints, pencils and pens all have an immediate together and forever home! 🙌🏻


I have never seen a white squirrel before how precious.


We have white squirrels in our neighborhood. It always makes us happy if we see one on our walk.


I like your humor, you might enjoy this....I was gone from home during the work week due to an internship for an entire year. I came home on weekends and kept the family organized (hubby and one grown daughter). Despite my best efforts hubby gave himself food poisoning so I started labeling everything. Daughter's boyfriend thought I was a little crazy with the labels so he picked up my tool and labeled things like door bell, light switch. It ticked me off but hey, gotta laugh. Saturday night he came to dinner, picked up his napkin and said "Probably." Why? His napkin ring was labeled "Future ex boyfriend." Luckily her taste got better the next year.
