Static VS Video Ads

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⚡ Static 🆚 Video Ads

An age-long marketing question has always been which performs better: Static or 🖥️ Video ads? The answer isn't as 📏 straightforward as you may think. Jeff here presents a good 💼 case where both ad types have an advantage and where they dip. Watch the quick 📹 video to get an idea!

Want more details? Read the full article here:


00:00 Intro
00:26 Pinterest on Static Ads.
00:43 Creatopy research results about Static vs. Video Ads.
01:07 When do Video Ads do better?
01:17 Making your Ads more about your audience.
01:29 Why not use both?
01:47 Outro

#DrunkonSocial #Socialmediamarketing #Videoads #TristanAhumada #JeffPfitzer

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