You Don't Understand EQ

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What exactly is an EQ? In this video I go deep into the technical side of how EQs work and share some advanced tips that have helped me improve my EQ and mixing skills. This video goes into depth about impulse responses, minimum phase and linear phase EQs, preringing, and analog EQs. In the second half of the video I give some mixing tips that I don't see mentioned enough.

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**EDIT** at 7:34 it should be "EQing HIGHER Frequencies = Less Pre-ringing", instead of 'Lower'

You Don't Understand EQ
► Timestamps
00:00 - Intro
1:04 - What's an EQ?
3:56 - Impulse Responses
5:05 - Minimum Phase vs Linear Phase
8:59 - Analog EQs
10:04 - Practical EQ Tips
16:58 - Outro
Рекомендации по теме

Glad to have found someone who doesn't shy away from getting a bit technical in his explanations but doesn't lose the focus on practical applications. That's rare.


This guy is straight up brilliant. He clearly has an extremely deep understanding of music production and explains it in very understandable terms. I learned a lot from this video.


I love also that you’re not OVERTLY “quirky” and waste time joking like many vids, you add some nice funny humour but don’t stray away from being fast moving, clear and technical. Pls don’t change ur style it’s so mint


Brother I’ve been recording and mixing my own music for ten years and can hear the different regions of the frequency distribution but you blew my mind with the bit about loudness. I just put out my last project and I’m punching the air cause everything I do always sounds quieter than everything else I listen to. Thank you G


Finally somebody who knows his stuff and can explain it clearly! Would LOVE a video on how to properly master a song


I haven’t mastered EQing yet, but, this confirms what I have learned, so far by, trial and error. I got braver with cutting frequencies on an instrument. I’ve notice a bit more clarity in my mixes. There is a lot of theory here, but this video is Gold for understanding what to do to make it work.
Thank you so much of this. Great job of laying all out for us newbs.


Exactly what a tutorial video should be. Learned more from this than I did from the 50 other EQ tutorials I watched.

Also I have some conversation material for my next date.


ive been producing for like 5 years and never heard anyone explain EQ in such a detailed manner, very much appreciated! Keep creating :) 💜


Yeah this is absolutely a cut above what we'd normally find in "production tips" youtube.


I have never found anyone who could explain this so comprehensively and break it down in a way I could appreciate it. God bless you, sir!


As someone who studied Fourier Transform, convolution and the likes, I salute you for explaining those concepts quite clearly to your audience. Also - actually useful tips some of which I've never come across in the many youtube videos on production I've watched.


As a mechanical engineer and lead / rhythm guitar player, your explanation was incredibly awesome and insightful. Thankyou!


this tutorial is amazing and DEF fills a much needed niche in the community. 10/10


There are good teachers and then there are naturally great teachers. The only difference in effectiveness, is the naturally great ones possess the natural ability to convey information in a easy to understand and absorb manner. It's as if they can always recall their state of mind when they first began to learn about a topic or subject, so it's easy for them to reanimate their absorption process to new beginners, or even intermediates. This was a great video and taught me a lot about EQ that I haven't previously been presented with. Thanks again mate and keep up the great work! I'll 100% be back for more


WOW man. Thank you for making this video. Honestly, I put off getting an audio engineering degree because I figured all the information probably exists online somewhere. Not only has this video shattered my ignorance, but, strangely, I am not left with the feeling that I got away with something for free. I am deeply inspired to pursue a degree in this field. No hyperbole. I genuinely appreciate having my ignorance shattered. Thank you sincerely.


10:25 Tip1 - EQ parts create definition
12:29 Tip2 - Understand which parts of the sound you *need* and which parts you *dont*
13:30 clever thing with the guitar XD
14:28 Tip3 - Boost to find where the sound should sit in your mix
14:57 Tip4 - Listen
15:33 Have a good folder structure XD
16:56 Bonus Tip - EQ with your eyes closed

Thanks for the informative video man! Also I really appreciate those subtle jokes XD


Bro the distorted layer on your voice in this video is wild 💀 jaw dropped once i realized how clean that was? Idk if you were just hot on the mic but it sounded so clear with a heavy distortion under it. Sounded nice


these are genuine gold nuggets of information that many of the pro producers on youtube don’t give the time of day to. i’ve been looking so hard for this kind of info and the algorithm blessed me today


This is the best EQ tutorial I’ve ever seen and real things that will help me. Everything about your editing is great as well. I feel if it had examples of how sound was effected would be a great addition to the video.


It's totally awesome that you went through the relationship between FIR and IIR filters and how they affect EQ and then on top of that giving actual principled advice to help someone get good at listening. Hearing, "just listen to songs you think are well done" doesn't compare to the detail in this video. Great job.
