Next.js isn't React

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Almost 2 years working as a web dev directly thanks to Adrian. Super happy for your success man. Cheers for much more,


Many years ago when react comes out you guys said about how great client rendering like using less resources, etc. We are getting back to php way


Moral of the story, if you can't use client side things directly inside the server components then make a separate component for them and just render them into the server side components and pass the data as the props whatever you want.

Tysm for such a valuable info. Luckily I'm working on a huge Real Estate Project in Next JS and it would be really helpful.


I hate how people constantly dismiss arguments with arrogant or sarcastic comments (many times they don't even know what they're talking about).
Some of the comments you replied to reminded me why I don't like following developers on Twitter or other social platforms.

Great video, thanks for the explanation and looking forward to the new course!


I have learned so much from you Brother. Your the best Teacher online. Thank you so much.


Man keep going. You and your team are my reference. I recommend your channel to everyone around me. I tell them you're the god of good practices 😂. This channel is building my career so thank you and the team for that. I'm broke atm but once i get enough money i'll for sure buy the next course. Idk how much will it cost but any price is a good price after all you've done in here.


It is a complex topic, because in a case which there are millions of requests, it is gonna reduce the performance of the server. So, even in client mode, we can use the browser and client memory and cpu, and the internet actually is so fast, we can download the whole bundle so fast, but I still think nextjs and the balance between client and server components are the key.


I am actually working on a project wich will include 2 forms and I have developed one of them until now using client side rendering but as soon as I open my laptop and the code, I will change my code's structure to be using server side rendering. Really beneficial video.


YES, We all can agree that NextJS is the future of web development, and don't forget about server actions when it becomes stable a lot will change about react and next :)


So much work goes into every one of your videos, Adrian. Excellent job, keep it up!


I've used Remix for a project before and what this guy says is very much true. SSR practically eliminates the need for client side hooks like useState, useEffect, useContext, useReducer etc. Why would you manipulate data with state when you can just send any data you get to server for validation/storage? Likewise with fetching data, Remix doesn't even use useEffect for that. These full stack React frameworks have transformed the way to render data with components.


❤ From India.... Took your react course and loved it
Please keep next.js course affordable... Waiting for Appreciate your hard work and simple explanation of complex topics... Really helpful content..


Yes we need that video, and thanks for clarifying the concept ❤️


Also, technically speaking, react is just a small library that compares code using a diffing algorithm to do so efficiently. Other libraries like react dom are makes it usable in the browser. Going a step further, react router allows you to do navigation. All these packages and some others create a react ecosystem, aka a framework. NextJS is just Vercels approach at doing the same thing that many devs have already been doing with CRA and the packages listed above (and others). That said, NextJS does so very effectively, but it’s heavily opinionated on how you should code, which can be good, but can also be bad. It’s the same reason Ruby on Rails was so popular for a while, only to be thought of as “bad” down the road for beginners because it had so many abstractions that a beginner couldn’t actually learn (without great difficulty) what RoR was doing behind the scenes. Now it seems we’ve cycled back around and RoR style frameworks are popular again. Granted react only covers the UI. I could also talk about newer devs choosing to learn express over RoR too in order to cover the backend technologies.


I spent 3 months to convert my old Nextjs CMS project to server component but now I like it


Probably one of the few, if not the only video, that really addresses this issue. I have seen tons of videos making their uppermost component a client component, basically making the whole application a client side application, which is not really what we're aiming for with the new App Router.
If anyone has found a way to efficiently implement a user authentication and routing mechanism on a Server Component, therefore without implementing a context provider at the topmost component, throw me a comment. I would greatly appreciate.


I only use Next, so I’m always server rendering focused, the problem is that nowadays almost every site uses, GSAP or framer motion. Even if you create components to handle anything that needs to be client based, you’ll have more than half the page that can’t be read by Google, so it’s a huge problem anyways. Unless you have a workaround for using an animation library, without using client rendering, there is not much you can do


Love the explanation. Perfectly broken down to bits that a newbee could comprehend. Kudos to this author, you deserved a like and a subscription!


I was learning React for couple of months, now i am learning Next.jS for about 3 weeks, and i am in love with Next.js. I know main difference between CSR and SSR, you've even explained it very well, but can i understand it the way, that CSR for React means it's purely for front-end, and when i want to add back-end to my app, i must use other options, such as express js. While SSR in Next.js means, it offers me way of creating back-end routes in my app in API folder, so basically it's built for creating full-stack apps. I am not very experienced, but why then use React to create pure front-end, when Next.js can create same front-end and as a bonus offers many more options (creating back-end to make it full stack, seo optimization, images optimization, easy routing). Why would anyone pick React, when Next.js can create what React creates, but offers many more great features? Sadly, in my country there are few to none Next.js job offers, it seems they did not "find" Next.js yet, so i guess i'll have to stick to React, if i want to land a job, even personally i like Next.js more. Thanks


The setup I used on my last project was I retrieved initial data server side and passed it into my client side which uses SWR to revalidate. SWR can then handle updates that happen from the user. For the most part the server side data fetching isn't completely necessary since SWR would work anyway without initial data but does bolster the accuracy and speed of the data given all possible situations. That's at least my understanding of it as of now.

SWR handles client-side caching, which means that once data is fetched, it's stored in the cache and is quickly available for subsequent requests.
- On a page refresh, the cache is cleared, which means SWR has to fetch the data again. This can lead to a delay in rendering if not handled correctly.
- Using `initialData` from the server-side can provide an immediate fallback for SWR, ensuring that data is always available, even if the cache is cleared.
