Processed Foods..... are they ALL bad?

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Should we avoid 'processed' foods? What are they, and why are they bad for us?
The topic of processed foods can be very confusing.
In this video, I will explain exactly what processed foods are, the foods to avoid and why we eat so much of them.

Do let me know your comments on our modern foods below.





The content in this video is not intended as a substitute for the medical advice of a primary physician. Please regularly consult with your physician in matters relating to your health, particularly with respect to any symptoms that may require diagnosis or immediate medical attention. Due to the variance of individuals’ lifestyles and bodies, the methods elaborated on in this video are not guaranteed to produce your desired result; therefore, the author does not assume any liability to any party for any loss, damage, or disruption caused by the choice to implement any of the following health strategies.
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Have you previously been avoiding ALL processed foods? What do you think now?


Interesting video! These days all foods are processed to an extent. I keep is stupid simple:
1. Meat
2. Eggs
3. Black coffee
That's all I eat 🤓🤓


I really don’t think it could have been explained any better than this. I’m happy knowing that I will not eat that stuff and I look at that stuff like it’s dog poop. Don’t know why people would eat dog poop. Thanks Doc, glad I found you and hello from LoUiSiAna. 🇺🇸💪🇬🇧💪🇨🇦


Thank you Dr Maggs from a 70 year old American who, thanks to your channel, has discovered another way to live. I still struggle to avoid convenience goods, but I’m trying. And I can tell a real difference in my health


Great content. **breakfast by definition is the first meal of the day.... When that first meal is is flexible... It doesn't have to mean get up, eat, go to work....
Eating constantly throughout the day wasn't natural either...


My main concern is with foods in the "medium processed" category. While ultra processed foods are easily identifiable, there can sometimes be a subtle but very important difference in say... sausages, or whole foods derived sauces. That's where things get tricky.


I’m so glad that you are making new videos. You have a way of sharing information that makes it easy to understand. 🤗👍🏼


Great vid Doc .
I think the only slightly heavier processed food I eat is has to go through quite a bit to become that chunk of deliciousness that I cannot live without.
many thanks .
Gilly wife of Mark


Great video Dr Dan Maggs!! Superbly put, Keto all the way no processed foods for me This corrupt government is not killing me off and you wonder why so many people are waiting for operations in this country


Brilliant video, superbly presented in a rational way. If ultra processed foods weren't bad enough on their own, it is of course, their ease of availability driving their consumption on demand snacking all day long, reducing fasting periods (non-eating periods), raising insulin leading in the end to insulin dear! Diabetes (type II) and general metabolic disease.


Cheese puffs is the first example I can think of as ultra processed foods.


Just watching the video footage of food being processed is off putting. Thanks for clarification on the ' not so
processed ' food items. Once again, a video full of common sense and truth. Thank you Dan.


Thanks Dr. Dan, really interesting 👍🏻


Olive oil is a processed food if you want to get technical. The olive it processed for its oil. You want to eat the whole food you eat the olive. Even olive oil heathy as the claims consumed in excess is unhealthy because processing concentrates and removes the fiber, those are the main issues.


I finally found canned wild caught salmon with skin and bones included 😃 I love steamed beets hate processing them the organic brand I buy is processed in France 😊I learned to read labels and have learned some of the tricks used to deceive buyers by the big name companies . It took me years to make an important connection the dietitian had told me that I had two choices in a restaurant poor choices and damn poor choices why she didn’t mention grocery stores as grocery stores are full of both kinds of takeout foods as well as healthy ingredients is a mystery.🙄 🌟🍀🌟💝👍👍👍👍🌟🖖🖖🖖🖖💝🌟🍀🌟🙋🏼‍♀️


I know it's highly processed...but...I need the smiley face ham in my


Processed foods that are high in sugar and refined oils are the ones you need to avoid. Whey protein for instance is an ultra processed food, but most people wouldn't consider it unhealthy.


Thanks for doing this. Anything with gluten or lugumes I need to avoid or I will pay the price.
I avoid soy and seed oils when possible. Make my own mayo, salad dressings, etc. I also have my own hydrator so I can dry things without add sugar and chemicals. We have apple trees and I dried a ton for my husband. He can not eat grocery store apples. Even when peeled.
I buy local when possible. Found a farmer who does not spray. Great produce.
But I also buy frozen and things in cans. I have 2 freezers. Get half a local free range pig every year. But also load up on frozen vegetables and berries when they go on sale. Happens every fall. And get beef and chicken on sale. Froze wild blueberries this year. Managed to get a lot.
But some people get so extreme when pushing healthy eating. Nothing frozen or canned. Everything must be local, fresh, organic, etc. It is all or nothing deal.
But we all live in different places, with different resources, different budgets, etc. Telling someone who lives in Nunavut that they should only eat fresh and organic produce is crazy. They are lucky to see fresh produce. Same as telling that to some family living below the poverty line.
There was a time I would not have had the time or money for some of the choices I make now. I realize that I am extremely lucky.
Your video gave people a good understanding so that they can make choices based on their life and what they can reasonably do. Even small changes can make a massive difference to health.


These videos are really great and informative.
Carbs really are the enemy.
I eat 2 meals a day. Lunch at 1.00pm usually avocado and mayonnaise and dinner at 6.00pm cheese omelette and cauliflower. Real food and no hunger!!


Well said! And polite too! Thank you Dr Maggs. Very lucid and comprehensive!
