#10) The Typological Lens, Part 2 (The ABC's of Bible Prophecy Series)

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The ABC’s of Bible Prophecy is a short series on Biblical interpretation (hermeneutics). It has been said that interpreting scripture is both an “art” and a “science”. An art….as the more time we invest in the effort of honing our Bible-reading skills, the better we become at it. A science….because there are foundational interpretive “rules” or guidelines that should be followed. It is my contention that failure to incorporate ALL the interpretive principles discussed in this series, and failure to actually employ ALL the interpretive principles discussed in this series, will produce an inconsistent interpretive process and thus an inconsistent theology. The interpretive principles discussed in this series are really quite basic, but they are foundational.
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Another excellent video! Wonderful exegesis. Thanks again, brother. This was very helpful.


Would love if you could do a video of the types and anti types of Yahs 7 Feasts!


Okay I was trying hard to hang with you through these teaching, but, lol, if all prophecy has been fulfilled where are now? To believe that I some how missed the One world government, the one world religion, the mark of the beast, (the beast from earth the beast out of the sea ect.) The Revelation twelve sign in heaven. The two witness and the 144, 000 being redeemed from I must be dreaming. I believe that in deed our Father knew the end from the beginning and there certainly is more to come before ALL is said and done. History has and continues to repeat itself worldly and spiritually. There is no way I believe we are dwelling in a new heavenly Jerusalem nor can I believe that the things mentioned in Matthew and Luke pertained only to events that happened in the time of Jesus life. I do believe that yes, praise God, that we have been purchase by the shedding of His blood for our sins and was accomplished by His sacrifice and by the loving compassion and grace of God. I could go on but not sure I want to continue this here. I will pray about this and for you.
