Tips for Paying the USCIS Fee After Getting an Immigrant Visa from an Embassy Green Card Interview

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Hi I'm John Khosravi Managing Attorney of the JQK Immigration Law firm helping applicants and immigrants from across the world come and live their lives in the United States. And today I want to talk about an important part of the Green Card process, if you're doing Consular Processing, you know the interview at the Embassy before coming in and when you get an immigrant visa. When your case does get approved and you're about to come to the U.S. it's very important to pay the USCIS fee, right now it's 220 dollars, as soon as possible before you enter United States, and that will allow the green card to be shipped you mailed to you much faster.

But one problem that happens when people try to go pay that fee is the numbers they're supposed to use the case number and the alien number sometimes don't work and they can't get past one of the first screens. So I wanted to help you out with some information on that. First of all you need your alien number, just that the A Number. It is usually nine digits. If you only have an eight Number alien number, add a zero to the beginning of it. You could find the only number on the immigrant visa itself. I have a picture right here showing where it should be.

Now other than that you have to have your Department of State case number and this is number you know the NVC number that you've been using and seeing a lot. It starts with the first three initials that are letters that represent the Embassy you went to. Then the year you'll see 20 something like 16, 17, to 18, 19 and then some more digits. Now when you look at your immigrant visa you might have more numbers at the end which makes the number not fit in that fee payment system for the Green Card. But what you do is use the three letters and then the 10 digits that come after that.

If there's more numbers after that don't include those, just those basic three letters 10 numbers and you're all set.

I hope that helps you complete the process and start your life in America. So until next one, have a good one.
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